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Team Advice? - Prepping for Corey


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So pictured below is my current team. Right now I'm grinding in the Beryl Ward, prepping for Corey's gym and any help would be appreciated:




Quilladin: Lvl 24

Ability: Overgrow

- Needle Arm

- Leech Seed

- Bite

- Rollout


Meowth: Lvl 25

Ability Technician 

- Fake Out

- Fury Swipes

- Feint Attack

- Pursuit


Zebstrika: Lvl 27

Ability: Motor Drive

- Spark

- Charge

- Flame Charge

- Thunder Wave


Growlithe: Lvl 25

Ability: Justified

- Fire Fang

- Reversal

- Close Combat

- Take Down


Tranquil: Lvl 27

Ability: Super Luck

- Air Cutter

- Roost

- Quick Attack

- Growl


Kricketune: Lvl 28

Ability: Technician

- Fury Cutter

- Sing

- Struggle Big

- Cut


Notable PC Pokémon

- Spoik: Own Tempo

- Helioptile: Dry Skin

- Starly: Reckless

- Stunky: Keen Eye

- Espur: ???

- Snubble: Intimidate

- Numel: Simple

- Trapinch: Arena Trap

- Trubbish: Sticky Hold

- Mightyenea: Moxie

- Mareep: Static


I'm open to making any swaps that could help make a good, viable story team! 

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depends on what field you get if it is corrosive mist field just get a flying type pokemon with gust so your pokemon will not get poison everytime because even if you heal it your pokemon will just get poisoned every turn or just simply get a ampharos(obtainable at jasper ward) and use electric terrain also evolve your espur it gets psyshock and its very powerful with 80 special also if your meowstic is male it gets prankster which allows status moves to go first so even if your pokemon is slower it will always moves first like using light screen(lv13) and reflect (lv 35)


BTW mightyena with moxie is very powerful

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Espurr definitely helps here. Quiladin, not so much. If you're fighting on a corrosive mist field, you can use it against him. I like to get a sturdy pineco on his crobat just to self-destruct and ohko it with the mist.

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