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You're entirely too sensitive, you expect everyone to coddle you as if you're some sort of emotionally damaged kid, which you're not. You attempt to act shy while bragging with only makes you come off as an asshole.

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How was that a mock? He just gave out his opinion, which the thread has stated?

Since he asked for honest opinions, he's going to get some negative some good.

Negative opinions are good, you use them to improve on yourself.

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I think Silver's a nice kid, but givin' him the positives isn't going to help him in the slightest.

Not going to barge in TOO much here, but just going to say that while it's good for him to realize his flaws, not saying what he's good as can just lead to something sounding derogatory.

Anyway, Silver, you're probably one of the people I know the most on Reborn, and probably one of my closest friends here. You seem to be a normal friendly person who be it in real life or on the server, has his troubles and happy times aswell.

You're a bit more sensitive than most people I see here, which usually leads to you saying "..." when somebody says something to you that seems a little harsh. I'd say that if it bothers you, don't waste too much time replying, because it might affect how you act to us.

When it comes to shit you've been through in real life though, I can empathise (well, probably) with some of the harsh things in your life so far, and can understand why you're in a strop when that happens, because hey, that's what it's like with all of us.

But stay mostly like you are, because I see you as a rather friendly and outgoing person once somebody gets to know you enough.

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I think you're a special person. I know that you'll like some attention (not attention-whoring, that's a different matter) and thus you go many ways to gain them, even revealing your girlfriend. (I'm shy so it bothers mee) and typos.

I also like how well you get along with people, and not troll people halfway like I do. Like, you'll go along with whatever your friends have in mind.

You're also a little too sensitive to what others think of you, thus you might exaggerate your impressions and become another edgy teen.

Welp, honest opinion given.

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Honestly, You're one of my best friends on here despite the fact we don't talk to much. But, You do have a lot of things you need to work on, But it's ok because no one is perfect and honestly...We all have plenty of flaws we need to fix anyways.

You're mature for your age which is a good thing but I really do think sometimes you are truly a little too sensitive. And don't think there is something wrong with that because the fact is if you weren't then you'd basically be just another one of those people that are looked upon as naive.

You're a cool guy overall, But really I don't think your life is nearly as bad as it is made out to be. You're only 14 and have more than experience than most your age, This is true. But I truly don't believe you mean any harm. Because you really are a nice person, But sometimes you let it get taken advantage of and I hate seeing that.

You've been through a decent amount, We all have, But I don't truly think any of us are old enough to truly understand everything and we probably never will understand it all but...Despite being a good guy, I don't think you should see things in your life as badly as you sometimes feel they are. And neither should any of us for that matter.

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