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Stuck in Rift.


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I'm stuck at the Carnivine Rift... I just don't know what I can do. I talked to the 2 south tangela but I just can't talk to the other 2. Maybe I did something wrong? I talked to the 2 tangelas twice, one when they were standing at the sand and one when they jumpled to that thing.



Edited by Kwstas
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12 minutes ago, Kwstas said:

I'm stuck at the Carnivine Rift... I just don't know what I can do. I talked to the 2 south tangela but I just can't talk to the other 2. Maybe I did something wrong? I talked to the 2 tangelas twice, one when they were standing at the sand and one when they jumpled to that thing.



Post in your save file and will see if I can manage to make you proceed froward.

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35 minutes ago, Kwstas said:

Thanks! This is the save file, right? 


I checked the Tangela, when I re-loaded the area the ones you you have on the top are stuck completely because they were moved correctly the first time, while the other 2 bottom can move normally.
I suggest that you use a back-up file to go back before you get inside the rift so you can put all the Tangela normally by talking to them once only, since you need all 4 to be lined up on top of the stage.

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2 hours ago, Aboodie said:

I checked the Tangela, when I re-loaded the area the ones you you have on the top are stuck completely because they were moved correctly the first time, while the other 2 bottom can move normally.
I suggest that you use a back-up file to go back before you get inside the rift so you can put all the Tangela normally by talking to them once only, since you need all 4 to be lined up on top of the stage.

Umm I'm so sorry but I'm not really sure how to use a back-up file so I would appreciate it if you help me a little more! 

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4 minutes ago, Kwstas said:

Umm I'm so sorry but I'm not really sure how to use a back-up file so I would appreciate it if you help me a little more! 

This should help.


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1 minute ago, Kwstas said:

Right, this is what I found too but have a look at this... Does that mean I actually have to start from the beginning? 


If these are the only 2 back-up save files then yes. Probably it is better then to have your topic posted in the save file troubleshooting thread, probably others with more exp than me can handle this situation better.

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