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Will EA's influence corrupt the upcoming Dragon Age 4?


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I played dragon age inquisition and loved it. There are just so may good things about it, I wasn't surprised when I found out it got game of the year. Fast forward back to now. EA has screwed up battlefront 1 and fixed battlefront 2 at the last minute and from what I've heard, they plan on making "Live Services" for the new Anthem game coming in 2019. Which brings me to my main concern, as another Dragon Age has been confirmed, and I'm getting more and more concerned that EA is going to concentrate on milking as much money out of it as possible, instead of making a fun game. Anyways, tell me what you guys think.

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There was already signs of it present with the fact that multiplayer was shoehorned into DA:l the game you've mentioned with how that was functioning as it was similar to how theMass Effect ones were being handled except, now that ME3 and DA:l are out of the way it seems like they are putting in those systems but with more emphize on the microtranactions part of them. We didn't really see it play out in ME: Andromeda cause well... that games died off real fast due to it's largely negative reception by the community so we weren't able to see how far they'd go.

Also further, nearly every gameget's"Game of the Year" somehow these days so it hardly means anything. lt's just a buzz thing rather than something of any meaning. Personally l still think Origins, or the first Dragon Age,is still the best of the series and always will be as they seem to no longer really care about making the kinds of RPGs that Origins was a loveletter too. The further this series goes the more it is pushed into being an action heavy RPG which we have a slewof these days. Origins, was a love letter or spritiual successors to the RPGs of yesteryear or Baldur's Gate and other lnfinity engie style games. So EA has already been infulencing the series from the start. Dragon Age 2 was a disaster area becuase EA forced Bioware to make a sequel to a full blown RPG in under a year and you can tell. lnquistion was clearly in some part a shift in philosphy as well though l can't fairly say that was solely EA's doing and that the company didn't want to make that style of game and were forced to, though... it's possible they were due to the poor overall sales of DA 2 and they had to go with a direction that was Popular and not a more niche type of game as Origins was ~~or apparently was.~~ and put into the Open World crae that's still going on to this day. 

The answer to this question... is they already have corrupted it. You should be asking "How far are they willing to corrupt it for the sake of corperate greed?" which we also sadly have the answer to with rhe fixation of "live services" that are made defunct after a few years to make a new versions you have to pay a 60$ premuim to get back into and the whole debacle with Battlefront 2. They are willing to sell all the soul of a game to make a quick buck,we already know this. Just have to hope they try to use DA4 to save their asses and buy back faith in consumers rather than try to pull yet another Battlefront 2 on us. But l have littlefait in EA to not do something ergreious and letting corperate greed sway their decision making, they already have on countless occasion and Dragon Age is a series they've already put their slimy fingers in. Trust me, they will do it again. To what extent? Well we'll have to find out.

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Most People who see this: Yes


Huk: An actual thorough and proper answer


Me: How has EA not gone out of business?


I'm not trying to berate you or anything, but if you really don't like what a company is doing, the best thing you can do is ignore them. If you give them attention, you are prolonging their life and even able to get away with this. EA is gonna do this because people let them. The moment their money becomes tight is when they'll actually put effort and give people what they want.

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