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Mono Grass Starter


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Hi all,  I've never really posted here but I've been around for awhile. I've completed three mono-runs to date, Ground in ep. 16, Dark in Hardcore(RIP), and Flying in ep. 17. I want to do a run which has a lot more challenge to it and since I can't stand Ice or Rock Pokemon that squarely falls to Grass. Plus since Fern is no longer mono-grass Reborn could use a new Grasshole.


Anyway I consider myself pretty well versed in Reborn/Pokemon but I am having a tough time deciding on a grass starter. The only grass starters that cannot be obtained later in the game are Treeko and Snivy. Contrary/Leaf Storm Snivy can be good but you can't get that for quite some time and even then compared to my dark run it feels like a poor mans Malamar. Treeko is pretty fast but I'm otherwise pretty meh about it.


I'm wondering if it is worth it to take Bulbasaur for the bulk or Chespin for Bulletproof which is pretty good early. Bulbasaur is unavailable until after Ciel and thats one of the toughest fights I'll have. Chespin is gained after Radomus and will be available for Luna.


So I guess I am wondering if I should take Contrary Snivy because it is a mon I can't otherwise get or if Bulbasaur is just too good to pass up early game.


Possibly of relevance, I do breed for moves and reset for IV's and do EV train my mons.

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You can get treecko after Ciel, but the sceptile line is pretty meh anyway


Snivy line doesn't need contrary to be good, overgrow with sub, coil, and seed is a good setup combo


I'd consider rowlet  (unique typing early, great in the fern mirror, good movepool, not obtainable until super late otherwise), chespin, turtwig, or snivy. Snivy's role as a setup sweeper can be duplicated by other mons like lilligant though, but its natural bulk helps. Chespin and turtwig are both useful because they get good coverage moves that grass types tend to lack, although torterra falls off as the game goes on. 


Chikorita is obtained really early even though screens own so it's not worth


Bulbasaur is pretty replaceable imo, there's other bulky grass like tangrowth and it doesn't get a good poison STAB.


I'd probably take rowlet

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poor mans Malamar? You do know that Contrary Serp is pretty much one of the strongest base starters there is (not including mega's) due to it's high speed and pretty good bulk, right? So yeah, Shiny would be a good pick

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only thing about contrary snivy is that its offense can possibly stink even worse than vanilla snivy as you can't buff it with growth unless you get the ai to use growl or something. This isn't an issue later on but early game it can be.  Before I lost the save I remember wishing I had used overgrow snivy at the start and then switching over to contrary later on via ability capsule, as contrary snivy can't take advantage of sun like regular can. Remember that growth on forest field and sun sharply increases offenses, which snivy is going to want to do in order to deal meaningful damage as it's not too strong otherwise.

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well i started with snivy line in my grass mono run i m currently doing(vsing sigmund soonish). reason being you cant get snivy in game from any events yet while u can get other starters from events. yes some of the events are quite far back but still there are lots of other grass types which are better than most of the starters which have events. plus it can be helpful for the first pulse tangrowth cause it will not spam acid spray on a countary servine/snivy. other starters will have a hard time vs pulse tangrowth other than bulbasaur and bulletproof chespin/quiladin. oddish,belsprout and roselia can handle pulse tangrowth.

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