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In my opinion.



good ones  : espeon , sylveon , vaporeon , jolteon , glaceon 


Viable ones : leafeon , flareon , umbreon



Sorry , couldn't put " bad " ones cause i love them so much 😞 

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Leafeon is actually quite nice with Nature Power, Swords Dance, Leaf Blade, and X Scissor / Sunny Day / Quick Attack. Umbreon is alright if you want to play defensively, put that's pretty unpopular ingame. Flareon is viable, but pretty flawed. Guts is nice with Toxic Orb, though.

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Great: Sylveon (sp def monster, great movepool/ability)

Espeon (Fast, super high sp atk, decently bulky, decent movepool)

Umbreon (unkillable, great support movepool, foul play for revenge kills)

Vaporeon (great defense, only 2 weaknesses, great support set, high sp atk)


Good: Leafeon, (workable moveset, fast, decent def, bad defensive typing)

Jolteon (fastest of them all, high sp atk, poor defensive stats, cant take hits)


Eh: Glaceon (atrocious defensive typing, low speed, which is bad for its stat distribution, super high sp atk and can be good for hail teams)

Flareon (bad distribution of stats and lack luster movepool, can be beneficial and workable with guts) 

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  • Veterans

Eeveelutions are my favorites in general, and it's hard to go wrong with whatever one you pick.

That said...

Jolteon and Espeon both make for good sweepers- they're both speedy and have strong sp. attack but have a hard time surviving physical attacks.

Umbreon can take a lot of hits, but doesn't attack very hard. Makes a great supporter, though.

Sylveon and Leafeon specialize in special and physical atk/def, respectively.

Flareon's a good attacker, but since it isn't specialized, its good sp. atk is wasted next to its far better physical atk.

Vaporeon strikes me as, y'know, fine. It can hit, and it can take hits, but neither of them are too remarkable.

Glaceon has fantastic sp. atk and great defenses... with an absolutely terrible moveset and significant type weaknesses.


so you should get an all eeveelution team that maybe doesn't have flareon or umbreon.

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From my personal experience:

Best one:

Espeon: i used her in many BW2 uber teams since she has magic bounce, works very well in sun teams

Good ones:

Vaporeon: physical wall and supporter

Sylveon: special wall and healer,  sometimes can be used as special sweeper specs

Umbreon: can be used as physical or special wall . (before BW it was a good trapper mean lock + baton pass)

Leafeon: fisical sweeper sdancer

Bad ones:

Jolteon: despite the very good speed, lacks of coverage, and wery weak about def and sdeff

Glaceon: nice satk and defences but slow and bad coverage

Flareon: nice atk but nothing else






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I ran three eeveelutions at first but quickly replaced them. The biggest problem is that their movepool is bad without TM's. You basically get zero coverage, only hidden power and for that you need the correct IV's - and even then it's only 60 base power without stab. Jolteon is severely crippled by only learning Thunder (miss) and Discharge, both of which suck especially for double battles. Sylveon only gets Moonblast and later Hyper Voice, both not really worth it as its speed is also somewhat subpar.


Espeon was definitely OP until about level 50. Then replaced it with Alakazam, which I then replaced by Gardevoir just for the extra coverage.

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