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Why is Onix so weak?


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I remember tv tropes has a trope called the fake ultimate mook or something like that, basically it's when an enemy who looks intimidating and tough ends up being a pushover or not all that much tougher than a regular enemy. It used to be called Level 5 Onix, as onix very much embodies the trope.


But I agree it's insanely stupid how this 20 ft massive snake of living stone hits no harder than a jigglypuff.  Perhaps THE primary example of a pokemon's design betrayed by its actual game stats.

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Relatable, I kinda like Onix and I've always been disappointed by his awful stats. A low Special Attack is fine and makes sense, but it could really use an Attack buff. Even Steelix doesn't hit that hard despite being arguably one of the most intimidating mons.

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Perhaps this is why: Onix is made to be fast with incredible defence, back in gen 1 speed meant LOTS of crits and being able to bind your opponent  before they attacked locked them out of attacks making onix great at that time, then in gen 2 when them more speeds more crits was gone he got an evo that further improves his defences.


@zelazko @Alistair


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Just now, Alistair said:

Even Steelix doesn't hit that hard despite being arguably one of the most intimidating mons.

Like it's already bad enough with Onix but steelix's unimpressive attack is what really gets to me.  I love his look but I always find myself disappointed how soft it hits compared to how it looks like it should be hitting. I feel it's a victim of early gen stat distribution, where stats that were passable back then simply aren't good enough now. 


I guess that's why it has curse  but MEH.

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I have a theory about that:


Onix is one of the first big Pokemon you encounter in the original RBY. Brock's Onix looks so badass when you first encounter it, so it is automatically seen as a threat. However, that makes it all the more satisfying when you finally defeat it. In other words, it's not meant to be good, but rather a spectacle. The anime making Onix look like a behemoth is another bullet in a long list of inconsistencies (like Pikachu hitting Rhydon's horn to damage it)...


...but what I can't get over is how Onix's attack stat is actually worse than Oddish's. If Onix sat on you, you would be dead lmao

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Basically outside of Gen 1 I believe Onix is only a first form so his stats aren't intended to be good but he might also be intended as a defencesive hazard setup who can also use great speed to trap fleeing opponents like Latias/Latios, Raikou/Suicune/Entei, Abra etc with his Wrap.

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Guest Relinquished

Only thing you can do, is to breed a 5 perfect IVs Onix and fully EV train it, in Attack, plus go for adamant nature... Then get yourself a nice, good old Steelix. That and/or mega evolve. It has decent Gyro Ball/Heavy Slam, Earthquake is always nice (by the way, pokemon to which ground moves are super effective, rarely have high defense or decent HP anyway, especially so electric types) and it is a defensive mon, in general.


Not one of the hottest pokemon to play with, nor in high demand either... But it works! Especially so, since its mega stone, can be obtained, as early as ep16!

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As others like @Filthy Casual and @ShadowStar said, Onix is meant to be an intimidating first boss. They really weren't focused on competitive balance duringthe early years of Pokemon. Besides, this question is a little silly. Why not ask why Pikachu is so weak. In the anime, he beats a Dragonite!! It's not like a Pokemon's stated or shown feats are even translated into gameplay. The Lati twins can fly faster than jets, but are both outspeed by an oversized garden snake, a yellow wizard with spoons, and a ninja frog with an oversized tongue for a scarf. 

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