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Looking for Larvesta.


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So way back when, I think when Episode 15-16 came out, I got insanely lucky and scored a Larvesta from my mystery egg (I named her Mothra >_>). Boy did I love that mon, she pretty much carried me through the fights with Charlotte and Blake. Unfortunately, my hard drive suffered a critical malfunction not long after and I ended up losing pretty much everything on it. Including, of course, my Reborn files, which I hadn't thought to make a backup of.

I've been trying on and off since then to luck out with save files but have come up empty each time, and as much as I enjoy the game, there're only so many times you can play the first six or so hours of anything without getting burnt out.


Anyway, the long and short of it is that I'd really appreciate it if someone could trade me one. It doesn't need to be shiny or have special IVs; I'm grinding up for Agate so that means I have plenty of time to breed. I've got a rather nice Roselia with four perfect IVs ready to go (plus a shiny Espurr with some not as but still serviceable stats- perfect Speed and almost-perfect attack among them). Or, if you're looking for something else special, I'd be willing to go to the effort of getting it to you.


My username on the trade is the same as on here. Much obliged!

Edited by Metrophor
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16 minutes ago, Metrophor said:

So way back when, I think when Episode 15-16 came out, I got insanely lucky and scored a Larvesta from my mystery egg (I named her Mothra >_>). Boy did I love that mon, she pretty much carried me through the fights with Charlotte and Blake. Unfortunately, my hard drive suffered a critical malfunction not long after and I ended up losing pretty much everything on it. Including, of course, my Reborn files, which I hadn't thought to make a backup of.

I've been trying on and off since then to luck out with save files but have come up empty each time, and as much as I enjoy the game, there're only so many times you can play the first six or so hours of anything without getting burnt out.


Anyway, the long and short of it is that I'd really appreciate it if someone could trade me one. It doesn't need to be shiny or have special IVs; I'm grinding up for Agate so that means I have plenty of time to breed. I've got a rather nice Roselia with four perfect IVs ready to go (plus a shiny Espurr with some not as but still serviceable stats- perfect Speed and almost-perfect attack among them). Or, if you're looking for something else special, I'd be willing to go to the effort of getting it to you.


My username on the trade is the same as on here. Much obliged!

Give me a couple mins and I'll find my extra one

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