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Wonderland Mafia(Day 6)


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  On 6/12/2018 at 2:34 AM, Jace Stormkirk said:

well i got role blocked so i didnt do anything


Another person getting roleblocked? That does sound suspicious. Please, @Jace Stormkirk, could you elaborate a bit more on what happened?


  On 6/11/2018 at 9:07 PM, DigitalAmber said:

i only tried to be a little funny and mysterious 😈. honestly, i know why you dont believe me Alaris, but please believe me
i'm really sorry for lying, everyone 😭 i am sharing a chat with mock turtle and they received the report. he asked me to help with my power 👀 


I think I know who you are. If that statement is true, the mock turtle must have had another report, from the first night, right? I guess the target flipped town? Could you tell us their name as well? (not the mock turtle's, but the N1 target). We'd have a confirmed town to rule out of the list.




Aaand I'm just gonna throw caution to the wind I've got two lives so this shouldn't be a problem


I do believe Nick is Mafia.


From the very beginning, his demeanour just seems... off. He has barely tried to scumhunt at all, when he is usually very active in the other games, under the pretext that there's nothing to work with. However, in that case, he usually pushes people to talk. In this game, he has just laid back and contributed the strict possible minimum. I have always seen him play as town. Therefore, I do believe that this change of attitude could be attributed to a change of faction. I'm quite sure that his mid-late vote on Candy yesterday (with no good reason, and when Drakyle's lynch was already almost secured) was a maneuver to avoid drawing too much attention. I will vote him for now, however I'll understand if y'all prefer to lynch Archeric first. The only thing I ask is for the detective to investigate Nick next night (that, supposing there's not a lawyer of sorts that whitens him).


[Eliminate] NickCrash

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I see people have undertaken much of the scumhunting, and honestly, without anything solid, Amber's games need to be played with caution.

At the same time, you could say I have a lot in my hands at the moment. So I'm going to bypass all the chit-chat and give y'all a proper target for today.


Let me tell you first 2 reasons why I'm the towniest of the sort

1) You see the dead L'Belle over there? My doing. He was a Ninja, he visited me, and I shredded him.

2) You see that Alaris over there? He's the Old Maid. I was the Old Maid yesterday and snatched his role away. So I became the bulletproof + samurai.

The Mysteries worsened my role by removing the second part. Now I'm simply a bulletproof.

You know, I could have kept this a secret and have you pass it down on someone else first, but now, I don't see the point in keeping you alive. 


[Eliminate] Alaris


With your lynch, I will be proven, and town will have more to work with. It's sad that we're not going to lynch a mafia first, but I'll kill what I can

@Corso @Caimie @Candy @Venus @Seal @Filthy Casual @Psychic Sheep @purplecicada @Archeric

@LykosHand @Mr. Knightly @Cataline @Paul25 @Bam the 25th @Jace Stormkirk

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Btw at first I was the Roleblocker (and his role is the Duchess, you're welcome)

Now you might understand now why I was so adamant that Drakyle was indeed roleblocked.

The Old Maid's role is called the Copycat.

Out of fear of a possible Coyote, I will not disclose the exact naming Amber gave to my role.

The rest is history.

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Perfect, that's what I was looking for, Gryphon. Worry not, I'm quite sure there's not a Coyote.


Obviously: [Unvote] NickCrash


At least now I understand the reason why you behaved that way.

We also know that the roleblocker is town.


However, you know? You are not considering something. Not like I'm going to say it unless you put me in a tighter situation, though.

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The "Mysteries" change your role's name entirely. This way the Coyote cannot find you.

The fact you caught the bait to disclose the name tells me I'm right not to let you pass it on. It was an attempt to take me down with you.

Pity, because you could have been saved.


I'm not sure how you intended to play this, but if you have any further info to support your case, I'm afraid you'll be in a predicament. 

I'll let the others decide about you. They have been pinged, and can reach their own conclusions.

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There is no such thing as a coyote. Do you really think that somebody would be asked to guess a name out of all the possible remaining characters of Alice's books? It's ridiculous.


How did I want to play this? Well, it's not really that much of a predicament. Only that this role may work in a way you haven't thought of.

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Lot of discussions and other stuffs have occurred since mid day 1 and I'll try to cope up with those.


Lord Drakyle's been lynched for no very good reason. Rip... 😞 

Umm, Jace voted Bean. Oh I misunderstood as it was written 'Beanus' which refers to Venus in Bean's context. Didn't thought that'd be Bean in your context. Fine then. Also, since you were role blocked, I'm suspecting you less for the time being.


Many suspects have aroused. It's weird to notice that most of the players disapproved Drakyle.

We are aware that most of the players who voted Drakyle can't be mafs as scums are careful, not reckless as such.


However, I suspect Newt as well for voting off Drak. It seemed like he was irritated and couldn't tolerate the vocal player and thus that's why he voted Drak. 


Today, A messenger emerges from wonderland and chats with us and tries to manipulate our votes toward Archeric. Unsure how they know it that they are maf. Better not pursue that claim.


Also, Alaris suspects Nick as Mafia. In order to counter Alaris, Nick provides useful information and succeeds in countering Alaris. 


Hereby, We come across the fact that Alaris is the so called Third Party Old Maid. 


Probably, Alaris is the best target to lynch for 2day then.

However, I think I ought to vote him then:

Eliminate: Alaris

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@DigitalAmber what was the result of my night action 😠

I read what i can from the previous posts and came to the conclusion that Alaris should be left alive, at least for now as he's contributing with info. i'll [Vote] Caimie

but i'll change my vote if something comes up

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  On 6/12/2018 at 1:21 PM, Paul25 said:

Unsure how they know it that they are maf.


Re-read their claims. They do say it.




Well, I'm bored now so I'm writing my defence for later:

Nick's right, he passed the Old Maid role to me. However, there's a main flaw in his reasoning: the Old Maid is not a threat to town. The Old Maid role slightly messes with town by switching roles, however it also may work to the town's advantage. As confirmed by @DigitalAmber (would you mind repeating it here?), the Old Maid's action will fail if a scum is targeted. So this role works exactly as a detective, with a small drawback: if the target's not a scum, their roles are switched. Nothing big, given that the Old Maid can even detect Godfather or Actress-like roles. Another perk is that if mafia ever wishes to kill the Old Maid, it only benefits town. So yeah, I don't quite see your point, Nick 🙂 




  On 6/12/2018 at 2:38 PM, Bam the 25th said:

I read what i can from the previous posts and came to the conclusion that Alaris should be left alive, at least for now as he's contributing with info.


Ninja'd. Thanks, I guess 😉 

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The Old Maid does not win.

They will have to change their role to that of a townie, thus forcing said townie to lose.

Ergo, it's going to be a threat for town at some point. Better destroy now and have 1 fewer 3rd party to worry about.


I'll wait for verification from @DigitalAmber for your claim, as normally the Old Maid can steal anyone's role.

Until then, it's as if this argument was never made. I hope you understand.

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  On 6/12/2018 at 2:48 PM, NickCrash said:

I'll wait for verification from @DigitalAmber for your claim, as normally the Old Maid can steal anyone's role.

Until then, it's as if this argument was never made. I hope you understand.


I don't quite see your point here. You won't change your vote anyway. I mean, you're trying to appear to be the one actually asking Amber to post it here. Wow-- if you were not a confirmed town, you'd be rocketing to the top of my scum list now.

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The Old Maid would not steal a Mafia(Not Third party, they aren't exempt) role due to the game breaking issue of the new old maid learning everyone who is Mafia except for 1 person. The maid would just have to steal a town role and proceed to name all of the mafia except for the one who joined through old maid powers. 


TLDR- Old maid cannot steal a mafia role due to balancing. 

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tl'dr hi


In that case, it's good enough. 

@Alaris you almost complimented me there.

Aren't you glad we're sharing info and finding out more about each other?

The vote stays until I get a better target. That's only fair. 

I'm not trying to appear anything. You'd have to understand why I'm not taking your words at face value.

You confirmed me, and I showed your role. However, at some point, the Old Maid needs to be eliminated, that much is certain.

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I gave Alaris the role of the Old Maid, whilst stealing his, and saving my ass in the process.

You may choose to eliminate Alaris now, or have him transfer the Old Maid role to another, in hopes of catching a mafia.

At some point the Old Maid will have to be eliminated, because the person who has it cannot de facto win.

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Tbh I'm still inclined to believe that messanger's claim that Archeric is mafia because I summarized that he was suspected and afaik he didn't try to defend himself and went away presumably to think of how to defend himself.

By how Filthy is supportive of Archeric's survival, I'm also inclined to think they're mafia unless Archeric winds up being town.

Moreover I find Corso, Jace, Seal, Venus and Caimie's lack of contribution puzzling mostly because they're not giving me anything to potentially scumread them.

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@Psychic Sheep

how much do you want to keep your mouth shut

With nothing known about anyone, do you really think the people providing most info would stage a fight with each other?

Besides, I already killed L'Belle. 

It's bound that Alaris and I cannot work together. And it's usually him that lashes at moi. ~flashbacks from battle royale~



You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.

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