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[Town Wins!] Danganronpa: Life Keeps Killing Mafia


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@Mr. KnightlyI had to do the whole speech, otherwise it wouldn't be complete. Bear with me.


The system is exactly the opposite. We vote for the first ruler, and then they appoint the following. It's essentially nepotism. Just like in Reborn City.


In order to reach Lia's votes, I'll [Vote] NickCrash

I urge you to support my cause to kill the bear and restore order to this place.



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@EvioraIs it not too early to make accusations based on wordplay?

It would indeed be impossible at this stage for me to provide a surefire plan to eliminate our (I hope common) opponent. Yet, as every mayor knows, once you receive the office, things are different than what you expected. Thus you are tasked first with organization and then with execution. 


If what you try to ask is whether I can make the best use of my people's abilities in pursuit of a town-win, I can only promise I will try. 

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Well, it seems you're going to win regardless. But aren't you the one focused on wordplay? You talk about the office of mayor, but that's not really relevant at all, is it? All the "mayor" does in this game is gets a doubly-powerful vote. Therefore, the mayor should be someone who is especially equipped to discern truth from lies. Do you feel you fit that description, and, if so, why?

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25 minutes ago, andracass said:

In my experience, the person best able to find and tell the truth is also the first person to die.

I do die early a lot these days, be it N1 or N2. Yet, I don't think people are under such a false impression. They just don't like dealing with me.



I believe my mention of the office is obvious to be flavor. As you said, all the mayor gets is a double vote. 

As for your question "the mayor should be someone who is especially equipped to discern truth from lies. Do you feel you fit that description, and, if so, why?" I have no obligation to answer it. It matters not what I think of myself. If others believe me to be fit for the job, then I'll try to prove them right, at the best of my capabilities.


If you wish to imply that you are superior in reading people, then by all means best of luck in your campaign.

Even if you don't get the position of mayor, you can still assist town with your findings and deductions, given of course that is your alignment.



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Guest Sparkin'

Well, we're not forcing you or anything.


Also, it would be nice to survive past Night 1 this time. That's a message for you, Mafia.

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Day 1: Results!


Eviora (3) - Eviora, Alistair, Corso

Walpurgis (3) - Jace Stormkirk, Purplecicada, Walpurgis, 

Mr. Knightly (2) - Paul25, Hypurr

Candy (1) - Candy

Andracass (2) - Psychic Bean Sheep, Andracass

NickCrash (6) - Bok Choi, Lykoshand, Mazino Divergent, NickCrash, Mr. Knightly, Venus

With that, is the new Protagonist! Be nice to him, puhuhu!


Also, @Caimie, @Hypurr, @Corso, you 3 have been very naughty! Certainly, you wouldn't want to get REPLACED just because you don't do anything? Well, i'm nice and gave you a warning, puhuhu!


Anyway, it is now nighttime. Be sure to send in your night actions, and I will be very pleased! You have 24 hours for this!

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Day 2: All rise for the class trial!





''Ahem. It is now daytime. Something may or may not have happened, puhuhu!''


This worries you. What could have happened? You all decide to search the school, when you suddenly find Aoi's body in the kitchen. She is dead, for certain.





''Oooooh, this despair is so contagious, eeeheeeh! I can't wait for more despair to come!''



''AHAHAHAHA! The class trial will begin momentarily. Time to find out who murdered Aoi Asahina, the ultimate Swimming Pro!''


Alistair was found dead. He was Aoi Asahina.


You now have 52 hours to discuss who are the blackened and vote them! Votes are formatted the same way the protagonist vote is formatted, [Vote] L'Belle. I just want to mention the minimum post requirement of 2, but i'm sure you guys can do that. Good luck with finding out the blackened!

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@Mr. Knightly thanks to you I got to notice the phase was changed.


This is a terrible start. Alistair is a great player and he also happened to be a power role. 

For now we'll have to wait. Everyone will have to post at least twice, so we'll have material to work with. 

If the first day passes without significant progress, we can push specific people, based on their comments.


@Venus do you happen to be the Jester? Would you mind being lynched during the day?

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@NickCrash I am actually the jester and was hoping that you might be willing to hang for the support I gave to your campaign. I didn't mention it before cause I didn't want to get in the way of possibly hanging mafia but yeah it is me. So for now pls help!!!!


[Vote] Mr. Knightly

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Guest Sparkin'

I will...


EDIT: Ah, a friendly jester has appeared. [Vote] Mr. Knightly

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