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[Town Wins!] Danganronpa: Life Keeps Killing Mafia


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You don't need to remind me about the votes. Mea culpa.

You can really go back and check if I am honest about that mistake, hence forgetting your vote on Candy.



Why would Dive be junko? He did say to check the votals...


I'm really resisting the urge to be a dick (again). 

In the role list, I mention a player as Vanilla Mayor.


edit: ^
This is not a quote. I just messed up with the bb-codes.

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What? Where did 'Dive is Junko' come from? I'm thinking there are two possibilities:


1. Junko died and someone who's still alive didn't counterclaim a death.


2. Junko's still alive specifically for the reason that nobody has had to counterclaim a death.


Either situation means we wouldn't be able to pinpoint exactly who Junko is yet :thinking: 

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I don't quite know what mafia member is what role yet, but i'm tempted to say that Nick is Junko. It makes sense that his slightly incorrect notes (that are also weirdly fixated on me) would point to another character being Junko.

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Would you be interested in taking over the role of the mayor after my untimely death?

I'm afraid you'll convince the vig to kill me, and thus make it harder for town to win.



Also "I am fixated on you??"

You are the one questioning me, dear.

I know you accused me of being a hypocrite before, but aren't you feeling it right now, even just a little?

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oh god the walls of text again 😰

I find Eviora's arguments plausible, and the more i look at it Nick seems suspicious, Paul seems suspicious as well, as i dont have much energy, well less than usual because of fasting i'm sorry for not contributing

for now i will [Vote] Nick Crash

how can you convince me that you're town Nick?

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@Bam the 25th

You mean except for all the walls of text you'd have to re-read, the fact that I roleclaimed, found 2 mafia so far, am trying to place as much info together and organized in order for us to find proper targets to lynch, and the fact that the arguments against me are paper-thin?

Not much.

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Ok, I sense something fishy going on, for a couple reasons, and Nick is dropping fast on my list with that claim.


If I understood correctly with all the hints you've been dropping, you are claiming Sayaka (the vanilla role) and are thus claiming Dive is Junko.


1. Why wait until now to counterclaim? You could have done this much earlier and it would have been much more believable. It's not like Sayaka is a priority role for maf to target. You could have given us info that 'hey, there are less maf around then you actually think'


2. Dive scumhunted really hard, almost singlehandedly eliminating Nicki. If Dive was on the same team as she was, why would he so readily and eagerly bring down Nicki when Venus' initial arguments we're so weak? 


Another explanation is if you know who the actual Sayaka is, which I don't know how you would know.

Pls explain.

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@andracass Do only explicit statements count? If yes, yes.

@Bok Choi I kinda did when the first comment of the day was mine saying "Jace and Dive are possible Junko play"

I just waited to see if anyone would catch that bait, and try to bring it up as a subject of discussion, in which I'd have a better read on them.

That's also why I keep asking people to read-read-read what I wrote.


Let me provide something I believe works.



A functioning plan™


Current no. of players=10

(Bean, Corso, Lykos, Cass, Amine, Evi, Bok, Nick, Paul, Lia)

Phase 1: Lynch Paul and shoot Corso

> This works in the case Corso is not the Vigilante

Next day, we will have 1 fewer townie. Or 2. Or 1 townie and 1 mafia. Depends on who Jace chose.

Let's go with the most realistic scenario; 1 fewer townie.


no. of players left: 7


> In case of Corso being the Vigilante, I'd ask him to shoot Amine

He seems way too happy to follow suit on Cass's vote, yet references Evi, to incite her support.


no. of players left: still 7


Phase 2: If either Paul or Corso are mafia 

AND Cop is alive,

Cop reveals all knowledge.

If both Paul and Corso are mafia

wtf are you doing, we won ggez


If neither is mafia, then mafias= Amine, Bean

However, since you all will be adamant in lynching me, and you'll be all the more desperate, I'm willing to die.

However that will have to be with the Vigilante being alive, so that we still have the ability to win. Otherwise, we're going to be short of people really fast.

Although I really doubt it, since I think at least 1 of Paul/Corso is mafia. 

So in the case of the Vig still being alive, I say you hang me tomorrow (in case Paul AND Corso are town), and then have the vig kill either Amine or Bean

Then we'll have the power to vote the final one and win, as I will have given my Mayor ability to a confirmed townie

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Nick you are avoiding my points, and you're looking really suspicious rn.

[Eliminate] Nick

You haven't explained yourself as you so claim, and there are a LOT of holes in your roleclaim. Answer two questions if you will:


1. Why did you not help town by claiming earlier?


2. How do you explain Dive's behaviour when he aggressively went after Nicki who - according to you - were on the same team.

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@Bok Choi

1. First of all, I indirectly did, by saying that one of them is Junko. I told you my reasoning as for the timing; I wanted to catch a slip-up by a mafia who would think to use this as an opportunity to get town-cred. I proceeded to explicitly state my role, because I kept telling Cass to read carefully and got frustrated by people not reading what others have said. I stand by my decision.

Moreover, I remember telling you that "what if he was mafia? would you still want him around?" when you commented on Dive's death.

Don't you remember that statement?

2. Looking back, Dive made the same argument as Venus. He supported Venus's original idea and bussed Nicki, because she was obviously acting as mafia. I used my knowledge of her general playstyle and that's why I voted for her. Do you remember why you voted for Nicki? I think you got swayed by Dive's arguments more than mine. 



Nicki claimed a power-role, in hopes of being saved, when already accused and voted.

I claimed my role, having already soft-claimed before, and I had no votes on me before that (edit: except for yours)

The two are nothing alike.

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So my tactics in both cases are going to be similar.

Nicki claimed Mondo. Either she was telling the truth and wasn't worth voting for, or she was lying and the vigilante was going to kill her.

Now you have claimed Sayaka. If you're telling the truth and Dive is Junko, there's no reason to vote for you. If you're lying, then the vigilante would know that they didn't kill Dive, and would kill you.

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They are free to do so.

But because I know that they must have killed Dive, I designate Corso as the most scummy target for them. 

I have given a quite detailed plan with suggestions to the vigilante.

Granted, it makes some assumptions, but I can't know 100%. 


In fact I'll leave it completely up to them by removing my vote on Corso.

[Unvote] Corso

[Eliminate] Paul

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Are you sure you know that? What if on N2 (I think xD) the mafia killed Hypurr and the vigilante killed Junko disguised as Hiro? Then there would be no inconsistency with you believing you're Sayaka, Lia being Byakuya, and the mafia having killed Dive, the real Sayaka.

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