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Some recommendations


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Primarily this was in the post about Tips for how to beat a Gym leader, but nobody anwsers, so if someone wants to help me to improve my team (and defeat Titania) you're wellcome (and if someone indicates how exactly catch a Nincada I would be much more grateful)



Swampert LV 82

mystic water


Rain Dance






Magmortar LV 82


Vital spirit



Lava Plume

Thunder Punch

Confuse Ray




Scrafty LV 80


Zoom Lens

Shed Skin


High Jump Kick


Rock Smash

Rock Climb


Metagross lv83

Clear Body 

Twisted Spoon

Meteor Mash

Bullet Punch

Hammer Arm

Zen Headbutt



Torterra LV 80

Miracle Seed

Shell Armor




Wood Hammer

Giga Drain


Togekiss LV 78

Serene Grace


Air Slash

Moon Blast

Aura Sphere



In rotation: Drapion, Crobat, Venusaur,  Vaniluxe, Sivally(only with fighting memory), Grumpig, Gyarados

PS: If someone suggest some good moveset for each of my pokemon (Especially for the first six, plus Crobat, Drapion and Sivally)


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In order to find nincada, you have to use rocksmash in wasteland.

For the pokemon sets:

Swampert ice punch > dive. (when will be released Swamperite, Mega swampert with rain dance has to sweep fast since has only 4 turns, and dive make u lose time)

Magmortar: atm there r not many tms for him, since i would run flamtrower thunderbolt focus blast psichic, but atm u can still try a sunny day + solar beam heat rock as item

Venusaur: if u run Magmortar sunny day, chlorophyll + growth set it's deadly. Then solarbeam (or gigadrain) venoshock (sludgebomb when will be realeased) and earthquake (also this move when will be realeased)

Torterra: stone edge > gigadrain. (if u dont like wood hammer recoil u can use seed bomb)

Scrafty: dragon dance it's a must, i would run: dragon dance crunch drain punch iron head

Silvally: i used him a lot and fighting one it's very good. I use multiattack shadowclaw flame charge and iron head

Crobat: brave bird cross poison x scissor


One thing, or better 2 things. 1) I notice you use all the HM, I suggest u to remove them and use the mod that allows u to use them without teaching. If u don't wanna use the mod simply ignore the sets i gave u for swampert and scrafty

2) brave bird dragon dance are 2 eggmoves, with the same mod said before u can teach them by move relearner.




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On 5/28/2018 at 4:20 PM, Ghost141 said:

In order to find nincada, you have to use rocksmash in wasteland.

For the pokemon sets:

Swampert ice punch > dive. (when will be released Swamperite, Mega swampert with rain dance has to sweep fast since has only 4 turns, and dive make u lose time)

Magmortar: atm there r not many tms for him, since i would run flamtrower thunderbolt focus blast psichic, but atm u can still try a sunny day + solar beam heat rock as item

Venusaur: if u run Magmortar sunny day, chlorophyll + growth set it's deadly. Then solarbeam (or gigadrain) venoshock (sludgebomb when will be realeased) and earthquake (also this move when will be realeased)

Torterra: stone edge > gigadrain. (if u dont like wood hammer recoil u can use seed bomb)

Scrafty: dragon dance it's a must, i would run: dragon dance crunch drain punch iron head

Silvally: i used him a lot and fighting one it's very good. I use multiattack shadowclaw flame charge and iron head

Crobat: brave bird cross poison x scissor


One thing, or better 2 things. 1) I notice you use all the HM, I suggest u to remove them and use the mod that allows u to use them without teaching. If u don't wanna use the mod simply ignore the sets i gave u for swampert and scrafty

2) brave bird dragon dance are 2 eggmoves, with the same mod said before u can teach them by move relearner.




Mate, where is such wonderful mod that allow me to remove HMs? But for example, do I still need to have for example a Poke who has rock smash to break the crystal? In the case of Crobat, it has already this moveset minus Brave bird, should I substitute for Acrobatics or Fly, which one should I discard?

Also, mind you share your thoutghs about put a Magnezone or a Rotom in my team?

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This is the mod link, it's very simple to install. And no with that mod u can use all hm u have in the box without a specific pokemon. For example for using fly sometimes i use gengar xD. Btw for crobat y acrobatics works well too, remeber to dont let him hold any item. Rotom and magnezone r very good mons, (when i will succend in get a Masterball i wanna hunt rotom with good ivs).

For rotom i think the form depends mainly on the team, i usually prefer the water form, good bulk and satk.

Magnezone too it's very good, if u have to use him for the story line sturdy it's the best ability. But if u have to choose one of them i would use Rotom-water over scrafty.

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