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ReOpen 29th, ReRegistration


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As you have doubtlessly guess from the title, we now have a tentative date for the league to re-open, that being the 29th of November.

Truthfully, we would be prepared to open a full week sooner, were I not- and surely others with me- being whisked away out of state over fall break where I cannot be at all sure that my internet connection will be stable, and where I am quite sure instead that my schedule will not.

That said, this means that it is time to (re)register your teams! But before you go off and jump into the new registration topic there is something returning challengers should be aware of:

If you post a new team in the registration topic, you will lose all of your badges.

Instead, returning qualified challengers should take the form from that topic and post their new team in their personal Challenger topic.

From there, I will copy it into the Registration topic personally, meaning once you post your new team, it cannot be edited.

Please note, there is no expiration on this chance for qualified teams, but you only get one change. In other words, if you haven't settled on a Gen V team that works for you yet, there is no rush to register anything, but once you do register it, it is set in stone, so choose wisely.

However, if you have yet to earn a badge, or do wish to start over, then by all means go ahead and post in the registration topic yourself.

New challengers who posted Gen V teams in the old registration topic will be asked to move their posts as well.

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Please note, there is no expiration on this chance for qualified teams, but you only get one change. In other words, if you haven't settled on a Gen V team that works for you yet, there is no rush to register anything, but once you do register it, it is set in stone, so choose wisely.


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oh Fun work time~ and as for my team it'll be turned in late. I still have testing to do with pokes but considering I have no gym leader to battle.... lol. Also I need to work on a versatile team since I wanna take on the X league but I need to discuss that League with Ame more. whenever you wanna Ame~

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