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Beginner Questions


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Hey all, pretty sure this is the right place to post this?


Just finished up the second gym (what a doozy, haven't lost yet though), and had a couple questions:


1. If a pokemon were to pass the level limit mid gym-battle, like if my Linoone had hit level 26 in the Flobot fight, would it stop obeying me then and there, or would I at least get to finish the battle first? I wasn't sure, so I had to incorporate exp splitting into my strategy so it wouldn't level up and it made things pretty tense.


2. Can I catch Trapinch and Roggenrola relatively soon? Don't tell me where exactly, but maybe a ballpark estimate of how far off I am?


To end, just wanted to say the difficulty in this game right now is great, I love how well done the level curve is. Even with 5~ pokemon right now, it feels just right. 

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1) if the cap is reached mid-battle, prepare the normal gamble of whether your mon will listen to you or not


2) I think Trapinch was moved back even further in Ep 17 (where it was available sometime after the 5th or 6th(?) badge earned, though I might have heard wrong and it's still there.   I think Rog won't be for a while, until after the 8th badge is earned, unless it's available before 7th street.

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1) Yikes, good thing I split the exp then, might've cost me the match if I didn't...


2.) Welp, the sandstorm team dream is delayed~ My rag tag group will survive until!


Thanks for the advice, though I will say beginning to disobey mid battle is a bit lame since I assumed level cap was where you wanted to be. I'll shoot for ~2 levels under from here on.

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  On 5/29/2018 at 6:24 PM, Wolfox said:

roggenrola is available before the 6th gym iirc, trappinch I don;t know


it's been a good while since I went through the game, if that wasn't obvious enough.  I vaguely recall it in the mountain cave but all the caves start blending together after a while

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Trapinch is obtainable before the sixth gym via trade. It should be moved back next version because dragon dance makes it insane but devs might disagree


Roggenrola is from an event before the 9th gym. You'll want to breed it and use the egg due to a quest much later in the game, though. It used to be obtainable in the wild in previous versions where it didn't have sandstream

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