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Despair is Fun. A Madoka RP(OOC/Sign ups)


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It wasn't so long ago that you were living the life of a normal young girl but that all changed when one day you were approached by a strange cat-like creature that called itself Kyubye. It offered you a simple deal For you to become a Magical Girl and fight things called Witches in exchange it will grant you a single wish of your choice. A Deal that you took for your own reasons. After the deal you found yourself imbued with powers you could have only dreamed of and what you do with them is your choice the only things that the creature named Kyubye has said to you is to defeat the creatures known as witches and use the thing called a grief seed that they leave behind to clear your soul gem of is darkness or else you will no longer be a magical girl.



So I hope you liked my little intro not much to go off of I know, The Basic stuff you need to know is that this is a Madoka RP in which you play a recently made magical girl with the mission to fight witches. If you don't know what Madoka is I suggest watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica at least up through episode 3....or just google it but seriously is a good show give it till episode 3 before you make your decision on it. It will throw your head for a loop..


So how will the game be played? Well, that's simple. There are two main sections for the game one is your basic freeform RP section where you do any training if you have EXP for it talking with other PCs or NPCs in a none stressful situation.....or a very stressful situation. You can also use that time to track down where witches are hiding at which brings us to the next section of the game the Witch Hunt. In this part, your characters are Hunting a witch through its Labyrinth where you will encounter not only the witch but familiars of it as well(you can also encounter the familiars outside of Labyrinth well searching for witches). These encounters (as well as another thing) will be using a system that I made for the game(with lots of help) to resolve them(which you can read how it works on the discord for the game). So thats the basics of the game you still here after that? If so then time for everyone favorite things the character sheet.


Discord link I highly suggest you join us there if you haven't already. https://discord.gg/qM4srPM

Edit: This link to the discord should be permanet if it doesn't work pm me on here and I'll get you one.


There is no limit to how many players I want for the game so feel free to join. just keep in mind if your not active for two or more weeks your character might lose their head. 


Edit: Thing i forgot to say this game will support PVP.


Character Sheet


Name: Your characters name 

Age: somewhere from 12 to 15

Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: What your character looks like and how they look when they transform.

Personality: Your character's personality is actually important for things.

Your Wish: The wish your character made when they made the deal with Kyubye.  Important Read Spoiler under this before choosing your wish.


So yes you can choose any wish you want but do keep in mind that Kyubye tends to offer the deal when someone is in a very emotionally vulnerable state or actually dying. It rarely gives the girl that much time to think it though. So all I ask of you is to think about what your character would make in such a state. A note on wishes other than that.  I will interpret what powers it will give and will give you a small mechanical benefit from it as well. After that what you do with the information is up to you. That's the point of skills. IF you don't like what I end up picking for your character's powers your free to talk with me and we can work things out.  


You can also stop here and wait until I have decided on your powers from the wish before continuing into the actual number parts of your character


Backstory:  Just a Brief overview of your characters life up until now. Not required and doesn't need to be to long either 



Durability: How much damage your body can take. You can take injuries equal to 2x this stat. and your Hp is equal to 10x this stat.
Magic Limit: How much magic you can use before you start taking corruption. Your limit is 5x this stat.
Soul Gem Purity: Your maximum soul gem purity. Once purity reaches zero you become a witch. Your maximum purity is 100x this stat.
Utility: How much stuff can you do.  Your skillpoint total is 1x this stat.


All stats start at 1. You have 5 free points to allocate during character creation. You can spend exp to raise stats further, with each level in a stat costing twice that level in exp. For instance, to raise a stat from 2 to 5, you'll need to pay a total of 24 exp (6 to get from 2 to 3, 8 to get from 3 to 4, 10 to get from 4 to 5).


Skills are abilities you can do that don't cause corruption. They have a value that gets added to your total when used. Each skillpoint lets you create a new skill with a value of +5, or add an additional +5 to an existing skill. You cannot have a skill with a value above +20 at character creation.

Derived stats:  Just so I don't have to look thing up 



Magic Limit:

Soul Gem Purity:





And I hope you enjoy the game. 


Keep in mind general RP rules apply as well to the game. 

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Reserved for stuff.


Accepted Characters.

Valerie Schmidt (kj1225)

Junko Yamada (GM_3826)

Rika Furude (Amine Chankey3ft7)

Tsukihashi Kageharu (King Murdoc)

Elizabeth Maridox (GodofGamingRWBY)

Yuli (Hal Henderics)

Roselyn Dalton (Cronos5010)

Rosemary Moon (Endlessblaze)

Iva (StormLord)

Ana Thanatopolis (DragonRage)

Yoshirou Haruki (KosherLexi)

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Name:  Valerie Schmidt

Age: 15

Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Valerie is a slightly pudgy girl of average height for her age. Her nearly white blonde hair is somewhat long and is typically not held back unless she's working. Her eyes are blue. She's fairly pale due to spending most of her time indoors. She tends to favor darker dresses and stripped tights. 

In magic girl form Valerie's hair style changes to a halo braid. Her dress is a two piece one that goes down to her knees, the skirt is black with suspenders while the upper part is white. Over the shirt she wears a black jacket. Her soul gem hangs from her neck on a black choker, with the gem itself resembling an iron cross. She wields an M1911 handgun which she will helpfully point out is actually one of the many imitators, though it's one that's higher quality.

Personality: Valerie tends to be quiet and serious to the point of missing statements made as jokes. She does get excited when topics that are of interest come up, the main one being history.

Your Wish: Valerie was contracted one night when a faulty electrical wire combined with a gas leak caused a large fire in her house. The fire wasn't in the path her planned exit route however so Valerie got out safely. The same wasn't true for her parents who were still stuck inside. It was then that Kyubey approached her with it's deal. She didn't hesitate, wishing to "Be able to save her parents."

Due to the wish being easily solvable from just becoming a magical girl Valerie is stronger and more durable than your average magical girls she also seems to have slight control over water. Mechanical benefit She gains a +2 to her durability stat

Backstory:  Valerie's life was never very interesting, she's the only child of two Museum curators who got married. Her life wasn't very notable beyond her parents pushing her to get into reading at a young age, which grew into an addiction that would make her teachers both annoyed and happy. The only thing of note is the fire that nearly burned down her house. No one was permanently harmed but it Valerie has been acting a little different since then...


Durability: 3 +2 
Magic Limit: 1 
Soul Gem Purity: 2 
Utility: 3 


All stats start at 1. You have 5 free points to allocate during character creation. You can spend exp to raise stats further, with each level in a stat costing twice that level in exp. For instance, to raise a stat from 2 to 5, you'll need to pay a total of 24 exp (6 to get from 2 to 3, 8 to get from 3 to 4, 10 to get from 4 to 5).


Skills are abilities you can do that don't cause corruption. They have a value that gets added to your total when used. Each skillpoint lets you create a new skill with a value of +5, or add an additional +5 to an existing skill. You cannot have a skill with a value above +20 at character creation.

Blocking: +10 to block incoming attacks.

Liquid Gun: +5 to using Liquids as bullets.


Derived stats:  Just so I don't have to look thing up 

HP: 50

Injuries: 10

Magic Limit: 5

Soul Gem Purity: 200


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Name: Yuli


Age: 15


Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Wearing A thick Blacksmith's Apron, their Soul Gem is attached to their left side, by a belt.


Personality: A Punk, straight up.


Your Wish: "To be the Smartest person in the whole world!"


Backstory:  A punk who gets in trouble often, they were bullied by smarter kids until they couldn't take it any more.



Durability: 3
Magic Limit: 1
Soul Gem Purity: 2
Utility: 3+2


Skills are abilities you can do that don't cause corruption. They have a value that gets added to your total when used. Each skillpoint lets you create a new skill with a value of +5, or add an additional +5 to an existing skill. You cannot have a skill with a value above +20 at character creation.

+10 Brain Blast!: The user has heightened intelligence.  Occasionally, this leads to sudden and sharp insights, when inspiration strikes.

+5 Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel: Incredibly Explosive.  Perfect for rockets.

+5 Power Lines: With a bit of tech, it's easy enough to steal a ton of power from the city grid, if there's some power lines nearby...

+5 Napalm: Sticky Flaming Hellfire solves many problems.

Deprived stats:  Just so I don't have to look thing up 

HP: 30

Injuries: 6

Magic Limit: 5

Soul Gem Purity: 200



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Here's my character:



Name: Junko Yamada

Age: 14

Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Junko has long black hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. She is short and thin. Her magical girl outfit consists of a black mini dress with white frills and black thigh-high boots.

Personality: She’s nervous, but on the surface she looks calm and ready. Junko is someone who’s learned to suppress her emotion to the best of her ability. However, she is nearly always stressed, and unfortunately sometimes this boils over. Junko frequently suffers from panic attacks, and she doesn’t work well under pressure.

Your Wish: Kyubey first approached Junko during her finals in her last year of middle school. It’s at this point, before an extremely difficult exam, that Junko would finally snap. If the incubator had not arrived, Junko likely would have shut herself off in her room and never left it again. Kyubey sensed immense emotional distress and offered her a wish. “I wish that I didn’t have to worry about school anymore…”


You can make illusions after all the easiest way to not have to worry about something is have something else handle it. Down side the illusion cant really interact with things but there good enough to fool almost anyone. Mechanical effect you gain the free skill "illusions" at a +10

Backstory: Junko’s parents were very conservative. Unfortunately for Junko, this meant that they had her take additional classes and placed more pressure on her then she could really bear. She also suffered from bullying as a child thanks to her shyness, all of which have led to Junko becoming a very anxious individual.



Durability: 2

Magic Limit: 3

Soul Gem Purity: 2

Utility: 2



Perception +5

Stealth +5

Illusions +10


Derived Stats

HP: 20

Injuries: 4

Magic Limit: 15

Soul Gem Purity: 200


Edited by GM_3826
Fixed my magic limit.
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Gently pets her Miles


Name: Roselyn Dalton

Age: 15

Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Roselyn is a young woman of average height and build with tanned skin and gentle hazelnut eyes. She often keeps her long blonde hair in a ponytail, preferring to only let her hair down for special occasions, and for her daily showers. She prefers to wear primarily red and formal looking clothing,  and her magical girl outfit could be best described as a monochromatic version of what she was already wearing with a wizard's hat of varying rigidity on top of her head, and her soul gem hidden between two...things in the form of an onyx heart hung on a pendant styled to look like a rope.

Personality: Roselyn is a genteel and genial sort, the kind that regularly stops by to ask about your day to try and segue into a pleasant conversation meant to while away the time and uplift your spirits, someone who always tries to see tries her best to make her presence a bright point in someone's day, someone who is practically the worst nightmare of anyone who genuinely wanted to be left alone.

Your Wish: "To have a pet as nice as you are who will never leave me"



RustyTengo: You were given a creature similar to the one who granted your wish. Although this one was black not white and only seems to make a Kyu sound instead of taking. It seems to react to protect when your threatened . it also seems to changed based on your thoughts. Mechanical effect you gain the free skill "Familiar control" at a +10.

Backstory: A young kid who had recently lost a good friend and supposedly life long companion in the form of their black short haired Miles who is secretly struggling to cope with their loss and newfound sense of loneliness. Although she is unfortunately very good at hiding it.

Earned 4 from beating Bear flower

Spent 2 to raise Sou Gem Purity to 2.
Durability: 2
Magic Limit: 5
Soul Gem Purity: 2
Utility: 2
Familiar Control +10: (read Rosalyn's wish for details)
Familiar Mimickry +5: Allows Rosalyn to cast enchantments on her familiar to allow parts of it to mimic the properties of other materials, such as allowing his skin to be as strong as titanium or his bones to be as durable as limpet's teeth.
Persuasion +5: Exactly what it says on the tin, allows Rosalyn to attempt to persuade people and other magical girls alike.

Derived Stats
HP: 20
Injuries: 4
Magic Limit: 25
Soul Gem Purity: 200

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Name: Rika Furude


Age: 14


Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Rika has dark purple hair, and redy purple eyes. She's fairly tall and thin. When she transforms into magical girl appearance she wears a pink hat and dress, and wears white-and-pink-striped stockings and shoes and bows of a darker shade of pink, almost red. She also wears black long gloves. The aforementioned bows are to be found in her hair, on her hat, on her dress and on her shoes.


Personality: Rika is generally cheerful, sweet, and supporting. She would help her friends to the best of her abilities.


Backstory:  Rika lived happily whith her parents until she turned 11, thats when she moved in to live with her uncle, who treated her as a servant. But no matter how dire her situation was, Rika kept her smile, and she didnt loose her hope. When she turned 14 Kyubey appeared to her, and granted her a wish, she said " I wish that i can help people to the best of my ability, so that they can stay happy, if i see their smiles that'd be amazing"


Durability: 2
Magic Limit: 2
Soul Gem Purity: 3
Utility: 2



Healing: +5

Searing Light: +5

Shield of Light : +10

Deprived stats:

HP: 20

Injuries: 4

Magic Limit: 10

Soul Gem Purity: 300


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Posting a work-in-progress thing so I can just come back and edit it. Cheers! 



¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ мoe ѕaĸυraмacнι ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸


Age: 15








"I don't know what I want! I just want to be happy with myself...!" 



Pending. '


Durability: (...) (HP = x10) 

Magic Limit:  (...) (x10) 

Soul Gem Purity(...) (x10) 

Utility: (...)



Bó Staff Proficiency (...) 

Leadership (...)



Edited by Jeane
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Sheet probably done




Name: Tsukihashi Kageharu (born Tsukihashi Akemi)
Age: 14

Appearance: Somewhat short-cropped brown hair and dark eyes. Kage is on the short side of middling height, having a build best described as wiry, though this is often hidden by his wearing of baggy clothing with a lot of coverage. He is fairly athletic, enjoying physical activity. Clothing, other than the aforementioned aspects, tends to be fairly simple, with few, if any, designs. Occasionally seen wearing truly garish combinations of colors, however.


When transformed, Kage wears a red vest with a white blouse underneath, whose slightly frilled sleeves come down to just above the elbow. He also wears a fairly simple red blindfold (which is occasionally slid up to simply become a headband.) His hair becomes much longer and rather spiky in the front, coming down to about the same height as his stomach in the back. A belt with a large metal buckle holds a pair of sturdy black pants and a skirt overtop these, though the latter seems to be entirely decorative and somewhat annoying to the wearer. The buckle itself holds a brownish-red gem set in the center. Finally, a pair of stylized steel-toed boots pokes out from the legs of the pants.


Personality: Kage is a rather straightforward individual. Though not unintelligent, he tends to take very direct approaches to solutions, usually going with the first thing that comes to mind. He quite enjoys social interaction and is generally quite friendly, but his bluntness and bluster can be offputting; he projects an image of extreme self-confidence, striding toward any challenges head-on. However, he has recently been rather quieter and more irritable than usual.

Wish: "I just want to keep myself alive!"

Backstory: Born to an engineer and a physicist fortunate enough to land jobs working within the national space program, Kage, then Akemi, grew up in relative comfort. It was often thought the child might grow to be of the "delicate flower" variety, first due to the young Akemi's attraction to the arts from a young age and somewhat later the neurological condition that caused a deterioration and eventual total loss of his sight by about age 7. Despite this, he tried as hard as he could not to lean on the assistance of his parents and the fair amount of money they had available in school (often refusing help he likely should have taken.) 


All of this ceased to matter, at least in Kage's eyes, about a week ago, though. On a routine trip to the grocery store, the Tsukihashi vehicle was struck by a truck experiencing brake failure on the interstate. The accident killed both of Kage's parents and mortally wounded him, giving him just enough time to seek desperate help from a small, white, catlike creature... 


  • Durability: 3
  • Magic Limit: 3
  • Soul Gem Purity: 2
  • Utility: 2


Keep Yourself Alive (-): Self-healing can be performed at no cost.

Strength Enhancement (+5): Boosting one's physical power in bursts via magic.

Athletics (+5): General physical fitness and skill at physical tasks such as running and climbing.

Derived stats:  

  • HP: 30
  • Injuries: 6
  • Magic Limit: 15
  • Soul Gem Purity: 200


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Still work in progress and totally not an expy of someone. The fuck you talkin' about?



Name: Elizabeth Maridox


Age: 15


Appearance: For her age, Elizabeth is fairly tall, standing at 6 feet in height, with toned, palish muscle. In addition to this, she has messy, black hair that goes down to her waist, with one eye being covered up by a particularly large bang, the other visible one being bright purple. Her outfits tend to be simplistic and heavy, often incorporating a heavy coat in it.


Magical Girl Outfit: When transformed, Elizabeth notably gains a white, metal butterfly pinned on the left side of her hair, right above her ear, a large, black trench coat, left open without any buttons, a folded collar, and folded sleeves to reveal her hands, which are covered skin tight black gloves, which almost go all the way to her shoulders. As for the rest of her outfit, she wears a sleeveless black shirt (generally unnoticeable due to the coat), and black dress pants, finishing it off with dark grey combat boots. Her Soul Gem is merely kept as on a brooch, pinned right above her heart.


Her weapon is capable of being summoned directly to Elizabeth's hand, and is more or less a 10 foot long, simplistic scythe.


Personality: In general, Elizabeth is a very laid back and friendly girl, often going out of her way to help out other Magical Girls as long as she gets a shot at killing some more Witches. However, if pressed, she is particularly ruthless in combat, and doesn’t take Magical Girl infighting kindly.


Your Wish: “I wish for the freedom to travel the world how I please.”

Grants her two skills at +5, "Flight" and "Wind Magic".


Backstory: For a long time, Elizabeth lived a fairly dull and average life, one that she had a special kind of hatred towards. Because of this, despite it being decent living, Elizabeth had a notable depression when unable to do anything new, but enjoyed being able to experience new sights and locations. So, it wasn’t much of a surprise that when Kyubey showed up to give her a “free wish”, she took that opportunity with open arms, wanting nothing less than to travel and experience the world.


Of course, that wish came with a price. The price of having to hunt down Witches. Most would’ve found this a curse, but Elizabeth found it fun and exciting, as she was able to travel and kill things to help other people. However, there was still a long way to go before she did anything more than simple Witch Hunting...


Durability: 2
Magic Limit:
Soul Gem Purity: 2
Utility: 3



Scythe Mastery (+15): Despite her scythe’s enormous size, Elizabeth is still capable of easily swinging it around at high speeds, sometimes with one hand, turning a good sized area around her into a near death zone at times.


Flight (+5*): Elizabeth's primary mode of transportation, allowing her to freely fly where she pleases.


Wind Magic (+5*): Elizabeth's primary magic, the ability to control how the wind around her moves, to a limited extent.


HP: 20
Injuries: 4
Magic Limit: 10
Soul Gem Purity: 200



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Name: Rosemary Moon

Age: 12

Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: A small girl with Green eyes, and Red hair.  Her magical outfit is A black top and skirt, with grey and silver flecks of glitter sparsely scattered on the latter, Her hair also binds itself into a ponytail in this state, and its held in place by a band with a cracked skull on it. The almost demonic black glow from its right eye makes pepole looking directly into it feel cold. Her soulgem is held in a pentagram pendant which hangs from her neck. Her doll also somehow appears, regardless of where it was before, And becomes chained to her sleeve. Its fabric darkening. Its eyes glow red, and its body radiates darkness, whenever rosemary uses her powers.  Naturally, this only adds to the aura of creepiness and unease rosemary puts off, but you would be hard pressed to sense any malice in its glow.


Personality:  Rosemary is nice, but at times, she dosent really seem to be all there. And many would call her...in a word. creepy. Between her habit of sneaking up on pepole and just...staring, and the way she constantly seems to talk to her doll or muttering to herself. or just...staring. 

Your Wish:  "I wish dolly would talk to me more, and would be safe from harm"


when you sleep you dolly moves around and you find it hidden in random places away from harm in the morning. During the day you can swear that it talks to you though no ones else seems to be able to hear it and some times the shape of you dolly appears in the shadow of people when its not around you. Mechanical effect you gain the skills "Shadow control " at a +5 and "Inanimate Possession" at a +5


Backstory:  An orphan who never talks about her past, and is distant from the various other children at the orphanage she lives at. She has a reputation for being weird and creepy. And so is typically avoided. Even some adults seem to become uneasy around her. And muttered half formed rumors circle in the dark.  No one even seems to know what country she is from.


Durability: 2 How much damage your body can take. You can take injuries equal to 2x this stat. and your Hp is equal to 10x this stat.
Magic Limit: 3 How much magic you can use before you start taking corruption. Your limit is 5x this stat.
Soul Gem Purity:  2 Your maximum soul gem purity. Once purity reaches zero you become a witch. Your maximum purity is 100x this stat.
Utility: 2 How much stuff can you do.  Your skillpoint total is 1x this stat.



Shadow control +5
The user can control shadows

Inanimate possession +5
The user can posses and control inanimate objects


Damage hex +5

The user does something to there doll (Setting it on fire, throwing it in front of an attack, stabbing it) , and the damage it would have caused is shunted over to a target, The amount of damage the symbolic effect actualy does is determined by skill value plus limit spent


Dance of the puppet +5
The user binds there doll with threads of magic, and forms a symbolic connection to a non-witch target in range, granting them the ability to puppet there body around, and use there abilities. A check must be made in order to establish control



Derived stats: 

HP: 20

Injuries: 4

Magic Limit: 15

Soul Gem Purity: 200



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Name: Iva

Age: 12

Appearance: On the short side even for her age, she often get referred to as “perpetually seven” by her older relatives, much to her dismay.  She’s got blue eyes and fair skin and hair that comes down to her shoulders. She generally wears long sleeved dresses or lighter clothes and a sweater or something similar, except on the hottest of days due to being constantly cold.

Magical Girl Outfit: A heavy, long sleeved, blue and white dress that falls just above her knees, thick white stockings, and snow boots.  Her hair shortens some and turns a shade of bright blue that matches her dress, while she summons and scepter of ice that she can use to direct her attacks.

Personality: Quiet, shy, and scared of lots of things, Iva has never been one to jump ahead, or run around wildly, or deal well with seemingly endless storms and dwindling supplies of food.(even if they were actually perfectly fine on food)
So you see she hadn’t really thought about the whole “Fight extra dimensional monsters” part of the contract through when she made her wish

Your Wish: "I wish this storm would just go away"

And the next day the storm was gone and you know where a magical girl with the ability to create and shape ice. Mechanical Effect you gain the free skill "Ice Magic" at a +10.


Backstory:  Her and her parents are on extended vacation to “Someplace warm and nice after that dreadful storm”


Durability: 2

Magic Limit: 1

Soul Gem Purity: 5

Utility: 1




Ice Control II(+10): The magical ability to create, control, and manipulate ice.

-Ice Spikes I(+5): A slightly more refined form of the jagged and sharp ice formations created when the user is scared or angry.


Derived stats:  

HP: 20

Injuries: 0/4

Magic Limit: 5

Soul Gem Purity: 500/500


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This is going to end exceptionally well, or exceptionally badly.


Name:  Ana Thanatopolis 


Age: 13


Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Ana is very pale, with dark eyes and no hair.  She owns a large assortment of wigs, most of them in vibrant, anime-style technicolor, and draws her eyebrows on with makeup.  Her magical girl outfit resembles bright pink hospital scrubs, partially due to her powers, partially due to the results of her wish, and partially because before her wish she’d almost never seen people wearing anything else.  Her soul gem is attached to a blank nametag placed over her heart while transformed.  Her costume comes with a big bag of medical supplies emblazoned with a blue cross (if it was red that would be copyright infringement) that always seems to be well-stocked, at least when she transforms.


Personality: Ana firmly believes that anything is possible, and that the world is fundamentally good.  She was given a second chance at life, and so wants to give others the same opportunity she had.  Breaking through her optimism and relentlessly positive attitude will take a lot of brute force, if it’s even possible.  She’s also extremely easily distracted or impressed, being almost completely lacking in practical experience outside of a few specific areas.  This is probably not a combination conducive to survival if you don’t have super-powers that make you substantially harder to kill, so it’s probably a good thing for all involved that she does.


Your Wish:  “Mr. Hallucination, please make the pain go away.”  Ana can heal injuries to herself or others for the cost of 10 instead of 20.  She gains the free skill “Healing +5”.  Also, her c4nc3r has been cured.


Backstory:  Ana was born in Greece, and before she can even remember was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia.  Modern medicine kept her alive, and the internet kept her from being entirely isolated, but she has lived all her life in a hospital bed, and by her thirteenth birthday was very certain she would die there too.  And soon.  She had moved to the area from Greece in hopes that an experimental new treatment illegal in the European Union would finally cure her.  The night after it failed, Kyubei appeared before her, and thinking he was a hallucination from the painkillers, she asked him to push the morphine button.


Instead, she was somehow, miraculously cured!  Well, mostly.  It didn’t make her hair grow back.  Seems like even magic squirrels can’t completely beat chemo.  Well, if bizarre hallucinations give you super doctor powers, become a superhero!  That’s how it works in the real world, right?  She saw it on TV, so it must be true.  Why would anybody broadcast fake news?  Her parents have attempted to explain to her that Iron Man is not in fact real, but they're obviously lying.  Who else could have cured her cancer overnight and then given her super healing powers?


Durability:  2
Magic Limit: 2
Soul Gem Purity: 2
Utility:  3 


Healing +20

Derived stats: 

HP:  20

Injuries:  2

Magic Limit:  10

Soul Gem Purity:  200


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Name: Yoshirou Haruki


Age: 14


Appearance and Magical Girl Outfit: Short, dark red (nearly black) hair, sharp black eyes, and an unremarkable height. Even before his wish, Yoshirou was fairly androgynous and his features haven't changed much since.


As a magical girl, his body changes back to that of a girl and his hair grows out to shoulder length, with a white floral hairband (the flowers being red of course) added on top. His outfit is a white sleeveless dress with a red bow on the front, a short pleated skirt, large openings on his upper back and the sides of his stomach, and a very low cut exposing a large amount of cleavage. His feet have tall white sandals. His right hand has a chain bracelet which attaches to his middle finger, with his deep red soul gem suspended between them on the back of his hand.


Personality: Yoshirou is a pragmatic individual who focuses on dealing with whatever is directly in front of him. He tends to avoid performing tasks that aren't absolutely necessary, though he makes an exception for his hobby of building model airplanes. He can be tough to get along with, but his happy nature makes his friendship worth the effort.


Your Wish: “All I want is to be a boy.”

Backstory: Yoshinou Haruki had always felt uncomfortable in her own skin. Her body didn't feel right and she was stifled by the social norms attached to it. Yet she had no way to change it, and so became resigned to her fate. That resignation soon turned to helplessness and depression, driving her to the top of a building that she had every intention of throwing herself from.


That was when the strange, catlike creature called Kyubey revealed itself to her. It offered her any wish she desired in return for her services fighting against monstrous witches. She had only one desire, and she would happily sell her soul to the devil to achieve it, asking Kyubey to grant her wish was a no-brainer.


The next morning, Yoshirou awoke to find that he had been a boy his entire life, no one had any recollection of Yoshinou Haruki. His old life seemed like little more than a bad dream, but the real nightmare was only just beginning.


Stats (9/9, 0xp)

Durability: 1

Magic Limit: 1

Soul Gem Purity: 6

Utility: 1



Bodily Reassignment +10. Yoshirou can alter his body to grow just about anything out of his own flesh


Replacement Therapy -. Yoshirou can rapidly restore his body, allowing him to recover from injuries much more easily than other magical girls, costing him only 10 Purity.


Derived stats:

HP: 10

Injuries: 2

Magic Limit: 5

Soul Gem Purity: 600


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