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pokemon you hate for personal reasons


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I think everyone has that one that you hate. To design, in game expirience ect. 

For me this pokemon is bruxish this thing can go to hell and burn in the inferno for eternity and beyond,why you may ask.

I have a condition called bruxism it means If I don't have a mouthgaurd in my mouth at night I run the risk of grinding my teeth down

knowing its happened before just makes me sad so for this reason I want nothing to do with psychotic psychic punk since its based on the condition.

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Oh boy, here we go.


I have two mons I want to talk about specifically. One of them won't really bother many of you, but I know for a fact the second one is going to piss a fair amount of you off. Either way...




For those of you who don't know, Cradily is my least favorite Pokemon, and it all comes down to a personal experience I had with this thing. I was eight years old when Pokemon Ruby came out. Naturally, I gravitated towards Mudkip, and ran through most of the game with it. Eventually, however, I got to the Elite Four, and ran through everybody...


...except for THIS PIECE OF SHIT!


If you were a little kid like me who didn't bother training other members of your team, as well as picked Mudkip, than Cradily is the true final boss. Keep in mind, I didn't think about revives whatsoever, so I entered the battle with none. I had to waste my time waiting for a critical hit or freeze with Blizzard. It also doesn't help that not long after seeing this thing for the first time, my grandpa passed away, so it also happens to remind me of a dark time.


Nowadays, Cradily isn't a problem, but that one bad experience is enough to piss me off to no end. Fuck Steven's Metagross; this thing is the actual threat.







I despise this thing. Usually, I prefer tanks, but I'll make an exception here, as I really hate how bulky this fucker is. Lugia to me is more of a crutch than anything. You use it if you want to cause pain and misery to your opponent. In fact, to this date, Lugia is the Pokemon I have the most trouble catching, as the fucker always spams Recover right when it hits red.


I don't care if it's beloved by the community, or if it's a competitive monster, or how it has two movies and a miniature anime arc dedicated to it. Fuck this thing.


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toxapex. fuck toxapex three ways into hell where it will burn for eternity while I will sit and watch with a smile on my face. If you didn't know, I hate stall with a passion, to the point where I can't respect it as a playstyle (I see it as the camping of Pokémon. while a "legit strategy" no1 likes it outside of the people who play it, which usually is a pretty big minority of players), and guess what Toxapex is made for, STALLING. Recover, Regenerator, Ferothorn defenses, more than enough stalling moves, see where I'm going here? But the worst part to me is that it has an ability I legit like. Merciless. However, it's completely wasted on Toxapex because it will only attack once every 100 turns. Ferrothotrn was never a stall mon but a Wall mon, when you give something like that amazing stall potential due to Recover and Regenerator you're just making a mistake that no1 can fix for you.

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Oooo. This ought to be a good 1. I'm not only gonna say this because it's true but I wanna see how many people wanna kill me after I say this. Btw, it's quite a list but I can shorten it up in a couple of words.


That's right. I HATE them! And weirdly enough, Idk why. Some of them look cool, some of them have good stats but I just hate them all. And again, I have no idea why but Lunala is the only 1 to get passed that. When Sun and Moon came out, I used that on my team and I am always (and I seriously mean ALWAYS) against using Legendary Pokemon on my teams.

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there are two pokemon.

two creatures I hate so primordially, science never found a way to explain it.

two monsters so disgusting, satan himself must have called together all his acolytes to create the most concentrated evil he could think of.




this motherfucking piece of shit. octillery would probably not even be in this list if it were not for an...incident between the two of us. you see, ive never particularly liked octillery, but you might be shocked to hear that there was a point in time where I didnt hate it, until a cursed heart gold randomlocke. I nearly made it out deathless, for the first time in my nuzlocke career. nearly. only two deaths happened.

both deaths were by an octillery. not even the very same octillery, different octillery. one was used by eusine, the other by archer.

dumb piece of ass, but at least this one is uncommon enough to stay out of the way for like my entire life, partly due to the fact that its absolutely shit at battling, partly due to the fact that nobody wants octillery, they just catch a remoraid to evolve their mantyke. the following mon is nothing alike to this creature.






I believe I have a post somewhere that already details why alomomola is everything that is wrong with the world as it is currently. and I believe I found that post again.

reasons alomomola should not be liked by anyone

1. its a dumb piece of shit
2. look at its fucking face
3. why doesnt it evolve out of luvdisc
4. why is it so bulky
5. soak toxic I swear to god
6. its too stupid to ever feel pain, thus it never dies
7. regenerator
8. its a dumb piece of shit
9. its design is based off the mola mola fish
10. http://pastebin.com/yr81nbPV this is the mola mola fish
11. alomomola is even dumber than the mola mola fish
12. it still doesnt evolve from luvdisc
13. it still doesnt die
14. it pollutes the unovan waters
15. its responsible for global warming
16. its a dumb piece of shit
17. it invented racism because nobody had any reason to hate anything other than alomomola
18. everyone still hates alomomola
19. just look at the favorite pokemon thread
20. more people have put alomomola in here than in there
21. luvdisc is still waiting
22. day 3 and im still trying to kill this fucking fish
23. how is it still alive
24. please just die
25. recent studies show every time a new alomomola is born, a person develops anxiety
26. anxiety fucking sucks
27. alomomola also fucking sucks
28. that fucking name

seriously though. delete alomomola, gamefreak.

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Chansey/Blissey. Come on those pokemon are the devil with a angelic face. It's from emerald battle tower they annoy me so much with those damn high hp and sdef. And 5th gen introduce of eviolite didn't helped at all -.-. Every time i break a stall with Chansey/Blissey in it, i feel myself realised 🤣

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Guest Relinquished

There were LOTS of pokemon i used to hate. After Reborn and Rejuvenation sucked me in, though, i (learnt to) love them all! Everything has its usefulness, now!

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Cresselia, fikken sailor moon. I like using Cress, she has always been used on my trick room teams. But god damn I was on a  48 win streak in the battle Maison, and then I ran into this trainer that had a bright powder minamize toxic stall cresselia. Needless to say I had nothing to beat it and I lost. It was a slow and painful death to my streak.

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When I play Pokemon on my consoles, there really wasn't a Pokemon I hated. Sure, there were some that I didn't use or found unappealing design-wise, but there really wasn't a Pokemon that I truly hated.


But then something happened: Reborn.


As all of you know, the early version of Pokemon Reborn was so hard that the current one can be seen as a joke compared to it. And there was a certain admin that had a Pokemon that would sweep my team after all the work I put in with hax and stupid special attack.


The Admin?


Image result for taka reborn


You probably see where this is going, right? The Pokemon I developed a true hatred for is this mofo.



Image result for chatot wins lol


It's not even that I hate it as a Pokemon. Chatot has a really great design imo and is a great gimmick Pokemon with moves like Chatter and Boomburst. It even helped you escape from the Nuzleaf cage. I wouldn't even mind using it on my teams. The issue I have with it is when I have to battle it.


Chatot has a stupid speed stat for early game. INCREDIBLY STUPID.




Its speed stat is only surpassed by its special attack. Attacks like Chatter could OHKO your Pokemon and if they are lucky to even survive, you suffer from Confusion from it. There was nothing more irritating and mortifying than getting hit with a Chatter, surviving with a sliver of health, getting confused, and hurting yourself in confusion thus fainting. Losing a buttload of money from blacking out only added to the salt in the wounds (I didn't save as often back then -_-).


I feel like I get Vietnam-like flashbacks when I see that Pokemon on the other side of the field......tch.


Dammit Chatot.


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Chatter is such a stupid move early game it's ridiculous. Coming off chatot's stats too?  It's absurd. Turns every fight into a coin flip or a bloodbath.  I hate the early fights with taka, if only because of chatot.


Diggersby is my choice. I detest diggesby.  Bunnelby was cute, but then it evolves into this shit-faced monstrosity  and UGH. The dirt beard is just gross, its stupid expression makes it look  like a moronic jerk, it looks fat and lazy, the ugly girdle fur,  its color scheme is hideous and its entire design just lacks any charm. It's a shame because the concept is neat, its typing unique and it's one of the better early rodents in the franchise gameplay wise, but oh my god the execution, nope. I can not get past its design and no matter the artist or presentation diggersby just looks downright repulsive to me. Even its cry sounds gross. And like...bunnelby was kind of cute. A bit derpy but it had some charm. Then diggersby just totally ruins it. I hate this thing. It's my most hated pokemon. More than Golbat(who at least has crobat to look forward too, and more than barboach(whose crime is being excruciatingly boring), Digegrsby is a whole league of suck in its own.



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11 hours ago, L'Belle said:

Incineroar. They ruined a cute cat Pokémon (Cats are my fav animal)

Hi yes exactly this. I didn't like torracat much either but they could have worked with it. Why they had to make it standing and ugly is beyond me

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Most bug type because I am scare of bugs in real life, even butterfly. Though most bug type starting gen 5 looks fine to me, the one that creeps me out and I hate the most is beedrill and mega beedrill. It still gives me shivers whenever I look at it in game. 

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Walrein. Yes. As Random As This May Sound, This Guy Haunts My Nightmares. OK, Not Really, But I Still Don't Like It. So, One Time, My Neighbor Let Me Borrow His Pokemon White 2 Cartridge, And I Was Trying To Get The Shiny Haxorus Gift Before I Had To Return It. I Got Really Close To Seeing All The Pokemon, But Then There Was Walrein. I Tried And Tried Throughout The Various Pokemon Games I Owned To Get A Walrein And Trade It To White 2, But There Was No Hope. I Wasted Like 2 Hours Trying To See All The Pokemon... Only To Have Walrein End My Quest...


And Then, About... Maybe 5 Months Later Or So, I Was Doing An Omega Ruby Nuzlocke. And Glacia's Walrein Got Sheer Cold To Hit My Azumarill. Bad Times. This Walrus Can Burn In A Fire For All I Care.

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I hate tentacool and zubat. Can't you leave me alone!?


I also have bad history with Entei. I can easily catch Suicune and Raikou but this Entei is too much work! I remember spamming soft reset to get it because if I don't catch it in first meeting, it'll gone forever.

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I don't mean to step on anyone's toes but I'm with Wolfox in regards to stall as a "playing style". It's a bane to the most important tennets of competitive gaming experiences: enjoyement and sportsmanship. Stall at it's essence, is fun at the cost of someone else's fun, so I find it incredibly unsportsmanlike, and the smug attitude of most stall players I crossed paths with is absolutely repulsive. It makes me cringe how they always talked about their "strategy", oblivious to the fact that in pokémon, stall strategies are the easiest to pull off and stall pokémon are so straightforward in use that they seem to have been designed for idiots, really. 


Still, I do love some pokémon like Milotic, Skarmory, to name a few, that sadly have the ability to be quite stally but, Toxapex and Chansey, being the most consummate and over used stall mons, sit as my number 2 and 3 most hated pokémon. Plus, Toxapex is an asshole to poor Corsola 😾.


Number one however, is Incineroar, because it's supposed to be based on a tiger. A TIGER.

Something that slow, weak and hideous, is an insult to the ever glorious, and sadly, ever waning predatory majesty that lurks in the frozen forests of Siberia and  lush jungles of Asia. 

Seriously, a creature that is slower than freaking Blastoise - a turtle, and weaker than a pig and a rooster should never be likened to this: 









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11 hours ago, Princess Titania said:


Walrein. Yes. As Random As This May Sound, This Guy Haunts My Nightmares. OK, Not Really, But I Still Don't Like It. So, One Time, My Neighbor Let Me Borrow His Pokemon White 2 Cartridge, And I Was Trying To Get The Shiny Haxorus Gift Before I Had To Return It. I Got Really Close To Seeing All The Pokemon, But Then There Was Walrein. I Tried And Tried Throughout The Various Pokemon Games I Owned To Get A Walrein And Trade It To White 2, But There Was No Hope. I Wasted Like 2 Hours Trying To See All The Pokemon... Only To Have Walrein End My Quest...


And Then, About... Maybe 5 Months Later Or So, I Was Doing An Omega Ruby Nuzlocke. And Glacia's Walrein Got Sheer Cold To Hit My Azumarill. Bad Times. This Walrus Can Burn In A Fire For All I Care.

I know you want to burn it in a fire but they don't burn that well especially with think fat.

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Back when I played Ruby, I had a nightmare about Shuppet and have hated the little fucker since. I can't explain it but I hate it.


Also, this is (mostly) not design wise, but gameplay wise. I hate just about every normal type Pokemon. They're useless, boring, and I hate them. I'm sure people can do fun things with normal types, but... they're all garbage to me. I personally have a bad time playing with them because I find them so damn boring.

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I truly dislike the Pikachu clones: Plusle, Minun, Emolga, Pachirisu, Dedenne, and Togedemaru...


Why? Because none of them evolve or have prior evos. I know it's a silly thing to get hung up on, but I can't help it. Evolution is one of my favorite aspects of Pokémon. Even single stage evos like Minnccino I enjoy just because the can transform into something! With the Pikachu clones I just see wasted evo potential! I can only imagine how neat an Emolga or Togedemaru evolution would be! Always have my fingers crossed! 

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