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Who Is Your Least Favorite Character In Pokemon Reborn?


Least Favorite Pokemon Reborn Character?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Is Your Least Favorite Character In Reborn?

    • Lin
    • Fern
    • Solaris
    • Blake
    • Other (Please Specify In Comment)

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14 hours ago, Nightzer said:

You all dislike meteor leaders, I think Solaris and Sirius are OK, lin is too much. But there is one character that I don't like, it's Radomus, this man is not trustworthy remember that he still have the Anna bracelet, and why did he took El as his butler if he knew he would betray him? Then comes Fern and Blake, I can't stand the fact that they are still trying to show their big di** after the beat-up we gave them. Heather because she is a little pest, Bennett bc Luna is my target 🙂 I don't like Arclight either he thinks he is the center of world 

With regards to Radomus, I'm on the fence. He's enigmatic for sure and a bit eccentric, but I wonder if the reason he invited El in to become his butler was to figure out what the hell was going on with El and Luna. Luna's behaviour with regards to El is clearly abnormal, and Radomus is partnered with a talking Gardevoir whose career is in information/journalism. They might have known something was up and accepted El in to keep an eye on him, and to find out more about him in case something happened to Luna. The age-old adage: keep your friends close but your enemies closer. It's easier to watch your enemy (or, for example, influence/restrict their ability to act) when they're directly under your fingers. And Radomus has been proven to be a tactical genius -- his entire field is chess-based.


So I do trust him. Not massively, but I do trust him.

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I'm gonna go with Adrienne. Weakass character who can't properly decide between either Radomus or El. Just pick a side dammit, no need for pussyfooting about.


On top of that, his team was a pushover,his gym puzzle is a non-challenging joke (all you gotta do is talk to everyone), and he seems way too much of a Gary Stu.


Like seriously? he gets back to the city and somehow the city is magically fixed? 10 years without him and the city stagnates, and about half a year with him back and the city flourishes? Blegh


And the NPCs can't stop praising him. 


It's annoying. 


Fern and Blake are hilarious, and at least they have real flaws like real people.

Edit: Why the hell did someone edit my post?


Don't edit my post please. I'll use whatever pronouns as I like.


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On 6/3/2018 at 7:44 AM, DiamondTiaraIsBest said:

I'm gonna go with Adrienne. Weakass character who can't properly decide between either Radomus or El. Just pick a side dammit, no need for pussyfooting about.


On top of that, xyr team was a pushover, xyr gym puzzle is a non-challenging joke (all you gotta do is talk to everyone), and xe seems way too much of a Gary Stu.


Like seriously? Xe gets back to the city and somehow the city is magically fixed? 10 years without xem and the city stagnates, and about half a year with xem back and the city flourishes? Blegh


And the NPCs can't stop praising xem. 


It's annoying. 


Fern and Blake are hilarious, and at least they have real flaws like real people.



I Actually Thought Xe Was Pretty Hard, But I Do Agree With You On Everything Else. Too Many NPCs Talk About Adrienn To The Point Where It's Just Obnoxious. And Yeah, Although Blake And Fern Are Jerks, The Have Flaws Which Makes Them More Interesting. But I Would Still Pick Adrienn Over Victoria. She Is Even More Boring Than Xem.

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I despise Fern. He reminds me of Kuze from Yakuza 0. It's 100% the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?" meme. But just like Kuze, you can beat him to a pulp time after time, and he will still act like he's better than you. Maybe it's something about him that's hitting too close to home because I've known folks like him and they are the worst IRL. 


The good thing about Fern is that he does his job as a Rival; in that I want to take him down a peg each time he speaks. He's written well enough to be infuriating, but at the same time you look forward to the next encounter just so you can beat him again. 

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1 hour ago, CodeCass said:

I despise Fern. He reminds me of Kuze from Yakuza 0. It's 100% the "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson?" meme. But just like Kuze, you can beat him to a pulp time after time, and he will still act like he's better than you. Maybe it's something about him that's hitting too close to home because I've known folks like him and they are the worst IRL. 


The good thing about Fern is that he does his job as a Rival; in that I want to take him down a peg each time he speaks. He's written well enough to be infuriating, but at the same time you look forward to the next encounter just so you can beat him again. 

Sort Of Like Silver, But Worse.

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I chose other. Fern is pretty terrible, but it seems that he has his own issues...seems to have a sister complex or something similar.


Blake annoys the hell out of me and there is nothing more satisfying than putting him in the ground in a battle, but he is at Fern level as far as I'm concerned.


Lin...is Lin. I can't bring myself to say she is the least favorite due to her actions (even if she killed Ame). 


Definitely not Solaris. Even if he's done some really bad things, I have some respect for the guy. Especially when we fight him in Titania's and Amaria's cottage at Celestine.


El...is meh.


Bennett. He has his heart in the right place (at least in the beginning). He is a socially awkward and dense/naive guy who is at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe I emphasize with him because most of his characteristics were similar to mine. 


Definitely not Terra. Though her dialogue tends to be a pain to read, her sense of humor is up there with Cain. 


Taka? Nope. The only thing I hate about Taka is having to fight his Chatot early game.


ZEL? Or I guess its Zero now...naw. He was a good first major obstacle and the three personalities in one body was very interesting.


Dr. Connal? He did some vey despicable things. But I dn't know his full story. Maybe what I saw in the Yureyu Power Plant changed my mind about him somewhat.


Corey is in the same boat with Connal.


...Sirius. Heh. That guy. If my theory about him is correct, he is the biggest scum of the earth in Tteam Meteor, which considering what they have done so far is an impressive feat. I already know he's responsible for burning down Charlotte's (my personal favorite character though she is a pain to beat) home. Didn't he also take Eclipse's soul using Chandelure and kidnapped Cain's sister? And I truly believe that he was sent out to get the rings and pendants, thus killing those affiliated with it. Jjust a theory though, but I believe that this makes him my least favorite (most hated) character.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Of the characters I have seen and met so far (I am at Chrysolia Woods):


I hate Fern because he reminds me too much of Joffrey from Game of Thrones - his behavior & actions make me hate him. That being said, he is a pretty good rival character - a good clone of Gary Oak, but with a predictable lineup.


Solaris is a good villain in my opinion. *I already know his backstory due to watching an LP of Reborn


Corey.........I don't hate TOO much, however, he is no father of the year candidate.


Victoria is complicated. I like her character, but as a rival she still has a ways~ to go.


Blake.....Blake I hate for all the previous reasons. But Fern still pisses me off more than Blake.




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For me it's a tie up between Fern and Sirius, I'm going to explain why some other characters that others hate or have mixed feeling about aren't there. Note: My opinions are in spoilers because there's a lot to go through and wanted to take as little space as possible.

Adrienn (sorry if I spelt xyr name wrong and used any pronouns incorrectly):  


Some people dislike Adrienn because of the way xe is presented. Within the ruins, Adrienn is rather confused around the whole Gardevoir issue even more so than Cain. However, Adrienn was frozen in time for a decade so they weren't aware of the current predicament of modern Reborn. This is evident with xyr reaction to Reborn's current state and Adrienn's resolve to restore Reborn to a beautiful city. The whole people gathering quest that the MC has perform for xem is what also makes people dislike xem. This is because of how tedious it is. But this can be argued away with the good intentions of xem. 


Adrienn in a way has an excuse for being less fleshed out to other leaders because xyr was only around for season 3, whereas other leaders were around in seasons 1 and 2 of the online league so there is more to base their characters off of.



With E17's content, Amaria has caused a huge division in opinions in a way that causes controversy. Prior to the Fiore Mansion events, everyone adored Amaria due to her friendly personality and willingness to help. She's one of the few characters who doesn't mock or constantly mention Florinia's dissonance from her emotions, she accepts her for who she is and keeps whatever opinions she may have to herself. She also saves the player's life from Solaris' Garchomp. 


The opinion of many changed when more light is uncovered with the dynamic of Tania and Amy's relationship, Amy is reliant on Titania to help her to stay alive to the point of codependency. The idea of this breaking down unsettles her to the point where she will do whatever it takes to keep that rock in place. The point of attempted murder of the player, which ultimately backfires upon her (Reshiram). She even admits to the player that she knows she's hurting Tania by keeping her in the relationship but she cannot bring herself to end it. TItania feeling the same way in fear of driving Amy to her death. However, there have been other characters that have similar issues that have ended up in a happy ending.


Take Adrian Andrews from the Ace Attorney franchise as an example. With all the circumstances surrounding Inpax's death, she became colder in her demeanour in order to split herself from everyone else so she can investigate to who drove Inpax to death without being read. WIth Phoenix's help, she does end up finding out what may have driven Inpax to her death and this allows her to move on. Andrews then becoming a curator for an exhibit at Lordy Tailor in the next game. 


I personally felt disappointed in Amaria during E17 (I've played both paths) but I couldn't hate her for what she done because of everything she did do in the past and the whole situation she's in. In my opinion, Amaria is a woman who is driven to the edge to try to preserve what fairy tale she created rather than try to find a way to help deal with the situation that will help both herself and Titania. 




I have ranted in the past about how creepy he is towards Luna. How he essentially corners Luna into a very awkward situation with the player having to watch this. He even sides with her cult addicted father because he truly believed that he wanted the best for her, this being false. However, despite essentially siding with Meteor and his behaviour towards Luna I can give him some credit. I believe there is a point where he does question himself as to whether what El was planning for Luna was morally right or not. Whilst he does not think for himself often, he has potential to. Plus he doesn't want to harm anyone.



Many people hate Blake the same reason as they hate Fern, it's because they're both jerks. However, there are some major differences between Blake and Fern. Fern is a jerk because he's trying to be something he's not and goes out of his way to belittle other characters (The MC and Aya being prime examples). Fern continues to be someone who he's not after getting destroyed time and time again by the MC. Blake is a jerk because he can. He does not go out of his way to belittle or be a dick to anyone. Blake does make a few good points within the little time he has been shown: At Fiore Mansion, he tells Fern that he has to prove himself to be remembered. Like other agents and meteor members, he joined to survive even though he does not necessarily agree with them.


There is one redemption to Blake's character: He takes in Heather. Now many may argue against this because he locked her up but hear me out. Blake didn't have to look after Heather after Corey died, he did because he wanted to. Now the motives for this may be questionable in-game but it takes a lot to care for another human being. 




Corey is disliked for his cynical comments and his overbearing parenting towards Heather. However, he has a huge reason to be like that! Due to the loss of his wife at the hands of Meteor, this being because of the ring. He turned cynical because the love of his life is gone and he is having to look after his daughter alone, with reminders of what he lost every day. It's reasonable to be the way he is, prior to Heather's departure, she was all he had left to live for. However, his only thing to live for has left him alone so he takes his own life. Corey's tale is a tragic one and it should make people respect him more for it. Plus he has the strength to be in the organisation that took his wife's life to protect his daughter's life and to stop them from getting the ring. That is commitment!


DJ Arclight: 


Many people dislike Arc because of his way of thinking himself better than others. You could say this is a good part of his character because he is well known on Reborn's TV and how he runs Reborn's nightclub that only lets in ace trainers. Arc is a person who does want the best for the city. He helps the MC deal with the stolen pokemon in 7th street and helps them to prevent such a thing from happening again, this later expanding to returning some of these pokemon to their original trainers. Arc also helps in deal with Meteor within Devon, this resulting in him losing his eye. Arc doesn't have as much to him as others for the same reason as Adrienn, they're both season 3 leaders that didn't have much time to shine.

Dr Connal: 


Many people hate Connal for how creepy he is and the neglect of the children. If you think Bennett is creepy, Connal is to a whole other level. Connal regularly uses electrotherapy on the children at the orphanage, this ends up traumatising Heather to becoming non-verbal until Ametrine. He also sends them to the Pits(or whatever it's called) whenever the children step out of line. Sigmund and his staff then neglect the children of the orphanage for Team Meteor's ambitions. Sigmund also goes against league regulations in restricting challengers from battling Noel and Charlotte in order to ensure they can't battle their way out of his facility using their pokemon. 


However, one thing that leans in Sigmund's favour is him keeping quiet along with ZEL when the MC first meets Lin in Tanzan. His obsession with electroshock therapy links in to the inability to save his wife, this being the treatment that could have saved her.



Many people dislike Lin because of her sadistic nature and her generally coming off as an OP character. Some people also view her as a stereotype for a villain. However, there is some very interesting points to Lin as a character. In Tanzan, she does notice something off about the MC but decides to leave them be for as Saphira is a bigger threat to her. Within Tania's Fairy Tale land, she desires for the player to keep the Sapphire Bracelets safe for some unknown reason and battles the MC using what is assumed to be Ame's A-Ninetales in the castle. The use of the doppleganger and (dependent on the path) Taka (rest his soul) to lure the MC and Titania into a false sense of security was also a nice gimmick. 


On top of that, there are some interesting comments made about Lin from other characters. Taka mentions her narcolepsy(is that how it's spelt) and what happens with that. The orphanage girls also mention how Lin was once at the orphanage and her interactions with the other children there. I think Lin is still too much of an enigma to truly hate her or not. That along with the fact that her Meteor ideals is the opposite of Solaris' ideals for Meteor.




 Many people dislike Saphira because of her hack-n-slash now but talk later approach. She slaughters anyone who gets in the way of her protection of her family without any remorse. Her killing the Meteor's at the lake and the hyper beam that Sigmund takes to the face is an example of this (although Sigmund deserves this). However, Saphira does ultimately want the best for everyone and she will deliver that even if it ends in gore. However, she has no qualms with anyone who respects her and her family so we're all safe 🙂



Many people dislike Solaris because he's just sorta there. The only thing that really made him stand out to some players is his level 75 Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain. However, Solaris is a man who does say some pretty interesting things revolving around Meteor, Arceus and Reborn. His viewpoints due to his bloodline's duty to serve Arceus, making him even mroe valuable to Arceus than El. He originally formed Meteor in order to create a Reborn City in which he felt suited its residents the best. Meteor was once created for pure intentions, something which lured people like Eclipse into the organisation.


One bad thing about Solaris is his neglect of Taka.



For some reason, people seem to dislike Taka. People dislike Taka for the same reason Titania does, his inability to quit Team Meteor when he clearly wants to be free (as well as his early Chatot fights). Taka is bound to Meteor because of his and his father's ties to Arceus, he has even less of a chance to escape from Meteor's clutches because of this. There are many things which are likeable about Taka. He helps the MC and other characters out when he shouldn't (Freeing the MC from the Nuzleaf Trap and dealing with Amy's wounds). Taka has a lot of interesting viewpoints around the MC's actions and of other characters. An example of this being him being the cause of Luna's persona or with mentioning Lin's Narcolepsy. 


Taka is one of the few characters that weren't on the online league that has a huge amount of potential and background to work with (another example being ZEL). His death on the Reshiram path is utterly heart-wrenching to people because he is such a memorable and decent character. This being paired with the fact he had just got his freedom in that path. Another positive being he ultimately influenced Tania to deal with herself and Amy. There's one more thing as well, Taka is just Taka you cannot just hate on him because Taka deserves all the love he can get (sorry I just really like Taka, he's in my top 3 favourite chars in Reborn). 



The best way to describe Terra is a hypersexual living meme that loves destruction. Many people dislike her because her way of speaking and personality ties in to her being what is a human meme. However, this is what makes her beloved to other members of the community. Terra's humour is very similar to Cain's, it's to the point where Cain seems tame. Her dialogue with other characters is what really makes me laugh about Terra. Terra is interesting as before she became a living meme, she was just a regular girl from Beryl Ward with normal parents. Terra with becoming who she is because she is bored. 


I wonder what Terra will bring to the story in the future.



 There are three reasons for why many dislike Titania: Her blunt personality, her slash first talk later attitude, digging herself and Amy deeper into their relationship when it benefits neither of them. There is one difference between Tania and Saphira's hack-n-slash attitude: Tania does show to feel somewhat remorseful to killing people whereas Saphira does not. However, Titania cannot truly be hated as she does want the best for people she cares about and she wants a somewhat normal life. She is a selfless person who puts her best friend's life above her own happiness. Even when she gets frustrated, she does not hold it against Amy. She does truly want the best for her friend.



Many people dislike Victoria because she's the human version of a road block. Whenever you want to get somewhere or battle someone, she stops you because it's in your best interest or the other person's. Victoria becomes more hot-headed and irrational as the story goes on. Her inability to hear people out after they've done wrong is one of Victoria's biggest flaws as Cal does try to make amends after Kiki's death by quitting Meteor and stopping Blake from giving the Ruby RIng to Solaris. She doesn't give the guy another chance as Cal doesn't deal the final blow to Kiki, Solaris' Garchomp does. Plus there's not much to her. However, I cannot hate her because she wants the best for Apophyll and Reborn as well as her not causing huge harm to others.


Now that I've discussed for not placing other disliked/ mixed feeling characters as my most hated, let's look at the two I've put up there at the top.




Right from the start, Fern is an absolute jerk to the MC for no reason whatsoever. He just did it because he could. The first time that aggravated us all was the Onyx Trainer School, he made us go around the long way to Florinia's gym to prevent the MC from 'embarassing themselves' bearing in mind that the MC whooped his ass once and beat Julia, a former graduate of OTS. He then laughs at the MC when trapped in the Nuzleaf cage and tries to force the MC to grovel at his feet and say how awesome he is. He views his own ego and reputation as something more important than the MC's life. 


His attitude towards Corey's suicide was what turned it from a dislike to a pure hatred for the guy, he disregarded his death and complains about wasting his time going up to Beryl. I think he also mocks Corey's death too. His insensitivity really p'd me off. His attitude towards Aya and Hardy also rubbed me the wrong way too. The signpost thing was meh. His joining of Team Meteor because he feels that he becomes stronger by being in that organisation and just as a middle finger to Florinia, the MC and others angered me. His allowance to destroy the house of people who he knew, especially when one of those residents is recovering from retrograde amnesia. 


However, there's one thing that I feel bad for him for: Julia's and Florinia's dismissal of him. Julia views him as nothing more than an annoyance and his sister hasn't shown to be the best big sister to him. Even if the guy is a dick, he needs his family man.




Sirius is just a really bland character is a walking cliche of a bad guy. He burns down a house and murders people just to get some bits of jewellery. He makes the death of these people unnecessarily sadistic. An example being of Eclipse's death when he burns away he soul using his Chandelure rather than making her death swifter and more painless. Unlike other Meteor admins, he is not memorable and the only decent lore about him is something you really have to go outta your way for to find. Plus as others have said, he is the biggest scum of Meteor.


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1 hour ago, Abyssreaper99 said:

For me it's a tie up between Fern and Sirius, I'm going to explain why some other characters that others hate or have mixed feeling about aren't there. Note: My opinions are in spoilers because there's a lot to go through and wanted to take as little space as possible.

Adrienn (sorry if I spelt xyr name wrong and used any pronouns incorrectly):  

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Some people dislike Adrienn because of the way xe is presented. Within the ruins, Adrienn is rather confused around the whole Gardevoir issue even more so than Cain. However, Adrienn was frozen in time for a decade so they weren't aware of the current predicament of modern Reborn. This is evident with xyr reaction to Reborn's current state and Adrienn's resolve to restore Reborn to a beautiful city. The whole people gathering quest that the MC has perform for xem is what also makes people dislike xem. This is because of how tedious it is. But this can be argued away with the good intentions of xem. 


Adrienn in a way has an excuse for being less fleshed out to other leaders because xyr was only around for season 3, whereas other leaders were around in seasons 1 and 2 of the online league so there is more to base their characters off of.


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With E17's content, Amaria has caused a huge division in opinions in a way that causes controversy. Prior to the Fiore Mansion events, everyone adored Amaria due to her friendly personality and willingness to help. She's one of the few characters who doesn't mock or constantly mention Florinia's dissonance from her emotions, she accepts her for who she is and keeps whatever opinions she may have to herself. She also saves the player's life from Solaris' Garchomp. 


The opinion of many changed when more light is uncovered with the dynamic of Tania and Amy's relationship, Amy is reliant on Titania to help her to stay alive to the point of codependency. The idea of this breaking down unsettles her to the point where she will do whatever it takes to keep that rock in place. The point of attempted murder of the player, which ultimately backfires upon her (Reshiram). She even admits to the player that she knows she's hurting Tania by keeping her in the relationship but she cannot bring herself to end it. TItania feeling the same way in fear of driving Amy to her death. However, there have been other characters that have similar issues that have ended up in a happy ending.


Take Adrian Andrews from the Ace Attorney franchise as an example. With all the circumstances surrounding Inpax's death, she became colder in her demeanour in order to split herself from everyone else so she can investigate to who drove Inpax to death without being read. WIth Phoenix's help, she does end up finding out what may have driven Inpax to her death and this allows her to move on. Andrews then becoming a curator for an exhibit at Lordy Tailor in the next game. 


I personally felt disappointed in Amaria during E17 (I've played both paths) but I couldn't hate her for what she done because of everything she did do in the past and the whole situation she's in. In my opinion, Amaria is a woman who is driven to the edge to try to preserve what fairy tale she created rather than try to find a way to help deal with the situation that will help both herself and Titania. 




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I have ranted in the past about how creepy he is towards Luna. How he essentially corners Luna into a very awkward situation with the player having to watch this. He even sides with her cult addicted father because he truly believed that he wanted the best for her, this being false. However, despite essentially siding with Meteor and his behaviour towards Luna I can give him some credit. I believe there is a point where he does question himself as to whether what El was planning for Luna was morally right or not. Whilst he does not think for himself often, he has potential to. Plus he doesn't want to harm anyone.


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Many people hate Blake the same reason as they hate Fern, it's because they're both jerks. However, there are some major differences between Blake and Fern. Fern is a jerk because he's trying to be something he's not and goes out of his way to belittle other characters (The MC and Aya being prime examples). Fern continues to be someone who he's not after getting destroyed time and time again by the MC. Blake is a jerk because he can. He does not go out of his way to belittle or be a dick to anyone. Blake does make a few good points within the little time he has been shown: At Fiore Mansion, he tells Fern that he has to prove himself to be remembered. Like other agents and meteor members, he joined to survive even though he does not necessarily agree with them.


There is one redemption to Blake's character: He takes in Heather. Now many may argue against this because he locked her up but hear me out. Blake didn't have to look after Heather after Corey died, he did because he wanted to. Now the motives for this may be questionable in-game but it takes a lot to care for another human being. 



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Corey is disliked for his cynical comments and his overbearing parenting towards Heather. However, he has a huge reason to be like that! Due to the loss of his wife at the hands of Meteor, this being because of the ring. He turned cynical because the love of his life is gone and he is having to look after his daughter alone, with reminders of what he lost every day. It's reasonable to be the way he is, prior to Heather's departure, she was all he had left to live for. However, his only thing to live for has left him alone so he takes his own life. Corey's tale is a tragic one and it should make people respect him more for it. Plus he has the strength to be in the organisation that took his wife's life to protect his daughter's life and to stop them from getting the ring. That is commitment!


DJ Arclight: 

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Many people dislike Arc because of his way of thinking himself better than others. You could say this is a good part of his character because he is well known on Reborn's TV and how he runs Reborn's nightclub that only lets in ace trainers. Arc is a person who does want the best for the city. He helps the MC deal with the stolen pokemon in 7th street and helps them to prevent such a thing from happening again, this later expanding to returning some of these pokemon to their original trainers. Arc also helps in deal with Meteor within Devon, this resulting in him losing his eye. Arc doesn't have as much to him as others for the same reason as Adrienn, they're both season 3 leaders that didn't have much time to shine.

Dr Connal: 

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Many people hate Connal for how creepy he is and the neglect of the children. If you think Bennett is creepy, Connal is to a whole other level. Connal regularly uses electrotherapy on the children at the orphanage, this ends up traumatising Heather to becoming non-verbal until Ametrine. He also sends them to the Pits(or whatever it's called) whenever the children step out of line. Sigmund and his staff then neglect the children of the orphanage for Team Meteor's ambitions. Sigmund also goes against league regulations in restricting challengers from battling Noel and Charlotte in order to ensure they can't battle their way out of his facility using their pokemon. 


However, one thing that leans in Sigmund's favour is him keeping quiet along with ZEL when the MC first meets Lin in Tanzan. His obsession with electroshock therapy links in to the inability to save his wife, this being the treatment that could have saved her.


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Many people dislike Lin because of her sadistic nature and her generally coming off as an OP character. Some people also view her as a stereotype for a villain. However, there is some very interesting points to Lin as a character. In Tanzan, she does notice something off about the MC but decides to leave them be for as Saphira is a bigger threat to her. Within Tania's Fairy Tale land, she desires for the player to keep the Sapphire Bracelets safe for some unknown reason and battles the MC using what is assumed to be Ame's A-Ninetales in the castle. The use of the doppleganger and (dependent on the path) Taka (rest his soul) to lure the MC and Titania into a false sense of security was also a nice gimmick. 


On top of that, there are some interesting comments made about Lin from other characters. Taka mentions her narcolepsy(is that how it's spelt) and what happens with that. The orphanage girls also mention how Lin was once at the orphanage and her interactions with the other children there. I think Lin is still too much of an enigma to truly hate her or not. That along with the fact that her Meteor ideals is the opposite of Solaris' ideals for Meteor.



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 Many people dislike Saphira because of her hack-n-slash now but talk later approach. She slaughters anyone who gets in the way of her protection of her family without any remorse. Her killing the Meteor's at the lake and the hyper beam that Sigmund takes to the face is an example of this (although Sigmund deserves this). However, Saphira does ultimately want the best for everyone and she will deliver that even if it ends in gore. However, she has no qualms with anyone who respects her and her family so we're all safe 🙂


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Many people dislike Solaris because he's just sorta there. The only thing that really made him stand out to some players is his level 75 Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain. However, Solaris is a man who does say some pretty interesting things revolving around Meteor, Arceus and Reborn. His viewpoints due to his bloodline's duty to serve Arceus, making him even mroe valuable to Arceus than El. He originally formed Meteor in order to create a Reborn City in which he felt suited its residents the best. Meteor was once created for pure intentions, something which lured people like Eclipse into the organisation.


One bad thing about Solaris is his neglect of Taka.


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For some reason, people seem to dislike Taka. People dislike Taka for the same reason Titania does, his inability to quit Team Meteor when he clearly wants to be free (as well as his early Chatot fights). Taka is bound to Meteor because of his and his father's ties to Arceus, he has even less of a chance to escape from Meteor's clutches because of this. There are many things which are likeable about Taka. He helps the MC and other characters out when he shouldn't (Freeing the MC from the Nuzleaf Trap and dealing with Amy's wounds). Taka has a lot of interesting viewpoints around the MC's actions and of other characters. An example of this being him being the cause of Luna's persona or with mentioning Lin's Narcolepsy. 


Taka is one of the few characters that weren't on the online league that has a huge amount of potential and background to work with (another example being ZEL). His death on the Reshiram path is utterly heart-wrenching to people because he is such a memorable and decent character. This being paired with the fact he had just got his freedom in that path. Another positive being he ultimately influenced Tania to deal with herself and Amy. There's one more thing as well, Taka is just Taka you cannot just hate on him because Taka deserves all the love he can get (sorry I just really like Taka, he's in my top 3 favourite chars in Reborn). 


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The best way to describe Terra is a hypersexual living meme that loves destruction. Many people dislike her because her way of speaking and personality ties in to her being what is a human meme. However, this is what makes her beloved to other members of the community. Terra's humour is very similar to Cain's, it's to the point where Cain seems tame. Her dialogue with other characters is what really makes me laugh about Terra. Terra is interesting as before she became a living meme, she was just a regular girl from Beryl Ward with normal parents. Terra with becoming who she is because she is bored. 


I wonder what Terra will bring to the story in the future.


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 There are three reasons for why many dislike Titania: Her blunt personality, her slash first talk later attitude, digging herself and Amy deeper into their relationship when it benefits neither of them. There is one difference between Tania and Saphira's hack-n-slash attitude: Tania does show to feel somewhat remorseful to killing people whereas Saphira does not. However, Titania cannot truly be hated as she does want the best for people she cares about and she wants a somewhat normal life. She is a selfless person who puts her best friend's life above her own happiness. Even when she gets frustrated, she does not hold it against Amy. She does truly want the best for her friend.


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Many people dislike Victoria because she's the human version of a road block. Whenever you want to get somewhere or battle someone, she stops you because it's in your best interest or the other person's. Victoria becomes more hot-headed and irrational as the story goes on. Her inability to hear people out after they've done wrong is one of Victoria's biggest flaws as Cal does try to make amends after Kiki's death by quitting Meteor and stopping Blake from giving the Ruby RIng to Solaris. She doesn't give the guy another chance as Cal doesn't deal the final blow to Kiki, Solaris' Garchomp does. Plus there's not much to her. However, I cannot hate her because she wants the best for Apophyll and Reborn as well as her not causing huge harm to others.


Now that I've discussed for not placing other disliked/ mixed feeling characters as my most hated, let's look at the two I've put up there at the top.



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Right from the start, Fern is an absolute jerk to the MC for no reason whatsoever. He just did it because he could. The first time that aggravated us all was the Onyx Trainer School, he made us go around the long way to Florinia's gym to prevent the MC from 'embarassing themselves' bearing in mind that the MC whooped his ass once and beat Julia, a former graduate of OTS. He then laughs at the MC when trapped in the Nuzleaf cage and tries to force the MC to grovel at his feet and say how awesome he is. He views his own ego and reputation as something more important than the MC's life. 


His attitude towards Corey's suicide was what turned it from a dislike to a pure hatred for the guy, he disregarded his death and complains about wasting his time going up to Beryl. I think he also mocks Corey's death too. His insensitivity really p'd me off. His attitude towards Aya and Hardy also rubbed me the wrong way too. The signpost thing was meh. His joining of Team Meteor because he feels that he becomes stronger by being in that organisation and just as a middle finger to Florinia, the MC and others angered me. His allowance to destroy the house of people who he knew, especially when one of those residents is recovering from retrograde amnesia. 


However, there's one thing that I feel bad for him for: Julia's and Florinia's dismissal of him. Julia views him as nothing more than an annoyance and his sister hasn't shown to be the best big sister to him. Even if the guy is a dick, he needs his family man.



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Sirius is just a really bland character is a walking cliche of a bad guy. He burns down a house and murders people just to get some bits of jewellery. He makes the death of these people unnecessarily sadistic. An example being of Eclipse's death when he burns away he soul using his Chandelure rather than making her death swifter and more painless. Unlike other Meteor admins, he is not memorable and the only decent lore about him is something you really have to go outta your way for to find. Plus as others have said, he is the biggest scum of Meteor.


I agree with all of these (even though some of the characters & events I have yet to meet or happen in my playthrough: I know the others from watching an LP of Reborn).

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4 hours ago, Abyssreaper99 said:

For some reason, people seem to dislike Taka.

I'm kind of surprised you get the impression that people significantly dislike Taka.
The last time someone posted a "favourite characters" poll here that got a good amount of votes, Taka was the second most voted for character after Cain, and the most popular Meteor character by a landslide. The third most voted character, Titania, received half the number of votes that Taka got.

He's also possibly the character with the most amount of fanart.


I don't think most of the people who point out his flaws actually dislike him, it's just the intended frustration we're supposed to feel^^

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Based solely on who aggravates me the most when they're onscreen, Terra.


Maybe it has to do with her memery, or her sprite art (I have Additional Questions about that hammer), or the fact that she was a main fixture in the Agate Circus arc, which tbh is my least favourite. Right now it just seems like she has very little depth as a human being other than hypersexual memes. The other characters I dislike are... bland but inoffensive (ex. Sirius -- you literally just took Giovanni and reskinned him), or unpleasant people who I think were written well (ex. Lin, Amaria -- one is a convincing villain, one's actions made her a villain but we can understand how she got to the point she did). Terra, there's just no justification or reason for her to exist besides a one-time gag. And then her one-time gag became part of an already frustrating arc.



I should have enjoyed her, by all accounts, considering I'm always a sucker for 'stuck in the computer world' plots. And her apparent connection to MissingNo. and other Pokémon glitches, which personally I think are really cool. But nope. It's just Meme Queen Terra.


Maybe sometime in the future we will get more backstory or personality development on Terra which will change my mind. If that happens I will eat my words. But I kinda doubt it.

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7 hours ago, ZEL said:

I'm kind of surprised you get the impression that people significantly dislike Taka.
The last time someone posted a "favourite characters" poll here that got a good amount of votes, Taka was the second most voted for character after Cain, and the most popular Meteor character by a landslide. The third most voted character, Titania, received half the number of votes that Taka got.

He's also possibly the character with the most amount of fanart.


I don't think most of the people who point out his flaws actually dislike him, it's just the intended frustration we're supposed to feel^^

Probably conveyed myself wrong in the Taka bit tbh. It was that more people somewhat disliked Taka than expected and I maybe saw something somewhere. I dunno *shrugs*. I think I put Taka there because people have mixed feelings. For Titania, I have seen a load of people complain she's almost a carbon copy in terms of killing but I have seen others defend her in terms of the remorse sorta thing.

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I last played this around when ep15 so its been a hot minute for me to catch up! currently terra is kicking my ass atm but what can you do shrug


I have to say that my least favorite character so far is probably fern becasue of obvious asshole reasons, but Terra is very grating on my nerves too! Sadly I can understand every word she says fluently, due to my homestuck training.


Also Bennett really skeeved me out, leave my daughter alone!


My hate for Fern is probably a little less than my hate for Bennett, sadly I've had to deal with people like him in the past so it pisses me off a super lot

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There's a lot of let's say polemic characters in Reborn, like Titania, Sapphira or Amaría who even being on MC's side take questionable paths, but even then it's because they either think it's they best way to proceed, are going all in against someone who wants to kill or torture their family or are just in a very bat place mentally. (And even then, they can be awesome in the same way Lin can, so...) 

But then you have characters whose motivations and path are both lame and who are probably meant to be a hates ink, like Fern, Blake or Nice™ Guy™ Bennett, who I dislike the most. I would also hate Terra but I think there's something more to her character (her change in her backstory) so I'm still on board. 

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