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Behind The Name


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As someone that's always unsatisfied with their alias and wanting to have a better one, I really should've made a topic like this a longlonglonglong time ago.


How'd you come up with your name? What's the story behind your online alias? Why do you like it? What about it don't you like? What's it a reference to? What does it say about you? What doesn't it say about you? Do you wish you had a different name (real name or alias)? Who/what names are you jealous of/do you like?


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unrelated topic: why is it kinda the unspoken rule that everyone has pretentious anime pfp's I've never really questioned it

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This is the same name I gave to one of my characters in Monster Hunter Tri, and that was, what, 8 years ago I think? Anyhow, I have no clue how I came up with this name, but it has stuck with me ever since. So yeah, the origins of Zargerth may not be very interesting, but at the very least I have yet to see people with the same name (or very close to mine).


I'm willing to bet my name reveals very little about what I like or don't like other than that I need to be a hipster and have a weird-ass name/alias.


Edit: one thing I dislike about this name is that I have no idea how you're supposed to pronounce it.

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I was really into the Sekirei manga back in 2011/12, so I combined part of the title with the number of 'Sekiries' in the manga.  Pretty much just a throwaway name to create a Know Your Meme account and upload some Katawa Shoujo and 'Nice Boat' picture to the site.   Then I stayed on Know Your Meme and became a frequent uploader, eventually also liking the name.  Now it's just my go-to name for many sites.



  On 6/2/2018 at 11:46 PM, Sirius said:

unrelated topic: why is it kinda the unspoken rule that everyone has pretentious anime pfp's I've never really questioned it


Anime/video game characters are popular, have a lot of good fanart, and are relateable in many cases, so they are popular?  I don't know about the pretentious part........



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Very simple (not that simple spoiler), actually Rejuvenation related.

So I got a theme team you can see in my signature. All the names are about royalty and glamour or whatever. Although I moved away from it last playthrough I did use names based off famous kings/queens. Artice>> Arthur+Ice (Now Castel), Vittoria>> Victoria and then I had my A-Sandslash whom I originally named Cataline in reference to Catherine the Great. Why not Catherine? I had an oc named that. Why not Catalina? Another oc. So I just, smushed both into Cataline. Basically when I signed up it was the first name I thought of... which in turn led me to rename my Sandslash to Knightly, because it would be really weird if I didn't.

Other online aliases? I never really settle and rather not reveal it (except my tumblr side) but I don't settle w one.

My real name is [redacted] and honestly I'm not the biggest fan although visually the letters are aesthetically pleasing. Funny, it came up in convo earlier and when my sister asked if I ever considered changing I'm just like ehh

Idk I never felt the strong need to, I wish I did but then I'd also have to find a name that sounds well with my weird spanish last name and ahhhhhh maybe one day.

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Mine is from this old manga called Candy Candy, which heroine is unsurprisingly Candy. It's prolly the epitome of cliche, but at the time it prolly was like mildly cliche lul

Anyhow, I like Candy Candy for its entertainment value but not really cause I'm like Candy wae too good and the story is selling the wrong morals imo smh

I like that my nickname is based on a strong independent character, but also don't like that that strong independent character is also wae too self-sacrificing to make everyone but herself happy, ya hear me?

Tbh it says nothing about me cause I'm nothing like Candy (even our appearances are like almost exact opposite except for pale skin), but the name is cute and I like cute things~ Also, I LOVE edible sweet candy and pastries so I guess the name does fit somewhat after all?

I like my nickname, and have gotten so used to it that sometimes I unconsciously call myself "Candy" and then I'm like, wait that's not my name lul

I'm not jealous of other nicknames, either~


I did have one other nickname for a dating site lul it was Lucilys.

Lucilys is from The Knights of Alfheim, a little known manga maybe? It's the sword of fate which caused both luck and despair to many in the manga. Since I'm apathetic to love, and lowkey only joined the site to see what it was like (I'm a writer and like to gain experiences), I felt it was a fitting nickname since I could either bring happiness (maybe make frens or have a relationship?) or bring disappointment (which it maybe or maybe not have been the result 🤔)

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Im literaly a hanzo cuck soo

Then newt said hey why archer

Then I was like idk

And he said oh why not archeric so I combined the two words tgt to get this weird username

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I was 15 and liked Dedenne a lot and then the username Dedenne was taken on wherever I was signing up for so I used the number one. And Dedenne1 was born hehe. I actually dislike the name somewhat but a few people know be by it so I keep with it. If I had to change it I'd change it to Sunset since it's just a pretty noun and name 😛

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Mine's just a combination of my real-life name. Cody Castleman became "CodeCass". My father and grandfather were both known as "Cass" in their day, so this is sort of my take on it. Been using this one for about...geez...maybe 15 years now? Pretty boring really! haha. 

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grammar and spelling
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I've always just thought the name Norman Guy was kinda funny, so I've used it for just about every username I can. The name came to be back in like 6th grade when I just randomly thought of it. One thing I sort of dislike about it, is that it's just seems somewhat bland for a name though it's still funny to me at least.

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I've been using this name ever since I played Japanese mobile game Road To Dragon. Arys is a hero who makes contract to Holy Sword who tried to possess him.

There's a lot of nice hero with good names in RtD but this name stucks on me because it's a bit homophone with Alice.

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Cat is clearly teasing me there I'm joking Cat!


Corso is my last name, I always use it to sign up in almost everything.

Actually I really wanted something better for Reborn, but after sittingfor 2 hours in front of my computer... (please keep in mind it was 1 am)

At this point I'm not going to change it


Is Unown C's 6th gen model considered a pretentious anime pfp???

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Guest Relinquished

I like to "undig" forgotten stuff, scrapped ideas/stories/items, etc. So, lo and behold, my nick. I always loved precious balls. Luxury, is my favorite type of pokeball, alright! I would give anything to get myself, a legit GS-Ball, the true (plus most expensive), "Luxury  Ball", in existence!



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I think I'll have to say a lot about my nick. First of all, I think that already it is understood on the fact of my nick, it is because it is my favorite pokémon. The final right y to not get too much into the mainstream here. But perhaps this y has another kind of connection: long ago, I also called "Yebel", and it is, as I can say, an assumption of the opposite of the original Celebi nick, where Y is the link of the initial and final letter. At that point, Yeleb would come out, but it sounded too bad, and from there comes "Yebel", reversing the two middle letters.


It's a very long story, but I'll sum it up as quickly and as swiftly as possible. Yebel is the brother of Celeby, who died during a dangerous mission in an icy cave: as soon as we got out of the cave, there was an avalanche. Celeby managed to save himself, but left his brother alone, and he died in the snow. The story says that Yebel has committed bad deeds and Celeby did not know it, so he went to hell. Devihell (for those who have never played Ruby Destiny, will never know who he is), has decided to revive Yebel for revenge, where his goal is not only to plunge the world into ruin, or rather, to hell, but to kill his brother Celeby. So let's face it all, Celeby is original, different than the other species, a unique Celebi, while Yebel is his brother, who became evil by making a deal with the devil.

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My current name is just the result of a word game with my initials, my birth name being Quentin Grebe. After getting tired of my previous pseudo that I used to keep when I was in my late teens as a memeber of a Minecraft forum (TheQg100), I've decided to throw it away and opted for something more sober and original. Jei is just a wink to the asian culture that I enjoy a lot. Indeed, I've developed a taste for it after a charming trip in Japan during my last year in high school.

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