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The very first meaning your first ever Pokemon game? Or the last since a main title game? If so then I suggest having an overview because a lot has changed in Pokemon since then. 



Anyway Infernape and Alolan Raichu are solid mons so you can keep them through the end. Recommended powerful mons in Reborn are as follows: Diggersby, Azumarill, Ampharos, Gyarados, Gardevoir, Magnezone, Ninetales-Alola, Mamoswine.

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As a basic rule, try to have a fire type, a water type, and a grass type. Not only is it symbolic of the three starters, they offer good coverage and can check each other's weaknesses. How much do you remember of Pokemon?

Edited by Elvenlore
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I remember everything except for dairy types tbh. I’ve been watching Pokémon streams prior to starting my play through. What’s a good water/grass type that I should I use? I was thinking of holding out for vaporeon but not sure on the grass.

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reborn right?

clear/sunny day 

get rose incense from doxy in patch of grass

go to end of tracks and interact with budew

get pokesnax 

feed pokesnax to budew

level up

boom roeslia

tip: name it ame

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2 hours ago, Grigorios said:

the last pokemon game ive played was fire red/leaf green. I had played all the prior ones. Its been a while. 


Oh wow that’s actually MORE than a while. Why don’t you try playing the main games first? You’ve missed out on a lot. Reborn might be a big culture shock to you. 

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6 hours ago, Maqqy said:


Oh wow that’s actually MORE than a while. Why don’t you try playing the main games first? You’ve missed out on a lot. Reborn might be a big culture shock to you. 

In what way? I’m haveing gun learning everything

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On 6/3/2018 at 10:19 PM, Maqqy said:


Oh wow that’s actually MORE than a while. Why don’t you try playing the main games first? You’ve missed out on a lot. Reborn might be a big culture shock to you. 

I wonder why would you think of that. Reborn is using 3rd gen sprites and I, whose latest pokemon game is ruby, isn't that shocked.

I just had a hard time remembering new names before I start picking out names on them myself.


And @Grigorios, you might have hard time in gym battles because there's a lot of fields and things you need to know before beat them. Don't worry, it's part of the journey.


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@Arys I only assumed because while Reborn is Gen 3 design wise, it’s not a very tutorial-esque of a game and so many has changed since Gen 3 apart from the wide-range added mons in the Pokedex that can maybe overwhelm the players who are only going back to Pokemon now. I apologize for my assumption.

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45 minutes ago, Grigorios said:

Looking for a good flying, grass and water pokemonto get before shade gym leader. 

Uh... flying.

Unless you have charizard, I honestly don't think there's good flying before Shade's gym, since Zubat still out of reach.


The best grass pokemon is the starter...

I have recommendation for water though! Seaking is pretty great!


Also, collect stickers until you can buy power things in department store to train your pokemon's EV. It helps a lot in battle.


17 minutes ago, Maqqy said:

@Arys I only assumed because while Reborn is Gen 3 design wise, it’s not a very tutorial-esque of a game and so many has changed since Gen 3 apart from the wide-range added mons in the Pokedex that can maybe overwhelm the players who are only going back to Pokemon now. I apologize for my assumption.

Don't apologize. I just curious why you'd think that way.

It's true that this game does not provide tutorial (except the controls). But IIRC pokemon's tutorial only tells you how to catch pokemon, use things (pokedex, shoes, and maybe phone) and buy things from pokemart. It's extremely basic.

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19 minutes ago, Arys said:

Uh... flying.

Unless you have charizard, I honestly don't think there's good flying before Shade's gym, since Zubat still out of reach.


The best grass pokemon is the starter...

I have recommendation for water though! Seaking is pretty great!


Also, collect stickers until you can buy power things in department store to train your pokemon's EV. It helps a lot in battle.

I picked infernape but I think zubat will do nicely. I was thinking vaporeon for my water and maybe getting chikorita from the event for some light screen/reflect action. 

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8 minutes ago, Grigorios said:

I picked infernape but I think zubat will do nicely. I was thinking vaporeon for my water and maybe getting chikorita from the event for some light screen/reflect action. 

Eevee is still 2 gym away from Shade though. But if it's for future investment, get a Budew and salon it everyday until it evolves, then wait until you can reach Azurine Island and get Shiny Stone to evo it. It has good special attack and def with nice speed for your grass slot.

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10 minutes ago, Arys said:

Eevee is still 2 gym away from Shade though. But if it's for future investment, get a Budew and salon it everyday until it evolves, then wait until you can reach Azurine Island and get Shiny Stone to evo it. It has good special attack and def with nice speed for your grass slot.

What’s worth getting from roselia since riserade doesn’t learn anything from leveling

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Roserade is one of my favorite ❤️ However, it will become an exceptional to any team only when you breed it. If you are looking for something to only fill the grass role in your team, Techinician Roserade + Magical Leaf, Mega or Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes, Grassy Terrain (this last helped me a lot on late game against the three last leaders) but, if you are looking for something more useful, you should breed Budew with Extrasensory and Hidden Power. I would also recommend Leavanny, Sewaddle can be found early in the game (before Shade) and if you spend a some time trying to catch a Adamant one, you'll have a good time with it. Through lvl up it learns Swords Dance, Leaf Blade and X-Scissor, and as you need to raise friendship in order to evolve, Return is a good move to it. I can't remember other nice Grass mon early in game besides starters, maybe Bellsprout, but it'll take a while until you get a grass stone, so it's not worth imo.

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