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Hi, I want some advices with my team. 

I just want to know which type I can use to complete my team. 

My team is: 

Lv34 Blaziken (speed boost) 

Blazing kick 

Bulk up 

Fire pledge 

Double kick 

Lv 34 Greninja (protean) 

Water pulse 

Water shuriken 

Smack down 


Lv 33 Haunter 

Shadow punch

Shadow ball 

Confuse ray 

Sucker punch 

Lv33 Gabite (rough skin) 

Dragon claw 


Iron head 

Sand tomb 

A Magnemite (I don't have it yet) 

For the 6th one I was using Noibat but it becomes weak and can't fight. I was planning to get another flying type but if another type can be more useful you can tell me.

In game I've just beat Corey. 

Thanks for reading. 


Edited by Horus
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Gardevoir. You have no Psychic nor fairy type, two extremely strong types in their own right that have amazing synergy with each other, and Gardevoir and Magnezone are the golden duo of Reborn when it comes to synergy. while you miss out on the fire water grass core, the ghost dark psychic fairy core is equally good, if not better

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Gardevoir too. Also I recommend using Mismagius rather than Haunter/Gengar for more coverage moves namely the ones you are lacking (Magical leaf and Power gem) through move relearner. Also it can learn Nasty Plot, which is neat.

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Since u have 3 pokemon weak to ground moves, (Haunter will become Gengar and loses levitate), i would suggest to find another flying pokemon or a pokemon with levitate, and maybe a phisical attacker since u have many special ones. So i would run an Archeops. jolly without items with acrobatics rockslide crunch (earthquake for the future) dragon claws. I used it in my adventure and it was really usefull

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