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The most up and down experience in a long time


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So yeah 24 y/o swede here just made an account for the sole reason of making this topic


I was looking for a new type of fan game after finishing pokemon uranium and pokemon insurgence. then i came across reborn (also played blaze black 2 rom hack). ive played every main title and the only one posing a challenge was pokemon yellow, with my 6 year old brain trying to understand technology. im by no means a good player at pokemon in competitive retrospect. so insurgence, i freaking loved that game! hm slaves was no longer a need, deltas was nice and the game posed a challenge. mostly because i was dead set of using my 6 delta team with no switches for new stuff and being underleveled majority of the game. elite four was hell with whole team 10 levels under. 


Uranium. i liked it partly, felt a little overrated. story didnt pick up until very late into the game, then it got real good. didnt bother with post game.


So here i am, recently got through zEL in devon corp after greninja smack downed that magnezone and let mamoswine earthquake him into oblivion. 


Man this game is like no other really. Ive loved it (alot), ive hated it, it made me think over strategies, it made me pull my hair in anger, it made me question developer choices. but at the end of the day, i always came back. and BOI when that obstacle who stood in ur way finally gets a beating. Not many feelings beat that.


I want to share playthrough moments but my memory isnt that great so ill just give the best stuff i remember. i looked on the forums a little before starting, seeing this is a game where versatile startegies is needed so my starter was dead set. a note is one thing i didnt enjoy at first was how many of the pokemon was locked away until late, but i got over that by geting to know new pokemons strengths, thats the beauty isnt it?


I started with froakie, that protean ability will come in handy, and boy has it. oh his nature? modest on first try with good ivs, fate?


and a pokemon ive never used before became one of the biggest MVPs of the first half of my playthrough. Bronzor even when i put him in the PC thinking i had a better lineup, always when i took him out again to help with a gym leader. He delivered


Julia was dealt with quickly


Fiorina was shut down by big bro bronzors sleep/confuse hax


I came across a emolga, that acrobatic(s) little squirrel has proved itself on multiple occasions


Corey no biggie really, rip tho


Shelly was the first person to give me trouble but after training abit emolga and bronzong took care of it  (i had a full party but pokemon of less relevance)


Shade, oh sweet shade. The first trainer who made me train a pokemon solely for this battle. lvl 39 skuntank sucker punching left and right. and ofc his last mon is a old nemesis. mimikyu. (did a underleveled playthrough of sun and moon where mimikyu boosted up and ate my team) after some trouble dealt with. skuntank deff MVP


Aya. kept her toxapex alive and it kept spamming useless toxic spikes, was like a 2v1 battle. and shoutouts to Fern. i hope ur pokemon decide to tie you up and leave you.


Enter swinub, another core member who still ice shard those pesky birds to death and fainting anything with low defence.


Serra gave me some trouble, and bennett. Actually Bennett he screwed me over a couple of times before i faced Serra, mamaswine learning Earthquake right before that fight was quite nice lmao


Shroomish joins the rank, with adamant 31 attack technician mach punches. its never been at a comfortable level, doesnt feel like it needs to aswell ^^ Still KOin left and right


Noel was a Breloom fodder fight after i learned his lineup


Arceus was hell, had to resort to a sneaky strategy to beat it


Radomus gave me trouble, had to bring trusty ol Bronzong back from retirement and train a sweeping mismagius for this. Sleep Reuniclus and nasty plot Mismagius. Faints did happen


Luna did not enjoy my mamoswine and Breloom


Got myself a noibat earlier, now his level is of relevance


Samson. His mienshao punch me back to Julia a few times. Trained a Cofagrigus for this who walled pretty well with will o wisp. And when Noivern and Emolga had tailwind, not much stood in my way


Charlotte was the hardest battle yet. Had to battle so many times and think of a strategy. Eventualy a light screen/tailwind setup took her down. Greninja <3


Blake. Blake.. BLAKE!!! (hairpulling included) not even a gym leader and to this day its still the hardest ive faced by far. no matter what i brought to the table from my PC he shut me down hard. i had a lucky run ending in 1v1 and his Walrein crit my Greninja, Things flying. I got a water absorb Lanturn for the sole purpose of this fight only. He was lvl 60 while others around 70~. Leading him and Greninja he just stockpiling and charging for defence plus aqua veil(?) staying as a big wall throwing potions at my greninja while geting healed by his surf and aqua veil. M V P (on a side note i did not think about how good mamaswine and emolga pairs together in doubles, discharge EQ spam lmao)


Terra. ugh, as soon as that mouth opened i was out. glad shes traped in a computer atm. Her team got dealt with quickly.


Ciel was actually my easiest fight. Starring lvl 60 lanturn comeback for bulky setup against togekiss and mamoswine OHKOin way to many birds with ice shard


Recently was up against zEL which gave me lots of trouble. had no potions and only one revive. so i soft reseted until mamaswine got a lead ancientpower boost on aurorus. leading to swepp 4 mons, Breloom > Umbreon. and as mentioned above what happened to Magnezone. (revived mamaswine)


If you read this long, holy hell. and thank you. This game is amazing, ive had many qualms with it from the begining, but not anymore. being used to traditional play its being a tough ride to adapt but it is simply amazing. Thank you Ame and others for your work on it. You are a champion Ame! (until u died in devon corp, R.I.P)


Much love, im out.


(Sorry if this doesnt end up in the rightful forum, not used to posting <3)









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Wow that was a lots of typing pal but I agree, Reborn has its charm because it doesn't make it easy for the player. Many close-matches and chance victories, and reruns with different teams and challenge runs keep the game fresh 😄

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11 hours ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

Yeah the last zel fight is really tough <_< It was partly my fault though because I didn't want to go through the stupid floor puzzles again to change up my party. Also her alakazam never missing a single focus blast in like the 6+ attempts I spent on her. 

Yeah zELs glaceon got crit blizzards all the time, and some freezes. was about to go mad 

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On 6/5/2018 at 11:06 PM, Lutfisk said:

a note is one thing i didnt enjoy at first was how many of the pokemon was locked away until late, but i got over that by geting to know new pokemons strengths, thats the beauty isnt it?

Y'know, this is always the kind of experience that I hope people take away from Reborn.
I can see how for a lot of people it can be annoying to not be able to play through the game with their favourites, since it can be a lot of fun to put together a team from 'mons you like.
But with a little bit of thinking and trying, every Pokémon can be made useful in this game, and sometimes you'll be surprised how enjoyable it can be to use them.

Also, Bronzong is a god. Underrated 'mon tbh.


I greatly enjoy every instance of people running into the Magnezone fight unprepared. Teaches ya to be more careful with that puzzle~

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