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Moony's Uber Team!


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Moony's Uber Team!

Hello people of the Reborn community. I'm Moony, who you may or may not know as the guy who plays a lot of Ubers (a bit too much). Today, I bring to you a team centered around CM Ghost Arceus, a very big threat in Ubers. As you may or may know, I am an avid Ubers player and am proficient in the tier. I decided to make a team around CM Ghost Arceus because one day in the Alpha Omega channel, Dark was asking me about checks to CM Ghostceus. I thought off the top of my head and said to him the two most popular checks are Ho-Oh (has to have no SR on the field) and Chansey/Blissey. That was when I had a spark, I made a team around CM Ghostceus and around Specs Kyogre. Specs Kyogre can easily beat Ho-Oh and can beat Chansey/Blissey after Stealth Rocks. On to the team building!



Obviously, I built the team around CM Ghost Arceus, a very big threat in the Ubers metagame, not really countered by anything.


Specs Kyogre is a very good partner to CM Ghost Arceus, beating two of its main checks, Chansey/Blissey and Ho-Oh.


Garchomp was what I thought at the time, a good partner to Ghost Arceus as its SD set beats both Ho-Oh and Chansey/Blissey but looking back on it, Garchomp wasn't really that good of a partner as it was mostly dead weight.


Forretress is a great spinner in the Ubers metagame with its ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, spin away hazards, and set up all of the main hazards. It was an asset to the team, doing the above things to make Ghost Arceus's sweep a bit more easy. good of a partner.


I saw I was very weak to CM Latias, so I added in Physical Scarf Gene, which also checked my other weakness, Psycho Killer Mewtwo and DD/SD Rayquaza. It also checked Arceus with its Explosion, making it a huge asset to the team.


I added this pokemon on a whim, but it worked out very well for me. It outspeeds most of the metagame with its ability, Swift Swim. It checked Latias, OHKO'ng 144 HP Latias (4 attacks Latias) with its powerful Outrage. It also is a powerhouse, spamming Draco Meteors and Hydro Pumps.


I found that Forretress, even though it was a great spinner and hazards setter, was practically dead weight on this team. I playtested on the ladder and found that Forretress could easily be replaced with Deoxys-S, a great suicide lead for setting up hazards.


I also found that Garchomp was simply not pulling its weight with the team. So I had to replace with. But with what? Well, I wanted a fast Pokemon that was relatively bulky and could keep momentum. Choice Scarf Jirachi fitted very well in the team. It could take stray dragon attacks with its somewhat good bulk and it kept momentum with its fast U-turns.


This is the variation you have now, it's a pretty solid team and I believe it could easily get up to 1300 on the PO Ubers Ladder if you know what you're doing.

In-Depth Analysis



DEOXYS-S @ Focus Sash
Pressure | Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Magic Coat
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Deoxys-S is a very solid lead in Ubers. Its natural base speed and access to Magic Coat / Taunt makes it not spikes fodder for Forretress or Ferrothorn. This Pokemon plays an important role as it sets up both Stealth Rock and Spikes and keeps hazards off the field most of the time. This set surprises lead Genesect, as it has a chance to OHKO (outright OHKOs with -SDef nature on Genesect)with 252 SAtk Hidden Power Fire.

Calc: 252 SpA Deoxys-S Hidden Power Fire vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Genesect: 260-308 (91.87 - 108.83%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

Stealth Rock and Spikes are pretty much given on this set, as it allows Ghost Arceus to sweep much easier, as Ho-Oh is hindered very much by Stealth Rock. Magic Coat is somewhat of a weird choice but its effect allows me to reflect back both Taunt and Hazards, a very good thing to have.



KYOGRE @ Choice Specs
Drizzle | Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
- Water Spout
- Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam

This thing, I think, is the strongest Pokemon. With Choice Specs Water Spout, it absolutely demolishes teams that count on Ferrothorn to check it. Kyogre is very important to this team, setting up Drizzle for Kingdra and wallbreaks, paving the way for a Ghost Arceus sweep later in the game.

Calcs: 252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 80 SpD Lugia in rain: 436-514 (104.8 - 123.55%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey in rain: 313-369 (48.75 - 57.47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Chansey in rain: 313-369 (44.46 - 52.41%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 180+ SpD Tyranitar in sand: 458-540 (113.36 - 133.66%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 252 HP / 208+ SpD Ferrothorn in rain: 225-266 (63.92 - 75.56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Latias: 228-270 (62.63 - 74.17%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Giratina in rain: 213-252 (42.34 - 50.09%) -- 42.97% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Ability to 2HKO Chansey and Ferrothorn after Rocks, now that's power. I chose the more offensive set for Kyogre as it outspeeds Adamant Excadrill, which if played right, is a big threat to my team. Pretty typical moveset for it.



ARCEUS-GHOST @ Spooky Plate

Multitype | Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

- Calm Mind
- Judgment

- Focus Blast
- Recover

Calm Mind Ghost Arceus is a huge threat in today's metagame. With only two reliable checks, Ho-Oh and Chansey, it can sweep unprepared teams for it. With the 252 SAtk spread, it has a chance to KO Ho-Oh at +1 after Rocks with Judgement.

Calc: +1 252 SpA Spooky Plate Arceus-Ghost Judgment (Ghost) vs. 248 HP / 84 SpD Ho-Oh: 180-213 (43.37 - 51.32%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

It also takes only aout 60% from Zekrom, so it really can't be checked by Scarfers such as Genesect and Ho-Oh. With the hazards that Deo-S puts up, it works well with them as it spinblocks and puts a dent or kills most spinners. This dude is a beast, don't mess with him.



KINGDRA @ Life Orb

Swift Swim | Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

- Waterfall

- Hydro Pump

- Draco Meteor

- Outrage

I added this guy on a whim, but boy, it has worked very well. With having a 100% chance to OHKO Latias, it makes it much easier for Genesect to fulfill its role. This Pokemon I chose was because I needed a Pokemon that can clean up at the end of the game, and this is very efficient at doing that. After the opponent's Pokemon have been worn down, I can spam Hydro Pumps and Draco Meteor and clean up the team.



GENESECT @ Choice Scarf

Download | Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd

- U-turn

- Ice Beam

- Explosion

- Iron Head

This guy is probably the 2nd most important Pokemon on this team. With its very strong U-turns, it carries momentum and barely loses it. Yeah...this set is about as bog standard as it gets but Genesect is truly an amazing Scarfer. It's primary duties on this team are to scout and revenge kill. It forms a nice U-turn core with Jirachi, keeping up a lot of momentum. They form a nice core with Specs Ogre, safely bringing it in against slow Pokemon such as Groudon and Jirachi.

The moveset is fairly standard. U-turn is used for scouting and is generally the move used most often. Iron Head is pretty good, as it allows me to KO both Terrakion and Kyurem-B. Ice Beam is to revenge +1 Rayquaza and not really used for anything else. Explosion is my sort of last resort move. At +1, even with the nerf from 5th Gen, it still has a punch, putting massive holes into Groudon and OHKO'ng standard tank Ho-Oh., two annoyances to my team.

+1 252 Atk Genesect Explosion vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Ho-Oh: 420-495 (101.2 - 119.27%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Genesect Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Groudon: 147-173 (36.38 - 42.82%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock

Hasty > Naive is to better tank stray Draco Meteors from Latias and Latios. EVs are pretty standard, max Atk is to make more use of U-turn and Explosion.



JIRACHI @ Choice Scarf

Serene Grace | Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

- Iron Head

- Trick

- Ice Punch

- U-turn

When I first tested on the ladder, I found that I was very weak to 3 Attacks Latios. I needed a Pokemon that was relatively bulky and could keep momentum without losing it. I came across Jirachi, it resisted Draco Meteors and checked Latios and Kyurem-W, but I first needed to consider what set to use. Although its specially defensive set is pretty good, it didn't really keep up momentum. With its scarf set, it still does somewhat check the threats but it keeps up momentum with its fast U-turn's. It forms a nice U-turn core with Genesect, helping me keep up momentum.

Optional Change:

JIRACHI @ Leftovers

Serene Grace | Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

EVs: 252 HP / 224 SDef / 32 Spd

- Iron Head

- Body Slam

- Wish

- U-turn

Keeps up momentum with U-turn, checks Specs Dragons better, I prefer Scarf set more though. Also, it helps keeps Kyogre health with Wish.

Final Glance


Overall, I'm pretty happy with this team, it's not the best team I ever made but it is a pretty fun team to use. Hope you enjoyed this RMT!


Deoxys-S @ Focus Sash

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 4 Atk / 212 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Stealth Rock
- Spikes

- Magic Coat
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Kyogre @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Water Spout
- Surf

- Thunder
- Ice Beam

Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate

Trait: Multitype

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Calm Mind
- Judgment

- Focus Blast
- Recover

Kingdra (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Waterfall

- Hydro Pump
- Draco Meteor

- Outrage

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- U-turn
- Ice Beam

- Explosion
- Iron Head

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Iron Head
- Trick

- Ice Punch
- U-turn

Importable with Specially Defensive Rachi over Scarfed:

Deoxys-S @ Focus Sash

Trait: Pressure

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Stealth Rock

- Spikes

- Magic Coat

- Hidden Power [Fire]

Kyogre @ Choice Specs

Trait: Drizzle

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Water Spout

- Surf

- Thunder

- Ice Beam

Arceus-Ghost @ Spooky Plate

Trait: Multitype

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Judgment

- Focus Blast

- Recover

Kingdra (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Swift Swim

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)

- Waterfall

- Hydro Pump

- Draco Meteor

- Outrage

Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- U-turn

- Ice Beam

- Explosion

- Iron Head

Jirachi @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 252 HP / 224 SDef / 32 Spd

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Iron Head

- Body Slam

- Wish

- U-turn

Edited by Moony
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Reserved for threat list when not lazy:

Ubers Threat List
In alphabetical order

Offensive Threats

Tier 1

dpiconani493.gif Arceus

Extreme Killer (Swords Dance) - Make sure it doesn't set up, check with Jirachi / Ghost Arceus / Genesect
Choice Band - Never seen this, same solution as Extreme Killer

493-fighting.png Arceus-Fighting

Calm Mind - Flinch with Jirachi, damage with Kyogre, and as a last resort, kill it with Explosion from Genesect.

493-ghost.png Arceus-Ghost

Calm Mind - Flinch it to death with Rachi, damage with Kyogre, risk with speed tie.
Swords Dance - Flinch it to Death with Rachi, damage with Kyogre, don't let it set up.

493-ground.png Arceus-Ground

Calm Mind - Kyogre / Kingdra
Swords Dance - Kyogre / Kingdra

dpiconani491.gif Darkrai

Special Sweeper - Sleep Fooder something / check with Genesect, Jirachi, or Kingdra.
Choice Scarf - Same plan.
Double Status - Same plan.

dpiconani483.gif Dialga

Special Attacker - Pretty dangerous, damage with Ogre, kill with Ghost Arceus.
Mixed - Same plan.
Bulk Up + RestTalk - Sort of big threat, explode with Gene and kill with Ghost Arceus.
Choice Scarf - Wall / Check with Rachi, same plan otherwise.

dpiconani383.gif Groudon

Rock Polish - Don't let it set up, Kingdra in Rain outspeeds.
Paradancer - Pretty dangerous, don't let it set up, kill with Kyogre if standard spread.
Choice Band - Nothing can take a hit, sac something and revenge with Ogre, keep up momentum.
Offensive Stealth Rock - Hope it's not Jolly, kill with Ogre or Kingdra in Rain.

dpiconani250.gif Ho-Oh

Tank - Kyogre / Kingdra
Physical Sweeper - Kill it with Ogre or Kingdra.
Choice Scarf - Not dangerous, set up with Ghost Arceus, kill with Kyogre or Kingdra in Rain, if locked into Brave Bird, go into Jirachi.

dpiconani382.gif Kyogre

Choice Scarf - Weaken it, revenge with Gene / Jira / Kingdra
Choice Specs - Big threat, try to weaken it or play around it.
Calm Mind + 3 Attacks - Thunder with Kyogre, Explode with Genesect.
Mono-Attacker - Kill with Kyogre.
Thunder Wave - Kill with Kyogre.
SubCM - Don't let it get a sub up.
ChestoRest - Kill with Kyogre.

Ani646WMS.png Kyurem-W

Choice Specs - Jirachi / Sac and revenge.
Choice-less - Jirachi, revenge with Gene, Kingdra.
Choice Scarf - Jirachi, revenge with Gene, Kingdra.

dpiconani380.gif Latias

Offensive Pivot - Jirachi, Gene, Kingdra in Rain, Kyogre does about 60% I believe, Arceus-Ghost
Defensive Calm Mind - Check with Jirachi, Gene, Kingdra in Rain.
All-Out Attacker - Same plan.

dpiconani381.gif Latios

Calm Mind - Same as Latias.
All-Out Attacker - Same as Latias.
Special Dragon Dance - Same as Latias.

dpiconani150.gif Mewtwo

Psycho Killer - Jirachi, check with Gene.
Bulky Attacker - Check with Ghost Arceus, Gene, or Jirachi.
Choice Scarf - Jirachi laughs at this in Rain.

dpiconani484.gif Palkia

Choice Scarf -
Specially Based Mix -
Choice Specs -
Blissey Boxer -
Physically Based Mix -

dpiconani384.gif Rayquaza

Dragon Dance -
Mixed Attacker -
Mixed Dancer -
Swords Dance -
Choice Scarf -
Choice Band -

Tier 2

493-dark.png Arceus-Dark

Calm Mind -

493-dragon.png Arceus-Dragon

Swords Dance -
Calm Mind -

493-electric.png Arceus-Electric

Calm Mind -

493-steel.png Arceus-Steel

Calm Mind -
Swords Dance -

dpiconani257.gif Blaziken

Swords Dance -

Deoxys-Attack.gif Deoxys-A

Life Orb -
Focus Sash Attacker -

Ani530MS.png Excadrill

Bulky -
Offensive -

Ani445MS.png Garchomp

Choice Scarf -
Swords Dance -
Choice Band -
Substitute + Swords Dance -

Ani649MS.png Genesect

Specially Based Choice Scarf -
Physically Based Choice Scarf -
Specially Based Attacker -
Physically Based Attacker -
Choice Band -

thgiratinao.gif Giratina-O

Mixed Attacker -
Calm Mind -
Sleeping Beauty (Mono-Attacker) -
Substitute Shuffler -

Ani141MS.png Kabutops

Cleaner -
Choice Band -

Ani230MS.png Kingdra

Mixed Attacker -
Dragon Dance -
Choice Specs -

BRLoM.gif Kyurem-B

Mixed -
Mixed Hone Claws -
Choice Band -
Choice Scarf -

Ani473MS.png Mamoswine

Physical Attacker -

Ani643MS.png Reshiram

Choice Specs -
Choice Scarf -
Substitute -
Flame Charge -
Sunny Day -

dpiconani373.gif Salamence

Choice Scarf -
Dragon Dance -

waadV.gif Shaymin-S

SubSeed -
Choice Scarf -
Special Sweeper -
Choice Specs -

Ani639MS.png Terrakion

Choice Scarf -
Double Dancer -
Choice Band -
Substitute + Swords Dance -

dpiconani248.gif Tyranitar

Tank -
Choice Band -

HitVK.gif Zekrom

Mixed -
Choice Band -
Choice Scarf -
Substitute + Hone Claws -

Tier 3

493-fire.png Arceus-Fire

Calm Mind -

493-grass.png Arceus-Grass

Calm Mind -

493-ice.png Arceus-Ice

Calm Mind -

493-psychic.png Arceus-Psychic

Calm Mind -

493-rock.png Arceus-Rock

Mono-Attacker -
Offensive Calm Mind -
Swords Dance -

493-water.png Arceus-Water

Swords Dance -
Offensive Calm Mind -
Defensive Calm Mind -

Ani091MS.png Cloyster

Shell Smash -

Ani485MS.png Heatran

Choice Scarf -

dpiconani487.gif Giratina

Boosting Tank -
Chesto Rest -

Ani368MS.png Gorebyss

Smash Pass -

Ani385MS.png Jirachi

Choice Scarf -

Ani645MS.png Landorus

Swords Dance -
Choice Scarf -

tL0LU.gif Landorus-T

SubSD -
Double Dancer -
Choice Band -

dpiconani249.gif Lugia

Offensive Calm Mind -

Ani462MS.png Magnezone

SubCharge -
Choice Specs -
Dual Screens -

dpiconani490.gif Manaphy

Calm Mind -
Tail Glow -

dpiconani376.gif Metagross

Choice Band -

dpiconani212.gif Scizor

Choice Band -
Swords Dance -
Specially Defensive -

Ani642MS.png Thundurus

Prankster -
Nasty Plot -

Ani641TMS.png Tornadus-T

All-Out Attacker -
Choice Specs -

Ani003MS.png Venusaur

Special Growth -
Mixed Growth -

Tier 4

Ani460MS.png Abomasnow

Tank -

493-bug.png Arceus-Bug

Calm Mind -
Swords Dance -

493-flying.png Arceus-Flying

Calm Mind -

493-poison.png Arceus-Poison

Calm Mind -

Ani625MS.png Bisharp

Swords Dance -

Ani437MS.png Bronzong

Trickroom -
Choice Band -

dpiconani051.gif Dugtrio

Substitute + Hone Claws -

Ani598MS.png Ferrothorn

Choice Band -

dpiconani094.gif Gengar

Choice Scarf -

Ani130MS.png Gyarados

Taunt Support -
Choice Band -

dpiconani214.gif Heracross

Choice Scarf -
Choice Band -

Ani635MS.png Hydreigon

Choice Scarf -

Ani124MS.png Jynx

Nasty Plot -

dpiconani272.gif Ludicolo

Rain Sweeper -

Ani139MS.png Omastar

Shell Smash -

Ani211MS.png Qwilfish

Support -
Swords Dance -

Ani275MS.png Shiftry

Special Sweeper -

1udpP.gif Thundurus-T

Choice Scarf -
All-Out Attacker -

Ani641MS.png Tornadus

Tailwind -

Ani494MS.png Victini

Choice Scarf -
Choice Band -
Trickroom -

Tier 5

Ani448MS.png Lucario

Swords Dance -

dpiconani292.gif Shedinja

Wall -
Swords Dance -

Defensive Threats

Tier 1

493-ghost.png Arceus-Ghost

Calm Mind -
Support -

493-grass.png Arceus-Grass

Calm Mind -
Support -

493-steel.png Arceus-Steel

Calm Mind -
Support -

Ani242MS.png Blissey

Support -

dpiconani113.gif Chansey

Support -

dpiconani483.gif Dialga

Defensive -

Ani598MS.png Ferrothorn

Support -

dpiconani205.gif Forretress

Specially Defensive -

dpiconani487.gif Giratina

Great Wall -
Specially Defensive -

thgiratinao.gif Giratina-O

Mixed Attacker -
RestTalk Shuffler -

dpiconani383.gif Groudon

Support -

dpiconani382.gif Kyogre

[bulky] Choice Scarf Kyogre -
Mono-Attacker Kyogre -

dpiconani380.gif Latias

Offensive Pivot -
Defensive Calm Mind -
Specially Defensive -

dpiconani249.gif Lugia

Great Wall -
SubRoost -
Specially Defensive -
RestTalk Shuffler -
Defensive Calm Mind -

Tier 2

dpiconani493.gif Arceus

Wallceus (Physical Wall) -

493-fighting.png Arceus-Fighting

Utility Counter -

493-ground.png Arceus-Ground

Support -

493-poison.png Arceus-Poison

Support -

493-rock.png Arceus-Rock

Mono-Attacker -

Ani530MS.png Excadrill

Bulky -

Ani472MS.png Gliscor

Substitute -

Ani485MS.png Heatran

Stallbreaker -

dpiconani250.gif Ho-Oh

Tank -
Physically Defensive -

Ani385MS.png Jirachi

Wish Support -

dpiconani484.gif Palkia

Choice Scarf -

Ani227MS.png Skarmory

Support -

Ani073MS.png Tentacruel

Support -

dpiconani248.gif Tyranitar

Tank -
Choice Band -

Tier 3

493-dark.png Arceus-Dark

Support -

493-psychic.png Arceus-Psychic

Utility Counter -

493-water.png Arceus-Water

Defensive Calm Mind -
Sun Support -

Ani437MS.png Bronzong

Tank -

Ani488MS.png Cresselia

Lunar Dance + Dual Screens -
Wall -

Ani450MS.png Hippowdon

Physical Wall -

tL0LU.gif Landorus-T

Physically Defensive -

dpiconani376.gif Metagross

Choice Band -

dpiconani150.gif Mewtwo

StallTwo -

dpiconani212.gif Scizor

Specially Defensive -

Ani178MS.png Xatu

Dual Screens -

Tier 4

thdeod.gif Deoxys-D

Agility + Taunt -
Utility Wall -

dpiconani423.gif Gastrodon

Tank -

Ani130MS.png Gyarados

Taunt Support -

Ani189MS.png Jumpluff

Support -
SubSeed -

dpiconani272.gif Ludicolo

SubSeed -

Ani547MS.png Whimsicott

SubSeed -

Tier 5

dpiconani292.gif Shedinja

Wall -
Swords Dance -

Miscellaneous Threats

dpiconani386.gif Deoxys

Offensive Dual Screens -

thdeos.gif Deoxys-S

Suicide Lead -
Dual Screens -
Choice Scarf -

Ani132MS.png Ditto

Imposter -

Ani478MS.png Froslass

Spikes -

dpiconani381.gif Latios

Dual Screens -

Ani235MS.png Smeargle

Smash Pass -
Lv 1 FEAR -

dpiconani202.gif Wobbuffet

Oh no, it’s Wobba! -

Edited by Moony
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Hey Moony,

I would recommend changing Scarf Jirachi to Scarf Shaymin-S. They both have Serene Grace, but Shaymin-S will work a lot better. Firstly, you will have something resistant to Ground Type Moves, which is very useful. Secondly, you will be able to win weather wars a lot easier against Groudon Sun teams as well as Tyranitar Uber Sand teams. Finally, you'll have something to check Scarf Kyogre, which can pose a potential threat to this team. Having peaked 1450 on the Ubers ladder on Beta, I know how good Shaymin-S is and I encourage you to try it out!

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  • 3 months later...

Just a little late because I never come on the forums but when I saw Moony did a RMT I just had to come check it out.

Well, since this is Moony's team, it's automatically garbage. Okay, review over, on to the next post...


Ok, but really. I like this team a lot because of all the momentum it keeps, but without a spinner specs kyogre will only be viable for so long. And resisting a move doesn't necessarily mean you wall it, So jirachi isn't necessarily a check to pokes with outrage as Banded Zekrom still does massive damage to it since it has no defensive investment. What you need is a pokemon that can take hits; When most people use arceus they automatically use arceus-ghost or extremekiller, but what this team would thrive with is

Arceus-Steel @ Iron Plate
252 HP / 252 Spd TIMID
~Calm Mind
~Focus Blast

Now, obviously you can't have both of Arceus-Steel and Arceus-Ghost, so I recommend replacing Jirachi with Arceus-Steel. While your jirachi is scarfed, nothing on your team is tanky so you would probably end up still using it as a pivot switch and not get the full advantage from running scarf jirachi. Arceus-Steel can wall any dragon move, physical or special, and can serve his purpose as a pivot switch and can easily set up on most teams.

You obviously didn't just pick Arceus-ghost just because you like ghost judgment. You want a spinblocker. I recommend using

Giratina @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 SpDef CAREFUL
~Sleep Talk
~Dragon Tail

because it cripples physical attackers like LO Extremekiller arceus or Zekrom that would otherwise pose a massive threat to your team and it blocks spinners such as Excadrill or Forretress, which are also crippled by will-o-wisp. All in all, in my opinion, your team would be better with something like this:

Deoxys-S / Kyogre / Genesect / Giratina / Arceus-Steel / Kingdra

This is all my opinion, of course, but I think it would be a lot better like this :].

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Hey, cool team, I believe I've encountered this team once or twice on the ladder and definitely struggled against it (iirc I went 1-1 against it, but my memories pretty foggy tbh). Anywho, small nitpicks tbh, but I'd give them consideration nonetheless. Opposing rain semi-stall (standard bw1 rain-esque build of ogre / Ferro / tenta / ghost / scarfmon / choice) looks to be a little problematic, since your team baits a handful of Spikes users to come in, grab a quick layer, and get out, and your reliance on choiced 'mons gets really hindered by hazard-stacking. Opposing CM Ghostceus also look pretty threatening, and while your team doesn't as readily invite it to come in and set up as often as Spikes users it does really pressure either risking a Speed tie with your own Ghostceus or simply sacking a 'mon to get in the necessary damage to RK succesfully.

Anywho, the first change I'd suggest would be to run Fire Punch over HP Fire on Deoxys-S (obviously running a jolly nature and transferring SpA EVs to Atk). Losing the Speed tie to opposing DeoS is pretty bad, and while Magic Coat is all well and good for "surprise value" in beating them, it is far from consistent. This change also allows DeoS to hit Gene slightly harder and prevent Lead Forretress from getting knocked down to custap range while still 2hkoing, forgoing what otherwise would be an uncomfortable match-up.

I'd also tinker with Life Orb Kabutops over Kingdra. 'Tops offers your team a spinner capable of preserving offensive momentum, which greatly alleviates your "hazards weakness" and enables your U-Turners to play more liberally. The loss in quad-water resist is pretty insignificant IMO when considering opposing choiced ogres are being stifled by entry hazards. Standard faire spread with a moveset of rapid spin / stone edge / waterfall / low kick would work pretty well.

Lastly, I'd definitely re-consider the use of SpDef 'Rachi over Scarf, the added bulk and the Wish support it provides are pretty critical in your match-up with opposing CM Arceus formes and balanced rain, respectively. However, I would definitely consider running Toxic > Body Slam if this change were to be made, as otherwise it would just become set-up bait for the CM Arceus and such it is meant to check. This in no way detracts from its ability to check Lati@s, and te inability to "cripple" Steel-types is fairly trivial in the grand scheme of things (I used quotes because, aside from Gene and sorta Arceus-Steel, very few steels really mind para). Momentum isn't a huge issue with U-turn, and the utility of Trick is a decent trade-off for more overall versatility imo.

Sorry if any of my thoughts sorta trail off or don't seem to make sense, doing this from my phone :/ Either way, nice team, hope my suggestions were of use.

Edit: just noticed this is pretty old lol. Welp, whatever, it got bumped, the mobile doesn't display time stamps clearly, and I commented anyway :<

Edited by 49th Parallel
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(for the record bumping old threads is generally fine as long as you contribute well enough to it- I think you pass lol)

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