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Pokemon Conspiracy (In Development)

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Pokémon Conspiracy

Prologue: Trouble in Paradise

playtime (5-8hrs)








Greetings my fellow forum users.


The name's Enigma. I'm a not so young Pokémon fan that happened to stumble across Pokémon Reborn a few years a ago and became hooked.


After playing Pokémon Reborn, Desolation and several other fan-games, available on and off this forum, I decided to take a crack at my own fan-game. 








You're just a somewhat ordinary kid, living life in the Zhyion Region. You are currently enrolled at an Elite Pokémon Trainer Institute where you have been enrolled for nearly 4 years. Graduation is just around the corner.


Unlike most other regions, in Zhyion, becoming a Pokémon trainer is much less of a recreational choice and more so a means for people to earn Income and provide for their families.

Anyone wishing to become a trainer must obtain a Degree in the battling arts. You obtain this by attending a special University and completing a rigorous program that will prepare you for just about anything that comes your way. However it can't prepare you for what's to come.


In this game, you as the Player character will meet and encounter several people with the same goals in mind. And some people with completely different motives and goals in mind.

You will encounter some bizarre and unorthodox situations from time to time. You will also encounter some scenarios in which you may or may not be used to such as Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Social Injustices etc.


Depending on how you handle or not handle these situations, you may gain Praise OR hatred from your peers.


The Zhyion Region as a whole is Governed by an Elite Organization of Uniformed individuals known as Team Order.

Team Order has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Team Order are generally regarded as protectors of the General Public (Aka Non Pokémon Trainers)


During a normal day like any other you witness a strange situation involving your best friend Teala, who is being harassed by a man wearing a Team Order Uniform.

You of course choose to stand by her side, thus setting in motion a chain of events that will forever change your life.










Leonardo is often described as the loner type. He barely associates himself with others outside his own personal circle.

However he still believes in the old saying, "Treat others the way you'd want to be treated".

He's a rather straightforward individual that claims to be a terrible liar, therefore he doesn't.

During his younger years he used to run with a not so favorable crowd, that taught him some things about life that he still remembers to this day.


(Leo has the ability to Pick locked doors.)







Young, Carefree, Cheerful and very optimistic. Kelani is adored by almost everyone that she comes into contact with.

However over the years she's come to realize that not everyone that smiles in her face can be called a Friend.

She considers herself an Ugly ducklett, whom only recently found the confidence and beauty she needed to overcome years of self-doubt.

She still struggles internally with the fact that she will soon have to deal with all the complications and responsibilities of being an adult, and may come off as a bit awkward from time to time.


(Kelani has the Ability to Charm others, meaning in some instances she may have access to different dialogue options.)






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-18 Gyms

(1 in the Prolouge)


-Battle Houses

(Battle Houses are special establishments that can be challenged after defeating the corresponding Town's Gym. They offer several prizes to victors including Cash prizes, Prize Pokémon and More.)


-Achievement System

(Upon completing certain events in game, the Player will earn Achievements that offer a special Currency which can be traded for various Goodies. Some achievements can be earned by simply playing the game, others may require more research or effort to unlock.)


-EV Training centers

(Also known as PACK-A-PUNCH. A place where trainers can go to increase certain Effort Values of their Pokémon.)


-21 Starters

(Starter Pokémon from Gens 1-7 are available for the player to choose from.)



(As the story progresses the player will have the option to become more intimate with certain characters.)


-Personal Side Stories

(Each protagonist has their own personal side quest which is meant to give the player an idea of what kind of person your protagonist truly is.)


-The Web

(Certain choices that you make in the game may impact future events, positively or negatively.)






Can be found in the game folder. Credits.txt

I've been working on and off on this for roughly 2 years. I sincerely apologize if you see something that may belong to you.


If this is the case, feel free to pm me. So I can update the credits or remove said content.





-Using any evolution stone crashes the game.

-Certain moves behave weirdly (Freeze Dry, Play Nice)

-Some Pokemon and moves are still gen 6.

-Speaking with Woosley without having one of the starter Pokemon in your party traps you in an infinite dialogue loop.

-The Sister of the female protagonist vanishes during a cutscene

-Can walk through some objects and walls.

-a few issues where the female protagonist's portrait isn't displayed properly

-Don’t lose to the raticate in

Caesars bakery.

-TMs don't work on gen 7 Pokemon.

-Field effects being created.

-Buying Bulk up gives flame charge instead.

-Various Typos





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This game seems really interesting. Also Leo reminds me kinda of myself: A loner who still treats others well overall and had a not to optimal past(kinda an easy archetype of character to build, but still)

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Congrats. you got me hyped up.  

Keep in mind that it will need quite some effort to implement the depth that you describe in a 2D game, in a way that it has an impact on the player.  I look forward to it regardless.


Also watch out for spelling errors that may avoid your attention here and there :P      See:  Prolouge

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I'm not sure what to think about real pictures of people in a Pokemon game. Honestly, it reminds me of Rising Rainbow, and that brings back assorted memories. I personally prefer the general anime styled portraits, since it doesn't break my immersion. Or remind of of the FMV game era.

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44 minutes ago, Combat said:

I'm not sure what to think about real pictures of people in a Pokemon game. Honestly, it reminds me of Rising Rainbow, and that brings back assorted memories. I personally prefer the general anime styled portraits, since it doesn't break my immersion. Or remind of of the FMV game era.

They're just placeholder graphics hopefully. I originally wanted to create character portraits similar to those in games like Pokemon Academy life however with my zero drawing experience these graphics felt like a good middle ground.

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1 hour ago, DemICE said:

Congrats. you got me hyped up.  

Keep in mind that it will need quite some effort to implement the depth that you describe in a 2D game, in a way that it has an impact on the player.  I look forward to it regardless.


Also watch out for spelling errors that may avoid your attention here and there :P      See:  Prolouge


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1 hour ago, Enigma Shot U said:

They're just placeholder graphics hopefully. I originally wanted to create character portraits similar to those in games like Pokemon Academy life however with my zero drawing experience these graphics felt like a good middle ground.

Good to hear. I was having flashbacks to Harvester and Phantasmagoria, so that's good to know.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/3/2017 at 10:18 AM, Enigma Shot U said:

They're just placeholder graphics hopefully. I originally wanted to create character portraits similar to those in games like Pokemon Academy life however with my zero drawing experience these graphics felt like a good middle ground.

Because of your little experience with drawing, what if you were to make portraits out of Pixels like Desolation's portraits are?

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8 hours ago, Dypatome said:

Because of your little experience with drawing, what if you were to make portraits out of Pixels like Desolation's portraits are?

I thought about that but I decided against it. Majority of the characters in the game are based on real people in my life and several other sources. And I wanted to represent them in a more realistic manner. If that makes any sense. Lol

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  • 3 months later...

So, the first version is finally nearing its birth. So I'm now seeking a few people that are interested in testing the game for bugs, typos etc. All are welcome to inquire but I would prefer users with some experience with RPG maker. Someone who can not only identify issues but can also offer solutions on how to fix them, and some scripting experience would also be a plus. If you're interested and believe you meet the criteria please send me a pm. And for everyone else, be on the lookout for the Prolouge to drop pretty soon.

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  • 1 month later...

Just downloaded this and really enjoying it.

I am still in the early stage and that institute is really huge.

Also I got a question:


I am in the library and 1 girl asked to help her answer some questions.But  interacting with the bookshelf doesn't do anything.So how can I know the answers?


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I've mostly finished the prologue. All I have left to do is find the Zorua. 


I enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to future releases. Some thoughts I had when playing:

-I really like the music, especially the track that plays in the school. And the Pokemon Center track also fits it well. I forget the name of it, but I remember it plays in Kirby and Smash Bros between stages in certain modes. 

-For a prologue, there's a lot to do. Not only is there a decent amount of content after the gym battle, there are plenty of sidequests. 

-The credits file mentions to let you know if you're missing anyone. The Sorceress sprite seems to be the Hex Maniac sprite I use in Spork, which was made by someone on Deviantart named KinectedWires.

-Ceolis was mentioned :D 

-I like the concept of the Gemini Shop. In addition to it being a good incentive for players to explore everywhere, it can also work as a reminder for what's left to do. 


Some bugs I found:

-I'm able to walk through the walls in the school, and IIRC in Caesar's restaurant too

-Trying to pick any kind of berry crashes the game. 

-I'm playing as female but during the first conversation with Kewon there was a part where I had the male player's portrait when I was speaking. There was also a scene where I had Michael's portrait at one point, though I forget which one specifically. I think it was just after escaping from the frog mafia. 

-When entering some maps, I got a pop up error about an incorrect chunk value with the Rift floor. This happened in the school and most other indoor maps. It actually didn't happen originally, but once it started, it persisted throughout the playthrough. The error didn't crash the game and the game continued after exiting from it. 


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@SynTheSylveon Im actually a fan of Spork. It along with Desolation Reborn and Rejuv kept me slightly motivated to keep working on Conspiracy.


Im happy to hear that none of the bugs found so far are game breaking. All the portraits are going to be replaced with pixel art versions next update. I'll also promptly update the credits.



@Filthy Casual Im glad you're enjoying the game. A lot of time was spent on it but not enough apparently lol, will fix for later

Edited by Enigma Shot U
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Some minor bugs:

1.2 people outside the classroom doesn't do anything when the player interacts with them.Same problem in the room beside in library.

2.When I heal my pokemons in the poke center,the 3 and 4 pokeball sprites are shown in half.Not sure about the other because I only have 4 mons at the moment.

3.You can go through the counter in Caesar's bakery.

4.Trying to buy  lemonade or something crashes the game.

5.The place where we can buy berry(not good with name),talking to one of the female npc to buy berry crashes the game.


Also some minor things (not a bug):

Why did you give her(again not good with name) a honedge? Shadow claw and sacred sword is really powerful at level 17.

I only had 3 pokemons and 1 egg.That honedge was immune all of my pokemons move.The only attacking move I had against it was peck.

The starters seem random.I don't think any of the starters can do anything to honedge.Also why is jangmo-o a starter? I picked it and now I soon find out I can get an axew.I don't think I will be even able to evolve jangmo-o in the prologue.

The opponent's pokemon's level seem to be completely random.For example,inside the institute the trainer's had level 8/9 pokemon.Where the bug trainer outside had a level 13 pokemon.It only used harden.I almost ran out PP for tackle.

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@Yagami Thanks for the feedback. I've been made aware of the berry and vending machine glitches already as well as a few movement permission errors. Will upload a patch soon.


Teala, has a Honedge because the person her character is based on is actually a collector of swords and asked specially for Honedge. It also has story purposes which you will see in a future update.

She's also meant to be overpowered at the beginning, because she's not meant to be beaten the first time around.


I tried to include starter POKéMON that would appeal to multiple people rather than everyone just picking the same Pokémon. Also, Jangmo-o is known to be very bad during the early game and is placed under the hard category for this reason. It honestly shouldn't be picked unless you just really want it, or are doing a dragon monorun or something.


As for the levels, they aren't random, they're intentional. If you don't use the trainers and other resources available to you inside the school before leaving you'll be punished.


Thanks for playing.




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