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Yep, it's back, and this time I'm not faking it. PokéNations, one of the community's favourite (and most controversial) events! And it's back for its third season! Now let's get right into it!


So, what's PokéNations?


PokéNations is a battling competition for all of reborn, where anyone can enter! Participants are divided in six groups, the Nations, and they'll get to vote on a leader! After that, they'll go into the PokéNations 2018 Type DraftTM (more on this in a second). After the types are chosen, the Nations will get to pick their name.


The goal of PokéNations is to have participants work, teambuild, practice, and strategize with their Nation comrades members, in order to lead their nation to victory over the others as often as possible. The competition will go on for 10 weeks, and after those, the 2 Nations that won more weeks will face each other in The Grand FinaleTM , and the nation that comes out on top will win this edition of PokéNations!


The rundown

The Draft

After all nations voted for their leader, the PokéNations 2018 Type DraftTM will begin. This'll be a snake draft until 12 types are picked. For those of you that don't know, in a snake draft, after all the sides have made their first pick, the picking order is reversed. So in this case, every Nation will pick one type, in a randomized order, and after all Nations made their pick, the picking order is reversed, and the Nation that was the last to pick will be the first to pick their second type. The picking order will be changed after every Nation has 2 types, to an order picked by the committee. This order will take the types that were already picked into consideration, and will be made in order to balance all Nations.


The Challenges


Every week, the same teambuilding challenge will be issued for all Nations. The challenges will be revealed every Saturday at about 6 PM (GMT +1): a thread will be posted, and there the challenge of the week will be explained, and every Nation will know who they're facing, in the following format:


Nation A v. Nation B

Nation C v. Nation D

Nation E v. Nation F


The challenges are designed for you to carefully build your team, in order to have the best possible matchup against your opponent, and, of course, for every face off to be equally fair for both sides. Committee members and leaders should make sure every battler follows the challenge's rules.


Each nation has to come up with the required number of battlers for every week. After decided, the leader must submit the rosters to each Nation's staff member. The matches will be randomized, and the challenge thread will feature them the next Sunday, at 6 PM GMT +1. Any questions about the challenge go in the thread, but they have to be highlighted in green, like this.


The questions must be highlighted, since replays of every match will be posted in that thread, so they can be reviewed by staff, to keep track of each Nation's wins/losses (this will be added to the thread), and for staff to judge whether all rules were followed. So make sure you save those replays.


The staff


There will be at least one staff member in every nation. The staff members are the following: myself (Hycrox), DW, Personthing, Nick Crash, pyrromanis, Kurusu, Odybld and Xiri. Now Ironbound too. Feel free to contact us on forums, or on Discord (more on that in a bit).



  • All Pokémon used by a Nation must have at least one of the Nation's three types. If a Pokémon is a dual-type with only one type belonging to the Nation in question, it's still allowed.
  • Teambuilding should follow the rules of the weekly challenge.
  • All players must abide by the deadlines. If a player is unavailable for a week in which they're on their Nation's roster, they must be replaced by a sub.
  • All players may battle three weeks in a row ONCE, and after that they're cut to two weeks in a row.
  • Breaking any of the rules above may result in disqualification of the battle.
  • Be nice, and have fun! (Yes, fun is mandatory)



Are Megas allowed?


  • As long as the mega maintains a type your Nation controls. Example: A nation with the Flying-type, but without Water or Dark, can use Gyarados, but can't use Mega Gyarados. Similarly, nations can't use a mega that has one of their types, but with a base form that doesn't have any of their types.


What about Pokemon that use nonconventional means to change types?


  • Transform, Protean, Color Change, etc. They'll be counted as their base type.


What does being a Nation leader imply?


  • The leader will speak on behalf of their Nation during the Type Draft, voicing the final decision on each type. They also have to submit their Nation's roster, and contacting the committee, if there's ever a need to.


What's the prize?


  • Brag rights. And a multitude of nice boons in the future! So better wait and see 😉


Wow, this is so cool, and you're so cool Hycrox! Where do I sign?

Soon enough, a sign up thread will be up. There will be an initial period of about 2 weeks that's exclusively for sorting players by Nations, according to their interests type-wise. You can sign up even if you're not sure whether you'll have time for this every week, due to the flexible nature of PokéNations.


Signups will be open until the grand finale, so newer members to the server and forums are able to participate as well.


The battles will occur on Reborn's Showdown server: reborn.psim.us . There's also a dedicated Discord server for Nations talks: https://discord.gg/CX54mtg


Lastly, you CANNOT select the Nation you're placed in. The participants will be sorted to above all ensure equality and fairness across all Nations, so there are no guarantees of you being on your bestie's nation.


Signups are here:



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I already said I was skipping this one but I hope for your sake that it goes well. Good luck keeping drama to a minimum and keeping motivation up past week 5!


I'm sorry if that sounded sarcastic, it wasn't meant to be. That was a legit problem in Nations 2 as I'm sure you remember.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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@Lorisaur The battle are not ingame of Pokemon Reborn, they are happening in Reborn's Showdown Server. There are no custom field there.

You can find more information here 

or you can join our discord server that is listed in the OP and ask anything you like about it. Feel free to DM any of the Committee members so they can verify you too.

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