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Hello there guys, I was breeding again, got a new box of mons. Jolly Drillburs, Jolly Zubats, Adamant Sneasels, all random abilities. Two shiny Drillburs, Sneasels with two egg moves (Ice Punch and Throat Chop). They all have from 3 to 5 (random) 31 IV. They are free and waiting for a new trainer 😉



See ya~


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c-can i have the sneasel on the first screenshot but i dont have any good pokemon though....(>人<;)



but i do have an adamant torchic maybe you can use it for breeding


also does this sneasel have ice punch and throat chop?

Edited by Angelkitsune
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  On 6/9/2018 at 11:58 AM, Trufa said:

@Angelkitsune Yes, you can. I don't need anything ^^

@tamamonomae0 Anything specific?

@mellobloo We can trade! 😄

@xXDelokXx It's yours.


I just entered fast, need to go out for the next two hours, then I'll have some time to trade. I'll call you guys ^^ 


i only have a problem with connecting to the online server - it doesn't let me join the server, so i will have to look for a fix to that

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Hello boys and girls, I'll be online for the next 9 hours so we can set things up today! I'll start with the first one that asked and will continue, the first to answer will have more choices though. Let's start.


@Angelkitsune This Sneasel is already reserved to you, when you are online, send me a message!

@tamamonomae0 5 IV Zubat (X on Sp. Atk) and 5 IV Sneasel (X on Sp. Atk) are good enough? They are reseverd to you.

@mellobloo I have 5 IV Zubats with X on Sp. Def and X on Attack, your choice! I reserved with X on Sp. def to you.

@xXDelokXx I have 5 IV Sneasel X on Sp. Atk, reserved to you.

@HUEnd It's reserved to you already!

@gianfrix94  I have 5 IV Drillburs with X on Atk, Sp. Def  and Def. I reserved one with X in Sp. Def for you.

@cool1906 Same thing. X in Sp. Def reserved.

@teiarose I have one shiny Drillbur (3 IV) and Sneasel 5 IV with X on Sp. Def. Reserved.

@Mr. Knightly 5 IV Sneasel with X on Sp. Atk reserved.

@Rydork 5 IV Sneasel with X on Sp. Atk Reserved.


I think I have tagged everyone. As a sorry, I'll try to breed all of them with the best IVs, can't promise Shinies though. Hope to see you soon!

Edited by Trufa
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