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Setting up my team


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So I have a team I plan on using in a future Reborn run.

I plan on it being a story run so my choices have reasons, but it'd take too long to explain.

But anyway I want to know what the best movesets/items should be

Also EVs, but I'm usually not too big on those and IVs


Anyway team members





Slowking/bro (haven't quite decided which one)




As someone who knows nothing about competitive I don't know what abilities/movesets/items/EVs to have, especially in Reborn

So if you could help me out that would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: For those who are curious about my choices

Here's a spoiler explaining it



Prepare yourselves because this'll be a long read


So the PC of this planned run is an OC of mine named Z

Appearance wise he already sticks out a bit with a false right arm, oddly pale, and red eyes (not albino) 

But there's one more thing about him

Z has multiple personalities

A total of 8

But 4 are what I call "advances" of the main 4

So let's focus on them

They are called Fear Fury Freak and Fatigue


Fear is the default personality, with red eyes. Fear's his name, but his personality is more paranoia. He'll assume the worst and is hesitant towards risk. So he picks the bulky Slowking/bro


Fury is as one can guess anger.

When he's in control Z has blue eyes.

Fury is nothing if not efficient in getting revenge and punishing those he thinks needs to be

So for him Excadrill, the mon who can go 6-0 against the water gym with no setup, is the best choice


Freak is Z's insanity. (Green eyes)

Freak is that little voice that tells you to do something stupid and reckless.

He picked 2 of the mons.

Hydreigon, which will be level 100 right at the start because he can do that.

And Drapion because he actually needed to contribute a usable mon


And finally Fatigue (Brown)

Fatigue is when Z is just done with everyone and wants to finish things quickly and go to sleep

So for his pick one of the best sweepers in the game: Breloom


And that is the reasoning

I have a lot planned for this and I'll do it once the final Episode comes out

I hope you'll read it


Edited by uberle
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What I'd Do




Ability: Blaze

Item: Charcoal 


- Eruption

- Hidden Power Grass

- Extrasensory / Nature Power

- Flamethrower



Ability: Poison Heal

Item: Toxic Orb


- Seed Bomb

- Mach Punch

- Drain Punch

- Spore



Ability: Mold Breaker

Item: Life Orb


- Swords Dance

- Earthquake

- Iron Head

- Rock Slide


Slowking (Maybe Slowbro When Mega Stone is Added)

Ability: Regenerator

Item: Leftovers


- Nasty Plot

- Scald

- Psychic

- Flamethrower



Ability:  Sniper

Item: Choice Band


- Knock Off

- Poison Jab

- Aqua Tail

- Fire Fang or Bulldoze



Ability: Levitate

Item: Choice Specs


- Dragon Pulse

- Dark Pulse

- Flash Cannon

- Flamethrower


EVs and IVs don't matter that much at all in game, but I'll give some recommendations on what to focus on



Typhlosion: Speed and Special Attack

Breloom: Speed and Attack

Excadrill: Speed and Attack

Slowking: HP and Special Attack

Drapion: Speed and Attack

Hydreigon: Speed and Special Attack


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Nice team you have! I agree with ShadowStar's move set though I prefer to use itens that boost damage like Charcoal to Typhlosion or Poison Barb to Drapion. If you keep those sets I suggest:


Typhlosion with Modest Nature EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP;

Breelom with Adamant Nature EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def;

Excadrill with Jolly Nature EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP;

Drapion with Adamant Nature: EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe (or Def), 4 HP;

Hydreigon with Modest Nature EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4HP;


I left Slowking for last because I have more to suggest. Seems like you are doing a specific run, Slowking is fine, I just favors more fast pokemons, because of that, I would suggest Starmie, it's faster and have the same typing as Slowking. If you stay with King, use:


Slowking with Modest Nature EVs: 252 SpA, 252 SpD (or HP), 4 HP (or SpD).


If you go with Starmie:

Ability: Natural Cure

Item: Sea Incense or Life Orb

Nature: Modest

EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP


- Power Gem

- Scald

- Psychic

- Recover / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt (when TMs are available)


You can also take off Power Gem, as you already have Excadrill, and use Ice Beam or Thunderbolt in its place.


Also, if you want, I can breed them for you, I just need any stage of Slowking and Hydreigon, the others I already have on my boxes 😄 See ya~


-Edit- I was thinking: the proposed movesets are good against every type (I checked) but Flying. The only thing you have against Flying type is Rock Slide on Excadrill. As you may know, Rock Slide have 90 Accuracy, so you are not 100% sure you'll hit your target on the first target, unless you use Wide Lens (which make 99% Accuracy). So, you should consider using it instead of Life Orb on Excadrill or using a pokemon that learns a Ice or Electric move. I have some ideas, but as I have already suggested a change on your team (Starmie will also learn Ice or/and Electric at some point, soon I hope) I'll let it to you  : )

Edited by Trufa
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@ShadowStar Thanks, this was the kind of thing I was looking for.

This'll be a huge help for me.


@Trufa Thanks for the EV thing, also useful. (I can buy berries to lower the ones I don't need right?)

Also I picked Slowking/bro specifically for its bulk though I can understand the appeal of a faster mon

For why I'm so specific it has to do with the PC of the future run who is one of my OCs

I'm just gonna do an editing and put the full explanation for why in a spoiler in my original post and anyone who wants to know the reasoning behind my choices can read it if they want.

Gonna take me a little bit though

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I know that after City Restoration (don't remember at what point) you can buy resets for every EV on a market over Peridot Ward. Don't remember about berries doing this, sorry.

Regarding King, I thought so, maybe you should use it as a suport: Heal Pulse, Thunder Wave, Protect / Safe Guard / Light Screen, Psychic / Scald with EVs in HP and SpD.

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Friendship berries are sold in dept store (8th floor iirc?).

EV training isn't necessary but helps a lot of you want a smooth run. Moreover, starting Charlotte the gym leaders and main rivals/Meteor admins etc have fully EV-trained teams, so you might want to EV train just to have fair fights. But that's up to you fren, gud lucc~

Balancing 8 personas must be tough so I look forward to seeing how they play into your story 😛

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On 6/8/2018 at 11:44 PM, Trufa said:

I know that after City Restoration (don't remember at what point) you can buy resets for every EV on a market over Peridot Ward. Don't remember about berries doing this, sorry.

Regarding King, I thought so, maybe you should use it as a suport: Heal Pulse, Thunder Wave, Protect / Safe Guard / Light Screen, Psychic / Scald with EVs in HP and SpD.



Well that's interesting.

Didn't know that.

Also like that idea with the slow line.

Probably am going to go with King.




On 6/8/2018 at 11:57 PM, Candy said:

Friendship berries are sold in dept store (8th floor iirc?).

EV training isn't necessary but helps a lot of you want a smooth run. Moreover, starting Charlotte the gym leaders and main rivals/Meteor admins etc have fully EV-trained teams, so you might want to EV train just to have fair fights. But that's up to you fren, gud lucc~

Balancing 8 personas must be tough so I look forward to seeing how they play into your story 😛


I'll make sure, but the dept store sounds about right

Thanks for the support.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while and once the game is done I'll begin.

As soon as I beat whatever final boss there is.

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