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Live Fast, Die Beautiful {RMT, Peak 49}


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Hey! Welcome to.. another RMT by me! This is a quick little rain team I've whipped up, and its done its job well. Ladder of.. last I checked, 1176. But less of that nonsense, let's get started!~


Obviously, its rain. So Politoed is a given team slot.


Next, I wanted something that could hit fast, hard, and could abuse rain. ChestoRest Kingdra was Xiph's suggestion.


Now, something that could pretty much decimate the opponents on the special side, and even run if Rain wasn't happening. I chose Dragonite.


Next, something to.. add in that super hax effect. What better than Calm Mind Jirachi, who, with Rain, has about 1 weakness?


Now, looking at this, I could be ripped in half by stray Raikou. So I said fuck that, and added my personal favorite Volt Absorber (that's a lie) Thundurus-T.


To fill the last slot, I had a couple glaring weaknesses. Mamoswine in particular, who could go to town on three of my five. A nice, strong Steel type could eliminate that in a snap. So what better than one of OUs supreme fighters and Bullet Punchers, Scizor, who also has its only weakness removed in rain, and can prevent Ice types from even attempting to come near me?


And thus, we arrive at the final product. Now, its time to.get down and dirty in the details.

~In Depth Look!~

Poseidon (Politoed) (M) @Leftovers

EVs: 252 HP, 96 Def, 156 Sp. Def.

Trait: Drizzle

Sassy Nature (+Sp. Def, -Speed)




-Perish Song

Politoed here, named after the Greek god of the seas, is my rain setter, and.Toxic Spreader. Scald is there for STAB, and is powered up by the rain, and has a nice chance to stop Physical Sweepers dead in their tracks. Toxic can help whittle down Tyranitar and Ninetales' HP, and stop them as a threat. Protect can help accelerate opponents death with Toxic, and can give me a crucial moment to recover HP with Lefties. Perish Song.is a last resort to take out an opponents final pokemon, if need be. Perish Song is also easily replaceable. Sassy Nature, along with 0

Speed IVs, to help lower speed and win the weather war.

Swiffer (Kingdra) (F) @ Chesto Berry

EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp. Def.

Trait: Swift Swim

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp. Atk.)

-Dragon Dance




Here we are, one of the best Swift Swimmers in all of Pokemon; Kingdra. It's a pretty straightforward set. Dragon Dance to boost, Waterfall and Outrage as your two main STAB. Rest and Chesto Berry heal off any damage caused while boosting, and turn Swiffer into an unstoppable force. The EVs are straightforward. The 4 Sp. Def is to throw off any Download Porygon2 or Genesect who think they're slick.

Katrina (Dragonite) (F) @Leftovers

EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 252 Speed

Trait: Multiscale

Modest Nature (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)




-Dragon Pulse

Say hello to a super unexpected pokemon in OU, his set being the reason of that. Not all Dragonite have to.be Physical, and whoever opened up this possibility to me has my thanks. Agility is almost guranteed a set up with Multiscale, and Hurricane/Thunder abuse the rain so well together, its mind blowing. Dragon Pulse is there as a super STAB in case Rain is gone, or if I just need to rip apart something that counters Hurricane and Thunder. Overall, this guy is.. amazing.

Wishmaker (Jirachi) @Leftovers

EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def.

Trait: Serene Hax- I mean, Grace

Bold Nature (+ Def, -Atk)

-Calm Mind


-Water Pulse


Jirachi is one of the most infuriating things to face, and especially in rain. 100% Accurate Thunder with 60% Paralysis chance is nothing to laugh at. Water Pulse is also hard to take. Powered up.by Rain, and 60% Chance to.Confuse.. add the two together, and your opponent will rarely, if at all, hit you. Ancientpower is there as general abuse--20% Chance to raise everything can prove useful. With Rain, Jirachis Fire Weakness is all but eliminated, and Water Pulse takes care of Ground.

Zeus (Thundurus-T) @Life Orb

EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def, 252 Speed

Trait: Volt Absorb

Modest Nature (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)



-HP Ice

-Focus Blast

I love this thing. It rips apart nearly everything that isn't named Chansey or Blissey. Agility fixes his average Speed, and after that, its a clear road to death for the opponent. Thunder is a given, with 100% Accuracy and STAB in Rain. HP Ice removes the other Therians, specifically Landorus, from his counter list, along with any other ground that's keen on trying to set up in Zeus' face. Focus Blast removes things pike Ferrothorn and Jirachi from trying to set up on him, and provides well rounded coverage.

Roxas (Scizor) (M) @Steel Gem

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed

Trait: Technician

Jolly Nature (+Speed, -Sp. Atk)

-Swords Dance

-Bullet Punch

-Bug Bite


This is an experimental set. In Rain, Scizor literally has no weakness, which is a huge blessing.when it comes to.setting up. Bullet Punch and Bug Bite are self explanatory: Technician Boosted STAB. Acrobatics is a bit unusual. I think its boosted by Technican. After use of the Steel Gem, it becomes a huge power hitter. There isn't much else to say on him.

~Counter List~

-Skarmbliss Combo

-Other Weather

This list will be updated when I come back.online and can use it more.

So, that's it. No importable because lolphone. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, and I'll take any form of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Bai Bai~

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Hay Silvah~ Great team bro (:

I don't see any major weaknesses to the team, but i have a few suggestions on Jirachi. You should probably just scrap Ancient Power since Thunder and Water Pulse already get decent enough coverage and putting Ancient Power wouldn't really help it all that well, something like Sub instead of it would be very beneficial due to that fact that a para or burn could really hinder it's ability to sweep, also, maybe giving all those Spatt Evs to Hp would work because i'd let you set up more Calm Minds. But overall great team!~

Rate: 8.5/10

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Needs more zing to bamboozle people.

Contrary flareon


Your Dragonite seems too reliant on rain, and you only have a locked Scizor to deal with the change of weather. Why not go back to the genric physical set? Thunderus and Jirachi has taken care of everything Dragonite is meant for anyways. >>

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I remember this one. Annoyingly well, to boot, lol

Hmm, given that my ghost team at the time was basically kingdra fodder, can't say much about it, but it's solid, given the components and movesets.

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Nice team, but there's a really big issue.


As stated on serebii.net's Politoed POTW, "Ferrothorn is the be-all and end-all of rain teams, and walls them come hell or high water." You have only one attack on your team that hits it super-effective, it isn't going to OHKO often, and it has 70 accuracy. In addition to that, only three Pokemon on the team can hit for neutral damage. You need to give Scizor Brick Break or Superpower, or you will not get past Ferrothorn easily if at all. If you like Scizor the way it is, then you can switch up Dragonite for Keldeo, as I agree with Summer.

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In all honesty, I had never even thought of Keldeo.

I know that even with Rain, it essentially hits Scizor as a 2x Weakness. Still better than 4X, which it has not chance of survivng >>;

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