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Getting Ready for Luna. Any Way to Improve the Team?


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So I'm trying to prep for Luna and beyond. I could really use any tips on what could make my team any more solid, or what Pokémon I should have on rotation at this point to help in the future? Here's what I'm currently working with:


Arcanine "D.D." Lvl 60

Ability: Intimidate

- Flamethrower

- Crunch

- ExtreamSpeed

- Close Combat


Breloom "Penny" Lvl 60 @ Fist Plate

Ability: Technician

- Bullet Seed

- Spore

- Mach Punch

- Wake Up Slap


Araquanid "Rom" Lvl 60

Ability: Water Bubble

- Lunge

- Liquidation

- Leech Life

- Crunch


Magneton "O-Zone" Lvl 60

Ability: Magnet Pull (Changing to Sturdy as soon as I can)

- Discharge

- Flash Cannon

- Flash

- Thunder Wave


Krookodile "Mick" Lvl 59

Ability: Intimidate

- Earthquake

- Foul Play

- Rock Smash

- Crunch


Gardevoir "Alustrial" Lvl 60 @ Twisted Spoon

Ability: Trace

- Moonblast

- Psychic

- Calm Mind

- Magical Leaf


I'm sure some things could be better. I wasn't sure what some good hold-items might be for the current iteration of the team. 


Any and all opinions or help would be much appreciated folks! 


Thanks so very much!

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Solid team.


Without knowing exactly what items you have, you could put Charcoal on Arcanine to boost Flamethrower.


With Luna, make sure you know what her field does and how you can turn it against her, or destroy it to even the battle. I've never used a Krookodile before so I don't know if they're bulky or not but I have a feeling Arcanine, Breloom and Krookodile might not tank m/any hits while her field is up, especially if those moves are super effective.


If I recall correctly, she leads with Bisharp. My advice is to lead with Breloom and either put her Bisharp to sleep up and/or take it down before it can get rocks up. If they're up, Arcanine and Araquanid are gonna take a lot of damage on switch-in. With it being a dark type gym your Gardevoir isn't going to be massively useful unless you pick your moments and find a spot where she won't get straight up OHKO'd. A Calm Mind or two might be useful with a Moonblast but again, watch the field.

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Get Krookodile out there first. Not entirely sure what she leads with it's been a while since I fought her but Earthquake will destroy the cavern she's in. Without her field effects it's probably the easiest battle, especially with an all around team like yours. I would definitely consider putting some items on your party though, even if they are just plates for now. There aren't a ton of game changing items available at this point in the game.

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Just catch all pokemon and level them when  you need them, you've got easy exp. share. There's ability store, relearner and move tutor in circus too so you don't have to worry about not having good preparation.

Rather than preparing for gym fight since everything isn't that hard if you spam revives know how to counter them, you might want to prepare for a tripe double-battle with Fern, Blake, Sirius and other extras. And maybe prepare for PULSE Swalot, that thing is nasty.



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Nice team, you didn't mention natures and IVs, EVs so I have two things to say: Arcanine can be a great mixed attacker depending on the nature and EVs chosen, by it's move, I assume it's physical, so maybe change flamethrower with flare blitz, there is the recoil, but the damage will be better. For Luna Specific maybe you should use a Bug pokemon. Leavanny is extremely useful because of typing (bug and grass) and has strong moves + Swords dance. You also already have access to Heracross if you beat the tree puzzle on Route 1 and he'll be helpfull on your next battles. Both will struggle against Charlotte and Ciel, but you could use them as rotation 😄


Also, I have seen a lot of people using Araquanid lately, why? It has good defense stats but it's moves are usually offensive, I don't understand


@Arys that triple battle gets everyone, GOD. On my last play, Julia and Florinia were there just to take some hits, didn't help sweeping at all lol. 

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1 minute ago, Trufa said:

Also, I have seen a lot of people using Araquanid lately, why? It has good defense stats but it's moves are usually offensive, I don't understand

Probably because the "Water Bubble" ability is godlike. Decreases fire damage, makes it immune to burn, and boosts water moves. Plus Leech Life got a boost to 80 power. So that, Liquidation, and Lunge all have pretty good offensive power when taking the Water Bubble boost and STAB into consideration. 

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While it's being discussed, for an all around water type would you go with Araquanid or a Protean Greninja? I've been using the Protean Greninja and it has solid IV's, but I'm not sure if the reason he's struggling is because I'm having a hard time finding a quality moveset or if it's something else. It's come up a few times where I've needed a heavy hitting water type and it seems like he has nothing but speed, it doesn't feel like his moves hit too hard at all. 

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20 minutes ago, Trufa said:

@Arys that triple battle gets everyone, GOD. On my last play, Julia and Florinia were there just to take some hits, didn't help sweeping at all lol. 


IKR. Beating them makes me think that gym fight is easy-peasy especially single battle. And Julia and Rini in my game doesn't even take hit at all. I'm the only one who always got sweeped...

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I'd have to check his EV's when I get back on, pretty sure he's a 5 31 with a weaker Special defense? I've been using Water Shuriken, Extrasensory, Night Slash, and Hydro Cannon. I have the Psychic and Dark moves in there just for the Protean but I feel like worrying about his typing too much sets me back in battle.

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@BrazenCrown254 Double battles can indeed set you back because of protean depending on the opponent so let's consider Single battles: Greninja can be used to be Mixed sweeper, I see you have Night Slash there. The problem with mixed sweepers is that you need a nice nature (Naive for example) and the EV training has to be thought beforehand, also, Water Shuriken is not guaranteed to hit 5 times everytime. Greninja is a bit frail but compensates with it's speed, so in my opinion his best nature is Timid, which improves your speed, don't mess with defenses and because of it's base stats, I prefer using only special moves on it. That leads us to the moveset, I used for a while: Water Pledge, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse and Surf. Water Pledge you can learn pretty early in Lapis Ward for three blue shards (If I'm not mistaken) 80 power and 100 acc. Extrasensory and Dark Pulse + Protean makes it strong agains many foes because of STAB changing plus the same 80 power and 100 acc. Surf has 90 power but it's only there because Ice Beam TM is not available yet. After beating Amaria, I changed Water Pledge for Scald because the burn happens often and helps a lot. So this is my Greninja. Maybe you are not liking it because of the nature and EV training you chose, also, Hydro Pump has 80 Acc, you can't rely on it when in need, even with 110 power. 


-Edit- Ah! I think it's important to say that my Greninja is the only water type on my team, I have one grass type (Roserade) and ground type (Excadrill) but besides being water, one role of Greninja was taking out Psychic and Ghost Pokemon as the pokemon intended to do it on my team wasn't doing it well. Also, along with Roserade, they were my psychic types. 

If you still aren't convinced, take a look on Starmie, not as fast as Greninja, but it's bulkier and hits hard enough. I don't like Araquanid just because of it's speed, it's personal opinion only.

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Get one fighting type for her tough Umbreon. I don't know if Brelom can handle Umbreon but my Primeape could with exceptionally high speed. If you play with SWM modular modpack check field effect dexter. As far as I know earthquake destroyed her field. For Umbreon (or any her mon) if it gives you trouble you can go kamikaze and make ceiling collapse with two earthquakes. It be good if your mon knew at least one bug type move it helps a lot against her Malamar

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24 minutes ago, Trufa said:

@BrazenCrown254 Double battles can indeed set you back because of protean depending on the opponent so let's consider Single battles: Greninja can be used to be Mixed sweeper, I see you have Night Slash there. The problem with mixed sweepers is that you need a nice nature (Naive for example) and the EV training has to be thought beforehand, also, Water Shuriken is not guaranteed to hit 5 times everytime. Greninja is a bit frail but compensates with it's speed, so in my opinion his best nature is Timid, which improves your speed, don't mess with defenses and because of it's base stats, I prefer using only special moves on it. That leads us to the moveset, I used for a while: Water Pledge, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse and Surf. Water Pledge you can learn pretty early in Lapis Ward for three blue shards (If I'm not mistaken) 80 power and 100 acc. Extrasensory and Dark Pulse + Protean makes it strong agains many foes because of STAB changing plus the same 80 power and 100 acc. Surf has 90 power but it's only there because Ice Beam TM is not available yet. After beating Amaria, I changed Water Pledge for Scald because the burn happens often and helps a lot. So this is my Greninja. Maybe you are not liking it because of the nature and EV training you chose, also, Hydro Pump has 80 Acc, you can't rely on it when in need, even with 110 power. 


-Edit- Ah! I think it's important to say that my Greninja is the only water type on my team, I have one grass type (Roserade) and ground type (Excadrill) but besides being water, one role of Greninja was taking out Psychic and Ghost Pokemon as the pokemon intended to do it on my team wasn't doing it well. Also, along with Roserade, they were my psychic types. 

If you still aren't convinced, take a look on Starmie, not as fast as Greninja, but it's bulkier and hits hard enough. I don't like Araquanid just because of it's speed, it's personal opinion only.

I definitely need to do some work with it's Ev's for sure. And you're right Water Shuriken has probably overstayed its welcome considering Greninja's speed is already great it probably doesn't need a priority move. I can always throw Surf back on in place of Hydro Cannon that makes sense. Does Greninja learn Scald through level up? If so I missed it but it won't be too much work to go teach him again.

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@BrazenCrown254 IV Breeding and EV Training is something to mind if you want Reborn to be easy haha And if everything is set to Speed, as was mine, I didn't remember anything outspeeding Greninja. Maybe Solaris Garchomp at the triple battle but I really don't remember haha I have 28 pokemon 'in rotation' (I trained them just because I like, didn't even used during the playthrough) and the only one that outspeed Greninja is Crobat (all lvl 90, some with EV, IV and Nature that favors speed) so yes, you don't need a priority move on Greninja xD

Regarding Scald, no, it only learns through TM, so only when you beat Amaria, water pledge is your best bet until then.


@CodeCass Sorry for using your post to discuss another issue.

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@Trufa Do I fight Amaria after I raid Devon? I've been holding off on that event, getting as much EV training and breeding in as possible.  And I've been looking at anything else I can do with Greninja; once I get Scald is it a good idea to breed a Greninja with Toxic Spikes as an Egg move? It's speed should guarantee I get at least 1 down.

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EV training has pretty significant effect I say. And it doesn't take a lot of time, about 5-10 minutes per status, which means 1 pokemon took about 10-20. 

IV breeding tooks forever and doesn't give much effect I think.


I don't know how people breed their pokemon IV (I heard something about tweaking save files) but if done in rightful way, it tooks way too lot of time.


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@ArysFor IV breeding I started with an Eevee, got him up to as many 31s as I could. Then I gave him the bracelets and anklets to transfer the 31s. It's definitely a lot more complicated than that, but I honestly enjoy breeding a lot more, and it's most certainly achievable legit and isn't all that time consuming.

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@BrazenCrown254 Unfortunalely, yes, way after. Spoils ahead:


You have to raid Devon, Battle Adrienn, Titania and then Amaria at the end of E17.


Yes, it's a good idea, I didn't use Toxic Spikes on it because I had Roserade. 


@Arys At lvl 100, if you have IV bred, your pokemon have +31 at the status. You get +63 at the same lvl for EV training. So yeah, takes much time for less reward, but imo, it can be very helpfull if you have the patience. All my breedings were inside the game (without messing with the save files) if you guys need, I made a guide while ago that could help:


The goal was Roserade, but the means can be used for any breeding. Also, I could breed pretty much anything (if the pokemon is available) if you guys need 😄

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