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Yo momma jokes


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Yo mamma's so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.

Yo mamma's so stupid that she took a spoon to the Superbowl.

Yo mamma's so fat that i tried to picture her in my head and i broke my neck.

yo mamma's so old she sat next to Jesus in the third grade.

Yo mamma's so ugly she went to take a bath and the water jumped out and said "Oh HELL no!!"

Yo mamma's so short I thought she was gonna disappear when she put on her wedding ring.

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Yo momma so ugly even a dementor wont kiss her

Yo momma so ugly that when voldemort sees her, he gets a selfesteem boost

Yo momma so ugly, when the basilisk looked at her it died instead

Yo momma so stupid she dont even know where platform 9 and 3/4 is

Yo momma so fat Even Wingardium leviosa cant lift her

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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