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And you thought you won the weather war... [RMT, peaked 22nd]


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Hey everyone, so here is a team I've been working on for a while now. It's a sandstorm team meant to abuse sandstorm. There really isn't much more that could be said about the team so lets get right into it.

At A Glance



450.gif (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Slack Off

- Earthquake

- Roar

- Stealth Rock

Hippodown here is my first weather setter, who also doubles as my physical wall. he can easily shrug off any close combat, earthquake, or anything coming from excadrill or terrakion. Hippo can set up stealth rocks and also phase with roar. earthquake is so i can not be taunt bait. Sometimes on Hippodown i switch roar for ice fang because i end up not being able to break excadrill's balloon.

591.gif (M) @ Shed Shell

Trait: Regenerator

EVs: 244 HP / 96 Def / 60 SAtk / 108 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Spore

- Stun Spore

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

Amoonguss is my rain counter and does a fair job of it. He can come in on Politoed and either Tank a scald or not get affected by a toxic. Amoonguss is also fun because he can use double spore which is fun to spread statuses when my opponent keeps switching around. giga drain is for health recovery considering i opted for shed shell instead of black sludge. HP fire is to hit scizor and ferrothorn and stuff.

385.gif @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Iron Head

- Fire Punch

- Ice Punch

- U-turn

Jirachi is one my main sweepers. Iron Head with Serene grace gets a 60% flinch rate I believe. Plus Iron head is stab so that's cool too. Choice scarf so he can out speed threats and flinch hax them to death. fire and ice punch are for coverage when i need him to revenge kill in case chandy goes down. u turn is really mostly a filler.

609.gif (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- Energy Ball

- Shadow Ball

- Hidden Power [ice]

Chandelure is the revenge killer of the team. standard set here with choice scarf. I chose Timid nature over modest because chandy's speed with a scarf and hp ice is 387. A 252 speed dragonite with a nature boosting in speed is 388. so i need more speed if i wanted to get an hp ice in on dnite on the switch in. flamethrower is for stab and can handle most things i try to trap such as ferrothorn, foretress, and Scizor. shadow ball for more stab and energy ball for gastro and Swampert. Chandy also acts as a decent sun counter which is cool.

248.gif (M) @ Choice Band

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 180 HP / 252 Atk / 76 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Stone Edge

- Crunch

- Pursuit

- Superpower

Ttar is my second weather setter. I chose to double up on sand setters so i could almost guarantee the weather war to be mine. Plus, bandtar works really well even outside of sand so i wanted to use him. Pursuit is to catch chandy when he revenge kills one of my pokes. Superpower is just for a raw power move which ttar can appreciate with that 604 attack whit the given evs and choice band. stone edge is for stab as well as Crunch. I never actually use Crunch though so I'm considering maybe giving him another move instead, I have no idea what that move would be though...

645.gif (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Sheer Force

EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)

- Earth Power

- Rock Polish

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Superpower

Here is the main sweeper of the team. I love rock polish Landorus for so many reasons. First off, he has a resistance to ground which 3 of my Pokemon are weak too, so he can come in on an earthquake and get a rock polish in. There's really not much to say about him because his role is simple and that is the late game sweep. he does especially well at this because he can easily tank a iron head or rock slide from Excadrill. Earth Power and HP ice are my two main attacks and Superpower is there in case i run into Chansey/ Blissey.

Threat List


Dragonite w/ substitute

rock polish Lando and Genesect


I'd just like to throw out as a side note that i was considering making Lando into a u turn lando instead, and then switching Jirachi into RP Genesect.

Any Advice you could give me at all would be appreciated, and I hope to be reading your comments soon.

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Firstly, the team is quite weak to Water and Rain Teams in general, seeing as you only have one Pokemon to take Water hits (Amoong), and 4 weak to Water (Hippo, Ttar, Chandy, Lando). For this, I would recommend changing Landorus to Gyarados (Bulky DDance set with Taunt, Waterfall, and Bounce as its other moves). This will help you by giving you something else to take Water hits, and it is a good physical sweeper, which your team kinda lacks right now.

Secondly, you really don't need Choice Scarf on Jirachi seeing as Chandelure already takes the role of a revenge killer. I would recommend using a SDef set on Jirachi, so you can take Hurricanes a lot better and protect the team against those kinds of specially offensive threats. I think you know the set so I don't need to give it.

I think that should be all for now. I'll let you know if I find anything else that needs to be fixed.

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I like the whole double sand inducer thing. Reborn has a different ranking system and you're using it to your advantage which is very cool beans. Personally I think Genesect or Terrakion would make a better scarf user for the team since +1 U-turn deals big dommage to Chansey and Close Combat wrecks most special walls barring Jellicent (Which you can trap with Tyranitar or hit up with a Stone Edge respectively) which can help Lando sweep late game. That or you can do the opposite since Lando is good at putting dents in teams in the beginning of a battle with good prediction. One thing to note is that Terrakion gains a 50% boost to SpDef in sand. One thing I have a problem with is that your team is very Magikarp weak. I'm looking at it and Splash OHKO's everything aside from Tyranitar (Which is 2HKO'd). Maybe a Sunkern can help alleviate this problem.

Anyway, 7/10 would definitely bang if slightly tipsy :J

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Tip on the hammerhead

- I don't really like Superpower on a Special Lando. Just doesn't turn my crank, as then it becomes considerably weak to priority. I don't know if you considered Hammer Arm, although that could stop the jump you have against weatherspeed. However, you're not going to face Kingdras and Excakills every game, and with roughly 500 Speed after the attack you should be fine.

Can't think of anything else right now.

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