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Invent an Ability


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  On 3/24/2014 at 2:27 AM, Vinny953 said:

You can do the Refrigerate thing with every type actually... Just like Tempest's "Current", a water type Gale Wings... So you could make an "electric type Refrigerate", but idk... i'm just rambling...

"RolePlay: When the pokemon enters the field, it switches it's ability with the opponent."

Just like Imposter is an "auto transform", this is an "auto skill swap" ^^...

Isn't there already a move called Role Play though? Pretty sure it copies the opponent's ability

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Dramatic Entrance- whenever this pokemon switches in, it deals damage to the foe's pokemon.

Dramatic Exit- guess how this one works.

Ambush- deals damage to opponents that switch into battle against this pokemon.

The damage for those works like stealth rocks, dealing more, less, or no damage based on your pokemon's type and theirs.

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  On 3/24/2014 at 5:21 AM, King Murdoc said:

Ambush: Uses the first move immediately upon switching in. Secondary effects of U-turn, Dragon Tail, Volt Switch, Roar, and Whirlwind do not apply.

  On 3/24/2014 at 11:16 AM, Maelstrom said:

Dramatic Entrance- whenever this pokemon switches in, it deals damage to the foe's pokemon.

Dramatic Exit- guess how this one works.

Ambush- deals damage to opponents that switch into battle against this pokemon.

The damage for those works like stealth rocks, dealing more, less, or no damage based on your pokemon's type and theirs.

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Assault- After hitting a protect/detect. attack and sp. attack stats are raised by 2 stage each.

Burnt Out- For the first three rounds in battle moves base powers are doubled. After the third turn base power is quartered.

Remorse- For each fainted pokemon in the party attacks base power is raised by 10

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Phoenix - Pokemon enters egg form for the remainder of the turn upon fainting. Damage taken in this period is nullified and the Pokemon is revived at the end of the turn with full HP and cured statuses. Pokemon's speed is reduced by a bit. Only usable once per a battle.

Obviously Mega-Moltres and Mega-Talonflame need this sh*t, but clearly more fun things like Foretress and Wobuffet would need this love.

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Hmm, thought of another one. Kinda got the idea while training Ospark (since Pichu supposedly can't use Electric attacks without hurting themselves in the process):

Overload: All Electric attacks used by the Pokemon deal 50% more damage. However, all Electric attacks also deal 30% recoil damage to the user (this is added on top of any other recoil from moves like Wild Charge)

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Well i have some ideas, but maybe somebody already come up whit them


AntiNature: Enemy pokemon lose inmunities and or resistance.

Repellent: user is inmune to Bug type attacks.

Cold Touch: 20% of freezing enemy pokemon when hit by contact moves.

Help: 1/3 of one enemy stat (Hp, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Deffense and Speed) Will be added to the user base stats and will last till the user switch or the foe pokemon faint (example: Your Azumarril have 218 attack, it have Help and enters the field. Then the foe send a Greninja whit 317 attack Add Up activates at instant, attack is randomly choosed and 1/3 of Greninja Attack (105.6) will be added to Azumarril attack) In case attack is selected, If the enemy pokemon has Pure or Huge Power, the calculations will apply doubled.

Iron Feet. Increase the base power of kicking moves by 20%

Ectoplasma: user is inmune to Ghost Type attacks.

Burr. An ability exclusive for Steel type pokemon. The user summon a weather condition. While Burr is in effect, the user will summon a rain of burr. Steel, Fire and Electric are inmune to Burr. Excluding the former 3 types, Pokemon who are not weak neither strong against Steel type will take 1/16 damage every turn. Rock, Ice and Fairy type pokemon will recieve 1/8 of damage each turn. In addition, the base damage of electric type will be increased a 50% and electrick attacks will be able to hit Ground type pokemon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about this one:

Immunity: prevents all damage from non-OHKO Damaging moves of the first type the pokemon is hit with in battle, and only the type of that move. only effective while this pokemon is Active.

Edited by K_H
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Prioritize: Boosts the power of all priority moves 1.5x.

That 120 BP E-Speed, tho,

Quick Thinker: All moves that usually require a charge or recharge turn will no longer need to do so. (i.e, Hyper Beam requires no recharge, while Sky Attack requires no charge.)

Edited by Pryze
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Dreary: This Pokemon has a %10 chance of putting an enemy to Sleep upon entering the field

This chance is raised by %10 in Rain and %20 in Hail. All effects of this ability are nullified by Sun, Sand, Grassy/Misty/etc terrain and is reflected by Magic Bounce. This ability cannot effect Pokemon with Prankster, Oblivious, Reckless, or Insomnia (duh) This ability has no effect on Ghost types or Bug types

Mute: Prevents the usage of sound-based attacks

Exerciser: This Pokemon gets it's Speed boosted by one stage if heavier than the Pokemon it's sent out against

Interest: Held item effects are doubled if this Pokemon has been out more than three turns

Things like leftovers heal double percentages. Attacking items give double boosts. Stuff like that

Pilot: Speed is boosted by one stage every time a Flying attack is used, but that attack is disabled for two turns

Speed boost because planes are fast :P Disabling is due to how pilots are required to rest for a certain amount of time after a flight (I forget the exact rules, and it's not one flight it's more a period of time, but you get the point)

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shimmer: boosts the evasiveness of the pokemon in sunny weather.. like sand veil..

Ninja'd: all moves become priority +1 for the first 3 turns this pokemon is in battle.. guess who gets this.. :P

flame/frost/toxic/shock blade: when attacked by a blade type move 10% chance for status infliction..

like charmeleon with flameblade using slash has 10% burn possibility..

or.. changes the type of these moves.. kinda like pixilate etc.. but for slashing moves only..

suicidal bomber: on fainting it does 10% hp damage to all the opponents pokemon including inactive ones..

magneto: immunity against steel moves.

Jedi: all moves targeting the opponent have 10% stacked confusion chance including non damaging moves. exceptions are moves that cause a pokemon to switch out.

Jello Shot: causes confusion if the opposing pokemon makes contact.

White Walker: Att, Sp.Att and speed gain a boost for every turn in hail for 3 turns.

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wouldn't that make the confusion worse if the pokemon hits itself??

also for a dialga and palkia double team.. both should have the ability..

continuum: allows both of them to use their signature moves on the opponents first irrespective of priority with combined effects i.e. high critical hit ratio for both moves however causes the need of regeneration for 2 turns instead of 1.

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