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Locked on route 7 (north)


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I've looked around for answers and didn't find anything so here it goes! Right when I head north of route 7, just as it becomes grand dream city entrance I believe (With a broken bridge) the game dialogs write Oshawott speech and cry. And no matter what I press it will just keep repeating speech and I'm locked into it. I've tried going back my save and leaving the area, but it always do it. I'm very sad because I'm addicted to the game haha. I have latest version I think, since I have downloaded it last week or so. I hope I can get help and not be forced into restarting my game! If you need more details just tell me and thank you in advance!

PS: I'm ultra noob and can't find my save file in the folder, if needed just tell me where it is supposed to be and I'll post it :)


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22 minutes ago, Sonnenblume said:

Thank you very much. Here it is!


Kay. Not sure what was going on, but I would guess it was because you had started the Oshawatt quest before talking to Melia up around the Grand Dream Gate. I warped you up there, talked to her, and returned Oshawott to its mother and ran back to the Gate to make sure it wasn't still happening.


Unfortunately in solving it I did have to get through the cutscene there, and wasn't able to go back before it as the solution I used the first time did not work on another attempt. The Oshawott quest continues on Route 8. You're looking for the girl who was "helping" Samurott out. The gang of Hoodlums you are following around are down near the train.




Just paste that back where the original file was.

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