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Breeding growlhite


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I am playing pokemon reborn and got growlhite from beryl ward i tried breed her with ratata pancham and pansage but there is no egg yet i made sure they are males i didnt got ditto so it which i should pair with growlhite to have high chance for egg? Note i havent gotten to the 7th street and i would like to know how much time it will make until i can get egg 

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Well to get an egg you need to take at least 256 steps. but its not always guaranteed.

The old man when he says. " the two seem to get along very well" means you have a 70% chance to get an egg and its 88% if you have an oval charm.

When he says "the two get along" its 50% 80% with charm.

The two don't reallt seem to like each other very much" 20% 40% with charm.

and The two prefer to play with other pokemon more than with each other" is 0%

@Earl is right its not 511 my bad.

Edited by tamamonomae0
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Growlithe belongs to thee field egg group so check here all the mons you can breed it with: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Field_(Egg_Group)


Right now you are using mon with dif species and with the same OT, so the chances of getting an egg are around 20% after every 256 steps. ( Unless it works differently in reborn)


To increase the breeding rate have a mon of the same species and with a dif OT, I can trade you one if you want it or you can try your luck at WT

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I got egg and tried to trade but i have bad luck since iwhen traded the egg i got egg which is mainly brown and bit yellow i think it could be staryu  i hope i am wrong since i picked froakie and hoped for either to togepy or larvesta so if anyone want to trade just send a massge and if you want spific pokemon or by wonder trade since i dont want restart the game my username is maor88 in the game

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9 hours ago, maor80 said:

Would want to ask if togepi can be gotten only by the egg? if anyone will offer me togepi by trade i will give a good offer if anyone wants to trade  reply here or send to me private masagge to my username maor80

I heard togepi is obtained by trading probopass with someone in new renovated railnet station. I haven't trade it yet so I can't confirm.

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If there is someone who tried to trade probopass to togepi egg i would want to trade since its seems it will take me very long time until i could get the egg so who will want trade my username in the online play is maor88 

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