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Looking for Treecko (any Lvl) and a Lv60-70 Hariyama (CLOSED)

Discordant Jewel

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So it's been like 2 days since my last trade thread and I already need a new trade. I'm kinda strapped for good pokemon to trade since I'm currently stuck in the circus (go figure I didn't expect it to be so damn hard to beat the fighting leader in the arena.) So can't breed my good mons


I'm currently looking for a 60-70 Hariyama, preferably with Heavy Slam and/or Smack Down.


I can trade a Lv60 Horsea, idk if that's much use, a Lv54 Claydol, and Lv52 Hawlucha


Since I'm already here I'm also looking for a Treecko of any Lvl, for which I can trade either a Lv1 Ralts or a Lv50 Prankster Sableye (not sure if that's a good ability tbh.)


Either way, if anyone's interested at all I'd appreciate it :3


Edit: I forgot to mention I can also trade a Lv1 Larvesta for the Treecko.

Edited by Mu7e
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Hi. I can get the Treeko for you. I don't mind the Sableye. As for the Hariyama - I can catch 1 and level it up to Level 70 if you give me an hour from now. Would that work for you? 

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5 minutes ago, Mu7e said:

That would be awesome!


Sorry for the late reply, I took a nap and my body didn't wanna get up lol


When can you be online?


1 hour ago, DjSeon said:

Hi. I can get the Treeko for you. I don't mind the Sableye. As for the Hariyama - I can catch 1 and level it up to Level 70 if you give me an hour from now. Would that work for you? 

 I forgot to properly quote you so that's what this msg is (still drowsy oml)

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3 minutes ago, Mu7e said:

Yeet just hmu


btw since it's Sableye for Treecko what do you want for Hariyama?

I don't mind the Hawlucha, If not I'll take the Horsea. - I'm ready now btw. Name = iSeon

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