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That LoL Feel When...


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Those support feels. I mean, we still won, but geez. ._.

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I think I've established that the reason support is my least favorite role is because:

1. I much prefer roles where I actually deal damage or have genuine tankiness.

2. Support isn't very self reliant and pretty much works purely for others.

3. I'd rather not rely on other people too much

4. The lack of item gain and heavy ward buying is a pain in the ass, especially given now that it's generally kinda hard to ward yourself with the new limit, considering that most of the LoL community still forgets to ward using anything but a totem and having that self-reliance for heavy warding would generally help out a lot. Doesn't help that oracle's has a time limit now, and instead has nothing to do with making sure your ass is safe (which supports generally don't tend to do as much).

5. Supports generally buy a lot of actives and I usually forget to use those

6. The community generally blames supports when stuff goes wrong, and generally give them little credit when they help out like hell.

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I also don't dig support that much, but there's one reason I still support every now and again: making plays. Always feels badass when you land that hook or hit the entire enemy team with Crescendo. Getting other people fed is always nice.

Meanwhile Erick's writing up a post as we speak

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I can't force you to like the role, but I do have a few quips.

1. I much prefer roles where I actually deal damage or have genuine tankiness.

If you're not playing Leona/Thresh/Taric/Sometimes Lulu not being tanky is pretty much the norm for supports. However, the tools they bring to teamfights make it so that they don't NEED to be tanky. Sona, for example has a devastating ultimate combined with stat boosts all around.

2. Support isn't very self reliant and pretty much works purely for others.

Same way a healer/clearic in any other game works for the squad. Doesn't mean that their impact can't be influential. Nor does it mean that they can't carry.

3. I'd rather not rely on other people too much

Supports who end up climbing are those who know just how much control to take every game. If anything, your team relies on you.

4. The lack of item gain and heavy ward buying is a pain in the ass, especially given now that it's generally kinda hard to ward yourself with the new limit, considering that most of the LoL community still forgets to ward using anything but a totem and having that self-reliance for heavy warding would generally help out a lot. Doesn't help that oracle's has a time limit now, and instead has nothing to do with making sure your ass is safe (which supports generally don't tend to do as much).

It can be a little annoying to have to deal with vision, especially when you're actively warding like you should, but for the most part, all it takes is asking people to pick up a ward or two, or even just upgrade their trinket and place it. Support is the role of the people, communication is key.

5. Supports generally buy a lot of actives and I usually forget to use those


6. The community generally blames supports when stuff goes wrong, and generally give them little credit when they help out like hell.

Perhaps in the hell known as Bronze. But for the most part, I've been treated like the star player of the team when I support. If someone has an issue with me, it's typically because they got a case of the ass when I asked them to ward/respond to pings.

Consider yourselves Zenith Bladed.

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I think I've established that the reason support is my least favorite role is because:

1. I much prefer roles where I actually deal damage or have genuine tankiness.

Annie support tends to go 21/9 mastery-wise and build almost full AP outside of their GP/10 item; Taric Leona and Thresh all generally build relatively-to-extremely tanky

2. Support isn't very self reliant and pretty much works purely for others.

Can't entirely refute this but between the carry and the support early game, you're the one holding things together and generally making the plays

3. I'd rather not rely on other people too much

Obviously a personal thing that I can't really argue given you're explaining why it's not for you- this is fine but you should realise you have as much power as anyone else does unless you fall behind, as I said above. What defines a support is not their power with items, but rather the utility they bring through their spells.

4. The lack of item gain and heavy ward buying is a pain in the ass, especially given now that it's generally kinda hard to ward yourself with the new limit, considering that most of the LoL community still forgets to ward using anything but a totem and having that self-reliance for heavy warding would generally help out a lot. Doesn't help that oracle's has a time limit now, and instead has nothing to do with making sure your ass is safe (which supports generally don't tend to do as much).

The new GP/10 items and masteries make it a ton easier to get gold- so much so that the recommended set-ups for most supports don't even include GP/10 seals anymore. As for warding, generally one starts with a yellow trinket and moves on to a red one when they get a Sightstone; once you have your Sightstone you essentially never have to buy another ward assuming you keep it charged so that's a lot of expenses gone, aside from Vision Wards, but they were reduced in price and are permanent until killed anyway. In one of my recent games, we had three vision wards up and the enemy team never even managed to kill one throughout the entire game. That could be on them just not seeing them, but the point remains. The vision system as a whole might still need work, but in terms of cost, it's a lot better now than it was before. And once you have your three (four) wards up, you've done all you can and it's on your team from then on- communication is important.

5. Supports generally buy a lot of actives and I usually forget to use those

...guilty as well, but that can be worked on, and applies to more than just support roles.

6. The community generally blames supports when stuff goes wrong, and generally give them little credit when they help out like hell.

Admittedly true and something I was guilty of thinking until recently; if nobody gives you credit for anything, that's one thing, but YOU know what YOU did- if you landed that 4/5-man Crescendo and nobody says anything about it, at least you know you did it and can rest assured whatever just happened could not have happened without you. Every time someone tells me Sona is no-skill I laugh at them, because while she seems that way there are a few things that separate, for lack of a less cliched line, the good Sona players from the not-so-good Sona players; things including, but not limited to- Power Chord usage (yes, there's more to it than "hurr-durr Q chord more damage l0l") and ult placement. People will look to blame you if they're going to blame someone, regardless of your performance. Nothing you can do about it, and that's on them, not you.

If you want to be noticed, play a more active support- personally I've played a lot of Nami (as opposed to Sona) whenever I support lately because her contributions are a lot more noticeable. Thresh and Blitzcrank as well, for obvious reasons. Leona's a huge play maker and can serve as a second tank if you need more bulk. I even got relegated to "support" with the reworked Xerath on the PBE while Ame and I were messing around with Hexakill and every time a play was made, the Lucian I supported commented and "gj"d and all that- it's the player, not the role.

[Ninja]Erick'd but idgaf I said too much to delete for the sake of not overloading on counterarguments. As Erick said, if you don't like we can't make you, but it's not so bad, and only as rewarding as you make it.

That feel when I'm at the point of not knowing what I want with my IP anymore because nothing immediately comes to mind, so I went with what I kept going back to looking at and bought Cassiopeia- first game was a defeat but I did pretty well and had the most farm by the end of the game; I think this wasn't a terrible choice

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"Annie support tends to go 21/9 mastery-wise and build almost full AP outside of their GP/10 item; Taric Leona and Thresh all generally build relatively-to-extremely tanky"

Normally you don't want to go past 9 in the offensive tree since the utility tree is actually pretty decent, also getting more then a DFG+ insert AP item here is usally overkill in most situations since you only want the damage to kill the squishies plus you need that early health in lane or you'll get poked out

Also tfw you finish your s4 series and riot lets you skip s3 cuzprommr

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...Really? I saw a quick guide thing for all supports that suggested 21/9.


Figured it was overall pretty credible and have been using it for the most part, aside from skipping out on Mejai's outside of rare occasions.

that feel when the internet lied to me ;-;

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I'd leave off Rabadon's till a 5th or 6th item, all it is is AP and I'd sooner get items that further benefitted the team, like Mikael's Crucible. This would go for almost all mage-supports I play; Rabadon's is just AP and nothing more, but support items have really valuable actives that should, in my opinion, be bought after the gold item/sightstone. It's gonna suck when a Rabadon's purchase turns out to screw my team in the end when I could have had the item to save my carry.

That goes for Mejai's as well; I mean if you have the gold, then go for it, but it's better that you divert your funds to the "support" items first. The only support I would typically buy Mejai's on is Soraka because of how easily those assists come (thanks in part to the global heal).

That's just me though. I haven't played a mage-support in a long time.

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^pretty much that and idk, the heal being able to get better on bounces is cool and all but it still feels pretty the same with less AP, i'd feel better to go for more mana regen and CDR then to build straight AP so you can spam them out, so like, i usually go for grail and rylias whenever i do want to build AP on nami

Also banner got buffed like one or two patches ago so it's a really good item on supports that people just forgot about

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What changed about Banner? I don't recall...

Also I definitely would not get Rylai's on Nami. I would sooner get Iceborn. Rylai's slow is going to be weak stacking on top of her other two + the stun. The only thing that would really benefit from it is her W, and even then I'd argue that it's hardly worth the gold since she isn't lacking for slows between her ult and low cooldown E, and her W will be hitting allies as often as it will opponents.

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Hark just sometimes has a bad day, you know.

Regarding the support replies, I generally understand your points; it's just more of my quips with the role of the support that make it less appealing to me. Utility is indeed the main thing I like about playing support though; it's why Lulu is my main support; two spells that have unique effects depending on who you cast it on to adapt to the situation, decent harassment from your Q and passive and a very neat ult, especially in conjunction with E. But even then, I've ended up building Lulu AP on solo lanes more recently; I guess machine-gunning with Lich Bane and Nashor's Tooth and the tons of damage from an enemy casted-E and Q are things that I never really get tired of.

I do admit to enjoying playing Sona, however, and I have a blast (shot) with Zilean aswell because they cater to more overall utility-ish playstyle aswell (though I rarely build Zilean anything that isn't AP nowadays (BOOM SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE THE ROOM)). I guess saving lives with quick shielding, reviving or healing is also my thing. They tend to notice that more often aswell.

I guess I just don't like supports that cater more to a specific offensive/defensive category as much.

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TFW your little brother talks about adult words despite not knowing what they mean

Funny times XD

This isn't the thread for LoL-unrelated feels; literally how many times do we have to tell you now?

I'm pretty sure people here have established that LoL = League of Legends

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i just had a game and got wrekked hard

ashe blitz bot is going to scare me forever now

i literally couldnt get out because jinx lacks a really good escape. Flash's never helped because of Ashe's slows qq. Now, I've lost faith in my game and im like qq

Edited by Alatreon
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The Ashe and Blitz were levels 30 and 23 respectively, and Ashe has experience in ranked dating back to season 2 (two years ago). Games like this are really not anything to fret over - they're flashes in the pan, and they come every now and again.

EDIT: In fact, they were all level 21+ (except Kennen) compared to your 16. The fact that you're getting matched with these opponents, as opposed to someone of your own level, is actually a testament to your skill, which is greater than you give yourself credit for. You're doing alright, dude! No need to be hard on yourself.

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Thanks Ryan. That's really nice of you to show me that xD

tfwI go into pvp, and my team doesnt understand what roles are? I swear to god I called ADc, went Vayne, and suddenly

LEONA CLAIMS..............


i fucking kid you not.

and she instalocked

and refused to change.

i dodged that match >>;

Edited by Alatreon
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