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That LoL Feel When...


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Because so many of the feels in the other topics seem to be LoL-based, let's just... sort them here.

I'll start us off with:

That feel when you enter a premade lobby, and the first thing you see is someone say 'im mid fuc u all'

And you think, oh, this person must be referencing the League of Call Top and Mid and must be displaying their wonderful sense of sarcasm here in mocking the people who insist on going mid regardless of others.

Then the following feel when you get into Champ select. the random calls mid, and that person proves themselves to not have been being sarcastic at all and suddenly you're looking at a duo Diana/Lux mid.

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You forget that they're level 30; because you're not, you're at a statistical disadvantage because of runes and masteries and that can make the entire difference in itself, regardless of skill level.

That feel when you stopped playing the tank for a night, and it worked out because you've got a support that INTRINSICALLY UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO in order to work together with a player and dominate throughout all the stages of a game. [20/5/11 MF, ok].

That feel when not playing a tank top, and you get matched against someone you know, who is top, as garen, and is duo laning with a darius and you actually are one of two carrying the team at the end of the game.

I have never had a night where I didn't play tank twice in top and it was ok. NEVER.

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That feel when holy fucking God never face Ame and Ika on the same team ever again qq

That feel when i'm actually kind of glad I was busy x:

Justice for the kills you got on me last game, bishhhh

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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That feel when holy fucking God never face Ame and Ika on the same team ever again qq

I told you it was mostly Ame, although to be fair had I picked something that could actually deal with Renekton I would have been much, much scarier.

But I didn't!

That feel when ^ reminds me that I need to get something confirmed on the LoL forums but idk where or if I should post it qq

That feel when you stopped playing the tank for a night, and it worked out because you've got a support that INTRINSICALLY UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO in order to work together with a player and dominate throughout all the stages of a game. [20/5/11 MF, ok].

ye boi

That related to ^ feel when diving the entire enemy team on accident/impulse with Leona was a total mistake but worked out because lol Leona and the rest of the team caught up

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ye boi

That related to ^ feel when diving the entire enemy team on accident/impulse with Leona was a total mistake but worked out because lol Leona and the rest of the team caught up

That feel when you think you're making a mistake and you're not :P

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That feel when you win more games when you step up and start calling the shots.

That feel when your friends have recognized that, and started listening more often.

That feel when a friend's little brother gets a case of the ass when you make a suggestion, and the whole team rips him a new one for it.

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That feel when if I wanted to, I could add Seji to my list of "I jungle this way" characters and she'd perform admirably.

And was my only win today, yay. Also not a big fan of Quinn yet.

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That feel when it's a bad week to main support with all these free Quinns running around.

That feel when my best game this week was supporting a Master Yi against a ranged ADC

That feel when I think I'll have Arab play ADC for me until next Tuesday.

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That feel when you're playing Gangplank and you have a really good Trynda on your team but 3 people leave so you're left 2v5 but you and Trynda get fed AF and then finish builds at 30 minutes and you're doing 800+ damage to Sona with a single Parrrley while your cannons chase off the rest of her team.

That feel when you can only play Gangplank and you can kinda run Twisted Fate but you only ever want to run Gangplank because you're actually good with him.

That feel when you're about to buy Kennen, but then he becomes free and you realize you have a visceral hatred for playing him.

That feel when laning against Hark qq

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