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That LoL Feel When...


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That feel when the moment I get back, some poor bottom lane is going to have to deal with a month's worth the rage.


That feel when it's time for me to step up and get a pentakill at one point or another.


"One quick note when playing Singed: You should bind /laugh to something easily reached on your keyboard. Whenever you have downtime in lane, you should laugh at your opponent. It prevents them from doing tons of damage against you."

- Phreak

That feel when hearing this...can't stop laughing!

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that feel when I managed to gank Teemo one milisecond before our nexus got destroyed. So everyone see's this dragon over a Teemo corpse and everyone spends at least a minute loling about it in the post game.

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That me feel when you have a 20+ kill game but your internet crashes and you miss the last 5 minutes of it and lose the match and the possible 30+ kill game Q~Q

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That feel when my team ends up being Jax (me), Shen, Alistar, Riven, and Ziggs.

And out of the four melee champs, not a SINGLE one has Ignite.

Watch out. There's a new meta on the rise.

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That feel when my team ends up being Jax (me), Shen, Alistar, Riven, and Ziggs.

And out of the four melee champs, not a SINGLE one has Ignite.

Watch out. There's a new meta on the rise.

I don't get what's so bad about not having ignite in casual play

Couldn't they have just done 4 man heal/teleport

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that feel when you've found the reaction for everyone that opposes amefish mid


also roo we dont talk about full-teleport teams here.

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That feel when I can't accept an invite to a game because I'm in another lobby (which I was just about to leave) and the others carry on without me.

I can not escape this funk

It is slowly consuming me...

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that feel when ame willingly picks Morgana when we have Kayle on our team already like you just dont do that come on

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that feel when ame willingly picks Morgana when we have Kayle on our team already like you just dont do that come on



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