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That LoL Feel When...


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That feel when Vayne being free would mean an awesome week for yours truly...if only Ashe wasn't free too. Well, it's time to reinstall and troll some Ahri noobs with Kassadin. :D

EDIT: Also there's Xin Zhao, Shyvana and Rammus...not bad

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That feel when get fed with Leblanc but you can't carry a team of feeding noobs because you're just an assassin and you have your limits

And that other feel when you're not going to be doing unranked solo-queueing because of the high skill caps on some of the free-week champs that many people would want to play

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That feel when wondering whether to start playing ranked with my girl Ashe, or continue perfecting my jungling.

That other feel when I have no will whatsoever to IP grind for Quinn. RP it is.

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^That and i'd also get use to playing supp also Cause all dem bronze people will force you to supp if you're literally not the person banning

And that feel when you're finishing off the nexus in TT but then a Blitz wants to be a bish and grab you into there base ._.

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The 500 win thing was what I told Blast, but I'd be interested in just testing the waters with a seeding game or two.

I've also made it a point to just start with maining champs that have a LolKing bam rate under 1% so I don't get screwed over crazy bans at champ select. This is what I'm maiming right now:

Top Lane:

- Lissandra - crowd control


- Nasus - my team needs a pusher

- Poppy - enemy is sorta squishy

- Teemo - counter tanks like Nautilus


- Zac - my team needs a tank


- Jax - underrated as heck in the jungle

- Master Yi - counter-jungling

- Nocturne - familiarity

Mid Lane:

- Twisted Fate - roaming, ganking fury

- Kayle - tons of hybrid damage

- Lux - probably my best APC

- Annie - Against enemies with little AoE

- Tristana - team has no gap closers or could use hybrid damage

Bottom Lane:

- Caitlyn - outrange enemies

- Ezreal - support uses CC over heal (Leona)

- Ashe - <3

- Sivir - casting ADC enemy (Ezreal), team needs a pusher

- Quinn - vs late-game carries like Vayne


- Nidalee - team needs a pusher

- Shen - team needs a tank or is experimenting

- Janna - distract the enemies with lack of clothes

- Lux - if ADC appreciates crowd control

- Teemo - Team needs source of AP damage

I pride myself on being a good ADC (not legendary just yet, but I'll get there in time), and I seem to be good at jungling. Solo top and support are two other things I seem to be competent with. I'm terrible with mid if I don't have someone with serious range; I get dusted in 1v1 games because of it (even though most of them are against Rinny who's a zillion times more seasoned than me anyhow).

When I finally get this game reinstalled, I will probably just play straight 1v1s so I can get used to someone with less range (like Ryze).

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That's because virtually everyone under Platinum bans those champions with little educated foundation, thus I avoid those champs anyhow. ('cept Shen and Amumu, I love initiating.) - I'm counting on coming across a few people every now and again choose to ban something that screws them over (ex. enemy bans TF because Mordekaiser).

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