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That LoL Feel When...


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My particular choices

Top Lane:
- Riven - No early sustain dueling and trade wins.

- Renekton - Shutting down the other top laner. Is super effective against Neo-InSec's.

- Rumble - Itemization trapping + Le Team Fights

- Volibear - What's that about not having a proper initiator?


- Vi - I'll let her fists do the talking.

- Xin Zhao - Or in his case, his tip. And the spear behind it.



- Jarvan IV - Standing a little too prod and being literally groundbreaking.

Mid Lane:

- Katarina - Carrying sub-plats since beta.

- Jayce - AD mid alternative, Dem Muramanas

- Orianna - CROWD. CONTROL.

- Kha'Zix - BALANCED.

- Karthus - 1. Run with TP 2.Soften the fight up 3. Die, if needed 4. Watch your team win the fight

Bottom Lane:

- Caitlyn - Constant headshot and autoattack harass, making Vaynes Cry.

- Graves - Never underestimate the outlaw.

- Draven - King of lane snowball

- Vayne - Whenever not against a burst comp.


- Lux - Burst combo, lategame discouragement rainbow of pain

- Leona - Queen of crowd control, requires an AD carry that knows what her f***ing passive is

- Thresh - Hook city's latest on the run for mayor. Requires an AD carry that doesn't think I'm the one who pulls him with the lantern.

- Sona - Buffing the entire team and all you're really doing is hitting buttons. Pling Pling Pling.

- Blitzcrank - If my team is enough of a douche to make me play him if he's not banned.

Quoting Shanco.


"- Teemo - Team needs source of AP damage"

mfw support Teemo


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Tfw support main, so I'll get my spot 95% of the time. Otherwise, I can jangle and top like fucking Stanley c:

jk, I wish I was Stanley, but I have gotten rather decent and jungling.

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That feel when in ranked an Ezreal decides to just stop trying after his support takes a kill, then 20mins into the game nobody is trying anymore and pretty much we're all feeding because the lux and ezreal won't even surrender so everybody just ends up reporting everyone #Bronzeleague

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DD, on gold, you can lose games as a 7/1/7 Lee Sin. 'Cause you know, you stepped on that Dr. Mundo, dropped a double kill with a jumpkick to Hecarim's face, Hadoken`d that Kog'Maw to next infinity, laid the smackdown on Thresh, got killed by Ahri, who got also the last two of my team, took down an inhibitor, and then happens the 4/1 Surrender vote.

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why is it always bot lane that feeds when it's feeders that lose me the game like never top never mid never jungle no it is always bot and usually mostly the adc like ok if you weren't prepared for some aggressive play and heavy focus you should've stayed the fuck out've the role everybody goes for first

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I guess you could say you've got a pretty major...

... disquinnection problem.

That feel when I tried Shen, Jayce, Elise and Rengar and none of them really went spectacularly to me- maybe I should try more but for now, still have to get some Zed in... Someone decide for me, I can't make decisions this major on my own

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gurlquesha ah am tellin' yu, ya ain't never gonna get the full effect of a champion if'n yer only playin' 'em once.

Judge not based on the result, but by how the style of their play suits you.

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That feel when you start doing horrible the last three games when playing with friends due to just the team overall being way better and the only game where you did good was because you had to go into super tryhard.

Girls just want to have fun, man. :(

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That feel when watching Phreak play ranked as Draven, Vayne gets first blood on him, and he then proceeds to feed.

He doesn't have to be good. But his stream gives me low expectations for people at his elo.

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That feel when massive winning streak after a very terrible losing streak, I think i'm finnaly figuring out the champs i'm good at

And that other feel when a fed Sion whos been terrorizing the team decides to tower dive the 200 hp support but I active my uber pro Janna skills and ult him into a wall while hes diving so the tower kills him and I get extra gold in my pocket <3

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#Doublepost But that very bad feel when laning against Cho'gath with Kennen and you're poke does absolutely nothing to him

And that other feel when you're able to kill him thanks to being able to stun every 5 seconds but he still gets fed from somehow farming a ridiculous amount when you barely ever saw him on the map

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That feel when you step up to jungle because everyone else is a cockmunch and locks in within 5 seconds. That feel when after you start jungling, you ask for a leash from the asshole of an Anivia who proceeds then to STEAL YOUR RED BUFF so you can't do enough damage to kill even the fucking wolves. That feel when you subsequently can't farm and are severely underleveled (lol 8 v 16). That feel when your entire team blames you for the loss despite the fact that they were all feeding anyway and frankly should not have to rely solely on you, a rookie jungler without runes, to win lane.

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That feel when you're support takes ignite in ranked and you already know you've lost that game

That other feel when ranked is such bullshit cause i'm losing 25 points when I lose and gaining 7 when I win, I just don't get it....

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That feel when you're support takes ignite in ranked and you already know you've lost that game

That other feel when ranked is such bullshit cause i'm losing 25 points when I lose and gaining 7 when I win, I just don't get it....

Supports tend to take ignite if the ADC takes barrier/cleanse. They'll especially take it if you have a teleport/flash or teleport/ghost top and an ADC with barrier/cleanse.

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why is it always bot lane that feeds when it's feeders that lose me the game like never top never mid never jungle no it is always bot and usually mostly the adc like ok if you weren't prepared for some aggressive play and heavy focus you should've stayed the fuck out've the role everybody goes for first

Unless you're a Tristana. Then you're playing farmville.

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