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That LoL Feel When...


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  On 9/12/2013 at 7:57 AM, Amethyst said:

Tfw promoted two divisions at once

(although I had a suspicion I would be)

love me ika <3


Well the division doesn't actually matter but good job making me move down a spot... I'll have to fix that.

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Daaammnn, two divisions at the same time!

I wish I had more time, I'd train to become the best Lulu EU (involving X-shape glitterlance to hit two people at once and stuff), and then start solo rank with Lulu only. Or maybe some stupid challenge like Leblanc/Lee Sin/Leona/Lissandra/Lucian/Lux/Lulu only.

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  On 9/13/2013 at 11:23 PM, Dark Desire said:

>locks in twitch

>last pick person autolocks in cait and games starts

>person asks why are there two adcs

>>cait:twitch is a support no?

why do i feel like i'm playing with people who just got 30

>Not making your role crystal clear for reasons just like this

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That feel when the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM is chasing you as Teemo through the jungle, their health slowly withers away from the shrooms, and they drop one by one.
This may cause me to have semi-sadistic fantasies.

EDIT: That's it. Teemo has served me far too well. It's time to get a skin.

That less sadistic but just as notable feel when Twitch is aggravating your team through /all chat, you find him alone in your jungle and you wipe him right off the face of the earth with your combo.

Don't screw with Lissandra, fool.

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  On 9/11/2013 at 6:19 PM, Nagisa said:

One of the big tips in gaining ELO: Set yourself a 2-loss-a-day-limit in ranked. Then just stick to norms til tomorrow. Losing streaks are often perpetuated by your own attitude/expectations because of the game you finished 5 minutes ago, and even if that isn't the case, you'll be fresh and ready to go tomorrow

-somebody who just fell back to silver 4 by playing 98472947823 ranked games in a row

I can relate this feel 100% on WoT. If loss equal x, where x is the number of losses in a row, then stop playing.

also, that feel when solotop renekton and have a killing spree by minute 14 in a match.

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XDARKUS13 joined the room.
IkaruKazuna joined the room.
TheNightmareCrnz joined the room.
PtiPotam joined the room.
iPhoe joined the room.
PtiPotam: mid
TheNightmareCrnz: adc
iPhoe: mid
XDARKUS13: ima adc
PtiPotam: jungl
iPhoe: top
PtiPotam: or mid
PtiPotam: ok mid
IkaruKazuna: I can fill
IkaruKazuna: doesn't matter to me
iPhoe: need a jung/supp
IkaruKazuna: can do either
PtiPotam: djadja
PtiPotam: vayne
TheNightmareCrnz: im going adc
TheNightmareCrnz: just let u know
IkaruKazuna: ...really?
XDARKUS13: im better than you
XDARKUS13: adc
XDARKUS13: -_-
XDARKUS13: report
XDARKUS13: this fuking noob
iPhoe: dodge pls
PtiPotam: reported
iPhoe: ty kazuna
XDARKUS13: -__________________-
iPhoe: <3

i can feel the gold rank slipping away



there it goes.

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If it isn't toxic players, smurfs, afking players, drunk players, or the generally bad. It's people who clearly speak English(because you saw them type it perfectly) yet cease to do that, and when I give them a confused "what?" they just ignore it.Needless to say, I'm getting a little annoyed about losing games because of bad teammates.

And I realize I'm by no means the best, or even a good player at all. But at least I don't attack a fully healthy champion near their fucking turret, or continue to fight 1v3, or 4. I also don't arrive late because of a bad connection and then start blaming our Vayne that we're losing because of her. I just summoned up the majority of all those defeats of mine. Granted, some were actually my fault.

I feel so bad for laughing every time one of our LoL players complained about solo queue. It's truly one of the 9 circles of hell.

On a good note: My Katarina is slightly improving... kinda.

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  On 9/13/2013 at 7:47 PM, Nagisa said:

LoL has really never had that bad of a community idk where that rumor sprung up from.

Every game's going to have it's assholes, but they're like 10% or less of the playerbase and half the time they're not consistently toxic game to game and then only half of the time they feel a need to be buttheads to begin with

they just stick out because they make an impression lol

still believe this despite my last post

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That feel where you can't get along with any Duo partner, because they decide to just bash on their teammates instead of improving themselves (and thinking I am a golden god of top lane when i am Bronze 2 and don't play much, so i clearly am not really that good)

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  On 9/21/2013 at 9:35 PM, Hukuna said:

That feel where you can't get along with any Duo partner, because they decide to just bash on their teammates instead of improving themselves (and thinking I am a golden god of top lane when i am Bronze 2 and don't play much, so i clearly am not really that good)

Let us fix this

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