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That LoL Feel When...


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That feel when you watch your school roof on fire.

wrong feel thread.

just hope you get placed in it ):

I kinda plan on playing 2 with the silver guys, then 3 with my gold friend. With any luck that should drop me in at the very least low silver.

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That feel when I am the only one on my team connected...

EDIT: That feel when Nashor's Tooth saves my ass once again, this time on Twisted Fate.

I should build it on every champion.


the heals

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the power of standing as far away as possible and hitting whoever you can!

remember kids focusing the other carries puts you in a compromising position in which you are far more likely to die

Granted, this was applying to playing ADC, but still is a general thing that disproves the misconception that you should always go for the other carry

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That feel when you use the same trick three times in lane, 2 v 2, and feed your ADC 5 kills (+1 on me) with no one dying on our side. You thought you could kill my Jinx? ult-polymorph- exhaust- double demon fang

And thus reached 11 wins out of 12 solo ranked, i wonder if i can hit plat before season 3 ends. =o Icing on the cake would be some stupid win ratio as well, i have to keep it up!

Edited by Soysauce
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League fans, we meant to patch this sooner but we've just been busy
No one's calling MIAs? Added pings for people missing
Look, we aren't perfect, but we're really willing to try
You say we should try harder, how about getting out of Bronze 5?
You see, there's a wealth of things you'll never understand
Not like we hate the fans, we're just not gonna sit around and hold your hands
Quite frankly, this major player base is toxic
It's shocking how many of you rookies will always try to talk shit
So, you're experiencing more lag than anyone else on your team
Stop bitching about our servers, and just get a new ISP
If 3/5 surrender, that's not nearly unanimous, we know it's not a perfect system, you don't always have to snap at us
The second we stop making champs like once or twice a month, you get all upset and take up arms for your fucking witch hunt
You know we're not the bad guys, we just gave you a free MOBA
But you cry on every forum and compare us to HoN and DotA?
Based on feedback, it seems like we're really failing you
You say your champs are overpowered? Better nerf Irelia
Quite frankly, you don't treat us with the respect you should
Your words do tons more damage than Phreak ever could
You say we're ruining League of Legends? Well, fuck you!
We're starting server maintenance, disabling ranked queues
As long as you play League, you'll always be our bitch
Now we suggest you shut the hell up, and disappear like Twitch

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