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That LoL Feel When...


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Darius most certainly does not beat Jayce- the only way that should be possible assuming equal skill is if it's a 2v2 with both junglers; Dyrus explained that when he picked him in the S2 championship and everyone raged at him for picking Darius against Jayce lol

they lost that game

I can accept the Yorick thing though

topic-fitting edit: That feel when Ame can't play and suddenly you have no interest in doing so yourself. jk

Really should get those last three placement matches out of the way...

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That feel when you will never play with Ikaru. ;_;

Also, if you stay out of Darius's range, since you outrange his grab. You should be able to fuck him up as Jayce. Unless they play super fucking aggressive.

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That feel when you play a single match and know you're not going to play another after how terrible it is and go directly to sleep.

"Tell me Anivia's hardest counter" he said.

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That feel when you're 9/2/2 as support Lulu. Moar wards. Light up that map!

And then the opponent team aggreed to surrender at 5 votes against 0! I wanted to keep up the absurdity T.T

Edited by Soysauce
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What's a revived forum without more LoL feels?


Now instead of what I'd like to say-
That feel when everyone else in the game is going back and forth insulting or mocking each other and then there's me like


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Tfw playing again.

Tfw my play style seems to be: build hydra, push push push (aka slaughter all the minions to level up and grab gold like no one's business), get killed once they all B because I've destroyed an inhibitor while they're all duking it out on mid, and use the D time to buy bloodthirster/sword of the divine. Oh, and jump in to kill magic users cuz they're oh so squishy.

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That feel when you play ranked and winning the match

THEN SUDDENLY, FIGHTING. The whole team falls apart and we lose.

fucking solo queue is the worst and it's really demotivational to play. Need someone to duo with so atleast I can have some sanity in there.

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Terrible quality is terrible but the fact that it worked is impressive enough I guess. That feel when:

Highlight of that night like real talk

pretty sure i went legendary by the end of the game too c:

EDIT: that related feel when I should probably be using LoLreplay for more than just re-watching big plays >>

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Terrible quality is terrible but the fact that it worked is impressive enough I guess. That feel when:

Highlight of that night like real talk

pretty sure i went legendary by the end of the game too c:

EDIT: that related feel when I should probably be using LoLreplay for more than just re-watching big plays >>

*Plays the Jaws theme in the background as Renekton snakes his way towards Ikaru's spot in the tall grass*

I must also mention that even Dennis Nedry knew not to mess with the raptor fences, Ikaru.

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When you close everything that runs on bandwidth while playing a ranked game and still slow ping.

When you play a normal and you're downloading a game while streaming music, rammus-fast ping. >:^(

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