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That LoL Feel When...


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tfw you like playing Fiora but then you remember Yi does everything she does better ):

Even as a Yi player and never having played a game with Fiora outside of ARAM, i would disagree with this. Fiora's got pretty awesome duelling capabilities, so I've heard, and she's got passive sustain and a AA block. Yi, however, hits Q,E,R and hopes like hell he doesn't get focused, he can't fight as well in a 1v2 because Meditate is not going to save him anymore.

Also have you seen Ikaru's jukes with Fiora? Yi ain't pullin' that off.

Speaking of Fiora, that feel when someone says her voice is terrible, then I go to listen to it...

That French accent...is so sexy...my god...

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her sustain is so minute it feels tacked on, it's really not "sustain", it's more just something that kinda trolls ignite. She has a decent pre-6, but Tryn is better post-6, and can be pre-6, depending on how lucky he is. She also is so slow in jungle, so you can't farm, and she doesn't have anything real to mention in ganks. She's simply outclassed in almost every way.

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her sustain is so minute it feels tacked on, it's really not "sustain", it's more just something that kinda trolls ignite. She has a decent pre-6, but Tryn is better post-6, and can be pre-6, depending on how lucky he is. She also is so slow in jungle, so you can't farm, and she doesn't have anything real to mention in ganks. She's simply outclassed in almost every way.

It's hardly minute, though I will admit it's not a huge heal, it wins trades. And it's free health if you combo and run out, that combo being E, Q+AA, Q+AA, which automatically bumps it to 4 stacks. And even not at four stacks it's still potentially infinite as long as you hit something once every 6 seconds. Not to mention Lifesteal should be the first thing you get in lane, almost unconditionally. As for Tryndamere, yeah, it's kind of hard to be better than five seconds of "haha you can't kill me RUN CARRY RUN AHAHAHAHAHAHASDGasnfdsagjk", and on top of that he hard counters her, so that's not really fair even despite her strong laning phase. I'll give you the jungle thing, though, as I've only tried it once and I never want to again.

And she's not necessarily outclassed; she works well as an AD top for an AoE comp, as well as this-


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The first thing I do on Fiora is just... stack lifesteal. Like it's really unfair how even if somehow you just barely manage to outrade her and she ults back to almost full health as if she wasn't already such a strong dueler. I miss Executioners callign havign 18% lifesteal for less than 2k... It was stupid how strong that made her early <<

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i like fiora as a character i really do

and ive seen ika make some 11/10 plays with her

but im 2scared to try her again because ive never played her out of the jungle and her jungling is sooo weak after the season three changes and just every experience ive had with her on SR has been terrible

maybe i try

maybe i think about trying but cry instead

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That feel when you activate Jax's counterstrike and survive a Karthus ult with 10 hp (counterstrike reduce all AoE damage by 25%)!

As Fiora... hmmm... maybe coordinate with one of your laner to 2 v 2 or 3 v 3, as her ult is extremely powerful in such skirmishes? She can snowball pretty hard, but her item choices are kinda limited. :/

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I can only think of one person I watched jungle with Fiora - Phreak. He's in diamond I so I watched one of his games where he was Fiora (he normally AD carries so I was like "wtf?") in the jungle (another "wtf?"). He made the first blood double kill look easy.

I'd be more inspired to play jungle Fiora if I actually owned her.

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Her jungle is incredibly weak because you can't really use W, despite the benefit to getting it (base AD), and E level one, while useful, isn't the best, because your AD is kinda low (for a single target jungler anyways). She doesn't really get better at level 2 either, not to mention that while she has a gap closer, the lane has to have CC to lockdown a kill in a gank. She's just too slow early and doesn't have enough early potential to gank, making her one of the weakest semi-viable junglers.

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That feel when i almost get another pentakill but can't be mad when I get screwed out of it, because it's Arcade Hecarim.

Besides, I owed him one for camping mid when I had to deal with a 1v2 (Olaf and Leblanc).

That edited in feel when Master Yi is the one getting dunked

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meanwhile starting ranked in silver 3 and you're like "hey silver 3 to gold 5 isn't too bad"

and you're waiting.


something will get in the way.

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That feel when rabid disconnection problems then a power outage, so as soon as the power comes back on you scramble to sign in

"You have left a game in progress. Please reconnect to the game."

Aight. I--

"That game is already over. Feel free to play a new game."



fuck yea.

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That feel when you win a bit too much as support lulu in normal games, then get matched with and against gold/plat/diam while having never done a solo ranked game....

Now i'm scared to play adc/jungle in normals as my aptitude in those roles are clearly inferior to gold level. T.T

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That feel when even through the crashes, Bug Splats, and freezes, I am determined make her work as a jungler when I get my good computer back from the repair shop.

Her ganks are awesome.

Her mid game is even better.

She can duel.

She can split push.

She will hunt you down.

She will find you.

And she will kill you.

She is relentless.

And she will make low-elo squishies weep.

EDIT: for those of you too lazy to lolking my match history, it's Quinn.

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