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That LoL Feel When...


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That feel when you, as Singed, misclick and flip Jarvan into your team instead of the AD Kennen that consequently gets a triple kill because you did the initiator's job for them ._.;

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That feel when both teams ace each other at the same time

"So... how is everyone... Let's get to know each other for the next minute or so before we go back to killing each other like we're supposed to."

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That feel when all your friends are playing.

You tell them to wait.

Their game is already 40 minutes long.

You decide to play a Bot game to kill time and get some free IP.

They win/lose inmediatly after.

They see you busy.

They start another hour-long game.

You expectate like a loner and shed man-tears.

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that feel when you lose bo5 promo series to gold

that feel when you win the 2 games after that in an angry draven rage to requalify

that feel when you don't want to play the new bo5 series 'cuz what happened in the first

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that feel when ezreal and lux bot lane

that feel when you flash in the middle of channelling fiddle's ult and die immediately

that feel when you're running away and step on a teemo shroom


that feel when you have someone call adc and pick teemo. HE ISN'T AN ADC STOP PICKING HIM


that feel when you solo queue and one of your teammates is gold+

that feel when the enemy picks vladimir

that feel when YOU'RE NASUS

that feel when the enemy team is either all AP or all AD and you're the tank

that feel when stealing dragon/baron

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tfw enemy team picks Nasus top after I already locked in Renekton top for our team

Counterpicking yourself is always fun to see. I dont really know what he expected to do top lane besides die

I've never lost to a renekton as nasus. But then again, I start out with 68 armor. derp

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that feel when you have someone pick teemo. STOP PICKING HIM


that feel when you know you need to pick a central role, and focus on that only, but you play everything decently so you can't do that ):

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that feel when you know you need to pick a central role, and focus on that only, but you play everything decently so you can't do that ):

Adding to this, it doesn't help that everyone I play with who isn't Ame or Kiozo (and I guess Inuki) doesn't have a specific role so they do whatever they want/feel like doing and I just fill in- but I guess that's not all bad. Everyone likes the guy who says "I'll fill" and lets Ame/Kiozo go mid/top whenever she/he wants, right?

That feel when I get an Honorable Opponent point...from a bot.


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Adding to this, it doesn't help that everyone I play with who isn't Ame or Kiozo (and I guess Inuki) doesn't have a specific role so they do whatever they want/feel like doing and I just fill in- but I guess that's not all bad. Everyone likes the guy who says "I'll fill" and lets Ame/Kiozo go mid/top whenever she/he wants, right?



not the foreveralone thing, but the whole central role thing.

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That feel when the enemy team is calling you a sadist for building a Morellonomicon on Teemo and they all utilize life steal heavily.

That feel when the next game someone remembers you and has their team focus you.

That feel when I ask why their focusing me, and I get "Yi: Because you counter me and I hate you for that last game."

That feel when Teemo is the best champ to play when you're out to ruin someone's day.

That feel when Monarch Kog'Maw<3

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That feel when I wanted a naming scheme for my rune pages since I have 6 now, and the old names were getting boring; decided on relevant Fire Emblem skills and I like them so much I wanted to buy more, even though I don't really need them...

Pierce for Armor Pen marks AD

Flare for general AP

Slayer for jungle

Celerity for movement speed AD

Luna for Diana (was going to be Smite for typical AP jungle but then I realized I only do that with Diana, and I know this isn't really relevant in the context of the skill's effect, sh)

Rally Strength for ... well, exactly what it says really- AD marks, ~+15 starting damage- otherwise typical AD

(^ i could probably do better than that for this one but idk someone help me out)

If I DID end up getting two more I'd probably make a tank and support page and call them Great Shield and Renewal c:

i have a problem.

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That special feel when:

That feel when going to a big LoL meet because I have the time. Bring it on, 30s, and fall before my late-game killing sprees.

That feel when I open the game with a killing spree. O_O me, of all people, against people who play ranked in Silver V and up...

EDIT: With Ashe, too.

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That feel when reliving (in both senses of the word) AP Mid Zilean, the Clockblocker.

Only swagger in existence who lives more than once

Also time bombing people and letting them run away until they die is glorious

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