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That LoL Feel When...


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If you think you may avoid Bronze, you may be in for a rude awakening. There were people in platinum last year that ended up in Bronze despite winning 5-8 of their placement matches. The Ranked Placement God does not want to play nice this year.

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Maybe they had horrid MMR, maybe not. Another case for the latter would be my brother however. He spent almost the entire offseason in high silver, then he won six of his placement matches and was placed in Bronze 2.

I really do not understand this system.

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people who don't know that riven isn't nerfed as hard as she seems

"riven is shit now because they dropped her scaling so much and she's just horrible don't play her"

((casually exits lobby))

I've been reported several times for playing Twitch.

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tfw you havent gotten a penta once


and you just cry to yourself

I know a lot of people who haven't. They're not as glammy as they seem. I mean Colin got two as Ez in one game I think? and it wasn't that big of a deal. I think it's more fun to get them than it is satisfying. At least as Katarina <<>>

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you're one of the two people who aren't completely feeding

pretty sure he just implied LeBlanc wasn't the issue for him and knowing LeBlanc that means he's talking about the rest of his team- you know, the super ABSOLUTELY USELESS squishy Teemo and Varus bot lane both of which had deaths in the double digits while the opposing LeBlanc and Jinx both had 14 kills, and as if that wasn't enough carry hate, their Udyr was also 8/5

Can't stand when people present a counter out of context and after the fact for the sake of telling someone what they should have done

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i'm scared to play shyvana because i haven;'t done bad with her recently BUT knowing this fact i'll probably end up feeding my next game with her ;w;

feels when people starts saying katarina and leblanc are ad carries and that i'm bad for considering them mid


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