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That LoL Feel When...


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tfw i actually know what wards are so i don't get counterjungled easily? and amumu can clear camps faster with the new item changes? and he does a shit ton of damage with just a scepter? and even if he gets behind he is still a godlike teamfight initiator? like srs guys if you want to not be invaded at level 1 tell your team what youre thinking and tell them to place 1 ward at the entrance to your red and the other at top side river brush. ezpz.

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It happens every time I am one game win away from series. Literally. I had 5 amazing games with nice people who listened to each other, etc. And then I get one game away from my series matches, and get a shit ton of toxic, feeding asswipes. It happened twice today. Win every game, then time to play the fateful game that brings me to 100 lp. First time, a heimer raged because he didn't get top, so he fed. And the team couldn't just ignore him either, no no, they had to let him know several times that he was an asshole. Second time, the first thing said in champ select was "imma feed", and when I said I was one win away from series I got a sarcastic "sorry". Oh, and the Lee Sin support that also fed helped too. I tried helping other lanes just as I did in previous games but it was so useless we just forfeited after they go an inhib. Get this, I pinged them to be careful once and the cait literally said "why are you pinging me for?" Ugh.


I know people complain about teammates in bronze but I had a smurf account that I got into bronze v on purpose to see if it were that hard to carry and honestly, it wasn't. I played Riven every game, every lane didn't care. Support riven? Sure. ADC riven? Why not. Top riven? of course. Mid Riven? Hell yeah. I went from Bronze V to Bronze I in a day skipping bronze IV and bronze II. Some notes to help you out

In bronze you have to play selfishly

YOU take the kills

YOU take the buffs

YOU prioritize your build before everyone elses

you wanna carry? then play carry champs like riven or jinx or jax or vi or kass or nasus (then again most people in bronze don't know how to play susan)

objectives over kills etc etc

bronze was easy, i was able to 4v1 a lane when they sent 2 top because i had 12 kills in 10 minutes.

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I know people complain about teammates in bronze but I had a smurf account that I got into bronze v on purpose to see if it were that hard to carry and honestly, it wasn't. I played Riven every game, every lane didn't care. Support riven? Sure. ADC riven? why not. Top riven? of course. Mid Riven? Hell yeah. I went from Bronze V to Bronze I in a day skipping bronze IV and bronze II. Some notes to help you out

In bronze you have to play selfishly

YOU take the kills

YOU take the buffs

YOU prioritize your build before everyone elses

you wanna carry? then play carry champs like riven or jinx or jax or vi or kass or nasus (then again most people in bronze don't know how to play susan)

objectives over kills etc etc

bronze was easy, i was able to 4v1 a lane when they sent 2 top because i had 12 kills in 10 minutes.

And this is why I don't like jungling/supporting in ranked.

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That feel when you're really close to series. I might actually get out of Bronze 5 this time. PLEASE BASED LOL GODS!!! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!! I BEG OF YOU!! ;~;

Edit: And the LoL Gods say fuck you, have some toxic teammates. Lose some lp motherfucker. I hate this god damn game so much sometimes.

And THIS, folks is the real reason I stopped playing LoL. At least with WoT, I only have to deal with these idiots for on average 4-7 minutes depending how quickly they die, and they have an in-game option to completely block communications with said idiots. Something I can't do in LoL.

Solo queue is only a measurement of individual skill and used to improve your own ability and should be played selfishly as said above because if you seriously want to win you will carry yourself and then as a result your team. You are the only one whose ability you are completely sure of initially, and your team may not be on board with working together as one; because of that it isn't so much about winning every game- though that should also be a goal- but more about getting better as a player on your own.

Ranked teams is where the competitive aspect comes in because ultimately the game is a team game, you have no toxic teammates to worry about (if you do that's your own fault), and you should already (ideally) be playing perfectly as opposed to "okay this game I can't count on my team whatsoever so I'm gonna go for 32432984 farm at 10 minutes and have 0 deaths and if that happens, you know, it's a personal victory"

tl;dr the whole "toxic teammates" thing is irrelevant to the competitive side of LoL and should not be your excuse for not playing or hating the game

and 99 times out of 100 you'll only see them once until you're in Challenger or Diamond # in a division alone with Xpecial

tfw i actually know what wards are so i don't get counterjungled easily? and amumu can clear camps faster with the new item changes? and he does a shit ton of damage with just a scepter? and even if he gets behind he is still a godlike teamfight initiator? like srs guys if you want to not be invaded at level 1 tell your team what youre thinking and tell them to place 1 ward at the entrance to your red and the other at top side river brush. ezpz.

Your tone is ruining your credibility? I'm not very inclined to listen to someone who's talking to me like I'm 12? I don't expect anyone else thinks otherwise?

In any case, anyone can form ideal scenarios to back up their own arguments.

Sure he can be a godlike teamfight initiator so long as he's level 6 but if he doesn't have the build to exist after starting said fight he'll still get dunked, not to mention if somehow your whole team ends up behind your initiation is even more worthless

Sure you can tell your team to ward your red but what if they come for your blue while you're there? or you get caught with half/no health or you see someone in your ward and can't fight them directly, do you intentionally slow down and/or give up the buff? "but my team can come help me!" maybe so but generally when one plans to invade the enemy jungle their team is probably ready to jump on you just the same

they could try to avoid teamfights altogether if you're that far ahead since fighting would be suicide anyway

every game will not go the same way as the last and as such your plan will not always work and your "this champ is freaking OP" mentality will only get you so far- especially if he ends up banned. There's too many variables in the game to reliably assume all of the above is neither true nor false.

EDIT: then again, the entirety of my experience playing with you (that I can remember) was insta-lock first pick jungle nasus so I would hope you know about anti-counterjungling measures.

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@ikaru, yea i know ive sounded like a giant douche lately but i think it might be because i only check here after a couple games and usually those games contain feeders. and idk i was just really pissed when i posted that.

anyway, i do have a lot of experience with "weak" junglers and id say that im very comfortable in jungling and reading what my opposing jungler might do. ofc, low elo junglers are not known for being aggressive counterjunglers and i usually can get around my "weak" picks by making sure i have enough room to function in my own jungle. one way to do this is an early pink ward at bottom-side middle river brush. it adds dragon control and lets you see if the enemy jungler is coming to steal blue. ofc what's stopping them from taking it out but usually most people just walk by pinks and dont even bother clearing them for some odd reason. and as amumu, his clearing speed after his initial clear is looked over by most. after spiritstone and boots, he clears stupidly fast and can easily counterjungle because of this. and also, the only reason i even said amumu was op was because i had never given him a chance before and im just now seeing how good he is in the jungle, especially after the jungle item changes making his blue-reliance a non-issue.

((i also play a lot of other junglers and stuff

((also i find it easier to carry from the jungle than at any other role, but ive been trying to get better at other things so i havent been playing it recently))))

((and dont try to put this post into any logical order because im posting it after 72 hours with no sleep zzzz))

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A build bonepicking, Zac doesn't really need Rylai's because his kit is already overloaded with CC and he's got a slow in his Stretching Strike. Liandry's Torment is way better because %health damage + Magic Penetration = OP as balls. Spirit Visage is also a godly item on him.

But I spectated that game for a bit cause couldn't sleep, I don't think that was bad jungling...

That feel when Riot really needs to release Heartseeker Ashe already.

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