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I laughed so hard at this. I get so paranoid when I see a Heimerdinger, especially when it's my team he's being picked on. It seems that almost everyone that picks that champion is either a troll, toxic, or just generally bad. Odds are he flamed his team for a gank until they gave in and ended up feeding you more. lol. I wonder how many bricks his team shit out when you went beast mode?

um excuse you

I am a good dunger

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I laughed so hard at this. I get so paranoid when I see a Heimerdinger, especially when it's my team he's being picked on. It seems that almost everyone that picks that champion is either a troll, toxic, or just generally bad. Odds are he flamed his team for a gank until they gave in and ended up feeding you more. lol. I wonder how many bricks his team shit out when you went beast mode?

haha it was I that actually shit my pants. I saw Vi and I was like 'k its a gank'

then i saw thresh and was like 'okay its fine, no mia but its fine'

then i saw vayne and was like 'okay...i already initiated'

then i saw garen and was like 'oh god please no'

this all happened in the course of like 2 seconds.

I ulted the donger, luckily i had a botrk, lw, bc and boots because i was so absurdly fed and since i'm actually pretty good with zed i used my shadows to their full potential and walked out alive with four kills.

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Teemo can only try to carry so hard, man. 21 fucking kills and nearly 800 AP

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Teemo is not a champ you can carry as, especially in higher elo play. Unless you plan on split pushing all game, in which case, shen, zed, nasus, almost every adc/jungler does better than you. Teemo is an extremely selfish pick because he fits almost no team comps. His kit makes him very much like nidalee, a solo champion. He brings nothing to a teamfight unless you meticulously place your shrooms and force the enemy team to fight on them, which will almost never happen in higher levels of play (where i'm used to playing). Teemo isn't a well liked pick because most of the time, team that has the teemo ends up losing the game due to teamfights being a 4v5 this isn't a solo game, its a team game. that being said, congrats on being good with teemo, more power to you, my friend has an account where he only plays teemo and is trying to get it to gold. But you can't solo carry with teemo.

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Unfortunately you can spell Teemo without team #Phreak? While he can provide good map control and scale well into late game, he offers pretty much nothing to a team fight specifically. As for split pushing, while he is a lane bully who excels in 1v1 situations for certain match ups early game, he is incredibly easy to gank pre 6 which can shut him down mid to late game. I don't understand the correlation between Nidalee and Teemo though; feel free to elaborate on that if you want.

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You should tell that to Mc Chicken Wings, a EUW player who made it to Diamond I playing exclusively Teemo.

Yeah that's nice and all, but thats one example. You can't make an entire argument around one example while I have multiple backing my viewpoint. Teemo isn't a good pick in higher levels of play. There's a reason he isn't played often in higher elo's where the game is more about the team than it is solo play. I know I mention high elo a lot but that's what I play in so that's what i'm used to.

Unfortunately you can spell Teemo without team #Phreak? While he can provide good map control and scale well into late game, he offers pretty much nothing to a team fight specifically. As for split pushing, while he is a lane bully who excels in 1v1 situations for certain match ups early game, he is incredibly easy to gank pre 6 which can shut him down mid to late game. I don't understand the correlation between Nidalee and Teemo though; feel free to elaborate on that if you want.

Nidalee is just one of those champs that is extremely toxic to the game. Nidalee requires no skill whatsoever, as long as stack AP and throw q's in the general direction of the enemy team, one of those spears by sheer chance that you've chucked will hit someone and by stacking ap it will deal loads of damage. Nidalee is a solo champion for the reason that she requires a lot from her team. She needs sustain she needs to kills from the carry or from other people in order to do well. Most champions don't need to do that to excel into late game. Nidalee does. Its not so much Teemo and nidalee are the same. I'm just saying nidalee is a solo champion in a game that is a team game.

While her kit provides decent vision, her kit doesn't offer much in the heart of a teamfight.

My main problem with nidalee is the toxicity of her spears. No i'm not some player that thinks she needs to be removed, I just really dislike her as a champion. The damage on her q's is stupid high and, as I said before, you don't need to be good to spam q because by sheer probability one will hit and do massive damage. Unless you're building tank bruiser nidalee which is what I AM afraid of.

Edited by WanderoftheColossus
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Quite frankly, I agree that Nidalee is not a particularly effective team champion (which I severely lament, because I think she's one of the funnest champions to play)-- but I'm not sure how she can reasonably be called either no-skill or inherently toxic.

A good opposing team is probably going to try and avoid scenarios where they're standing around getting poked out. Hard, quick engage is the answer to poke, so in that sense, the good Nidalee has to aim well and hit spears quickly before the team fight breaks loose. She depends on roaming fast early to snowball other lanes and split-pushing in the late game. She isn't a typical go-in-and-knock-out-the-enemy-team-5-v-5 champion but that doesn't mean she's toxic or no-skill, it just means she has a different playstyle, albeit perhaps less effective.

I typically won't pick Nidalee though, unless we have a really strong late-game carry like Vayne/Yi/Tryndamere who needs their team to pull through mid game, and whom I can later boost up with the a-speed buff and soften targets up for them.

On a different note, I haven't thought very highly in the past of AD Nidalee, but you imply that's stronger? What do you think a good build for her that way is?

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Quite frankly, I agree that Nidalee is not a particularly effective team champion (which I severely lament, because I think she's one of the funnest champions to play)-- but I'm not sure how she can reasonably be called either no-skill or inherently toxic.

A good opposing team is probably going to try and avoid scenarios where they're standing around getting poked out. Hard, quick engage is the answer to poke, so in that sense, the good Nidalee has to aim well and hit spears quickly before the team fight breaks loose. She depends on roaming fast early to snowball other lanes and split-pushing in the late game. She isn't a typical go-in-and-knock-out-the-enemy-team-5-v-5 champion but that doesn't mean she's toxic or no-skill, it just means she has a different playstyle, albeit perhaps less effective.

I typically won't pick Nidalee though, unless we have a really strong late-game carry like Vayne/Yi/Tryndamere who needs their team to pull through mid game, and whom I can later boost up with the a-speed buff and soften targets up for them.

On a different note, I haven't thought very highly in the past of AD Nidalee, but you imply that's stronger? What do you think a good build for her that way is?

Only good for poke and healing. Maybe baiting if skilled enough.

But doesn't offer actual effective team play.

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Quite frankly, I agree that Nidalee is not a particularly effective team champion (which I severely lament, because I think she's one of the funnest champions to play)-- but I'm not sure how she can reasonably be called either no-skill or inherently toxic.

A good opposing team is probably going to try and avoid scenarios where they're standing around getting poked out. Hard, quick engage is the answer to poke, so in that sense, the good Nidalee has to aim well and hit spears quickly before the team fight breaks loose. She depends on roaming fast early to snowball other lanes and split-pushing in the late game. She isn't a typical go-in-and-knock-out-the-enemy-team-5-v-5 champion but that doesn't mean she's toxic or no-skill, it just means she has a different playstyle, albeit perhaps less effective.

I typically won't pick Nidalee though, unless we have a really strong late-game carry like Vayne/Yi/Tryndamere who needs their team to pull through mid game, and whom I can later boost up with the a-speed buff and soften targets up for them.

On a different note, I haven't thought very highly in the past of AD Nidalee, but you imply that's stronger? What do you think a good build for her that way is?

Tank bruiser nidalee consists of tank items like frozen heart and spirit visage randuins too along with items like a trinity force and black cleaver. Your durability increases and you mainly stay in your cougar form. Cougar form deals more damage the lower they are, the damage and attack speed from black cleaver and triforce really stack while the ap from sheen + spirit visage actually does heal you a decent amount. AD Bruiser nidalee scares the shit out of me because you forget that you're playing against it and underestimate her damage output along with her heals and strength as a tank. Its a great counter to most top laners actually.

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I'm absolutely sick of being called a toxic player whenever I pick a champ like Trynd or Darius because "omg noob don't pick requires no skill report"

I'm using what's there in the damn game, quit giving a shit.

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You're more resilient than I am. I've been playing other supports with more obvious impacts on the game (like Nami) as opposed to muh bb Sona lately just so adc senpai will notice me ;-;

EDIT: to preempt everyone who thinks I'm complaining that support is boring or something I'll direct you to an earlier text wall (that I don't think anyone read) I wrote about the role

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I'm absolutely sick of being called a toxic player whenever I pick a champ like Trynd or Darius because "omg noob don't pick requires no skill report"

I'm using what's there in the damn game, quit giving a shit.

Whenever someone gives me shit for playing either i'm just like 'yeah, they don't require any skill. Just auto attacks' try that next time. it throws them for a loop. Also i'm assuming its the enemy thats doing this. If I were you i'd see that as a good thing because it means you're pissing them off because youre kicking their ass.

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I've kind of tuned people out in that regard since I was told that LeBlanc "is zero skill" and is a "point and click winner". Might have been trolling but still not worth lending an ear nonetheless.

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