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That LoL Feel When...


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I went into a teambuilder as ziggs

the whole team was setup

and then our duobot afked from the get go so it was a 3v5

but me, irelia and evelynn lasted for a whole hour bombarding and killing stuff from our base before they finally killed us all of

like srs for a while it was a huge snipe battle and cool as fuck and then we tried being yolo cuz nothing worked and then another 20 minutes passed

everyone was cool as fuck and happy

except our afk botlane fuck them

it was fun even tho we lost

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lol feel when played a veigar game;

kick ass for like 5 mins against malz

top dies and enemy bot takes two towers and double godlike by 15 mins

then I die a bunch because bot decided to gank mid and no indication was given because team didn't know how to map vision

I then spend the next fucking 50 mins destroying their lives by getting ridiculously fed as much as i can

but my teammates were still being derps and i got malz ulted and aced and then we lost because no matter how much i killed stuff we didnt have time to push or anything since we were so far behind in gold and needed to recover

so it was kinda futile but i tried and i killed stuff and that was okay

went 21/9 and then we lost because nidalee is a jerk and so is malz

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>tfw gold 3 promos, first match has a script abusing Malphite dodging every skillshot and executing DFG bursts in a millisecond, yet still kick his sorry fucking ass

>second match midlane got occupied by a wannabe faker playing yasuo who goes 0/12 against Swain, feeding both him and their Nocturne

Like, I managed to beat a fucking renekton in lane by playing safe as Nasus, why is it so hard for others to do the same

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Like, I managed to beat a fucking renekton in lane by playing safe as Nasus, why is it so hard for others to do the same

Because everyone and their moms say Renekton is a bitch to lane against, which is true in most cases, but can be made much more painless in pretty simple ways, like paying attention to his fury bar. But as a Renekton player, most of my opponents seem to forget about it. (And in the case of low-elo, they forget about Renekton's long cooldowns.)

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Because everyone and their moms say Renekton is a bitch to lane against, which is true in most cases, but can be made much more painless in pretty simple ways, like paying attention to his fury bar. But as a Renekton player, most of my opponents seem to forget about it. (And in the case of low-elo, they forget about Renekton's long cooldowns.)

Nasus can't outtrade a full AD renekton ever. This was a gold match, too. He froze my lane effectively and I was down in 50 CS or so. He wouldn't ever use his abilities except to harass me.

Got promoted to gold 3 just now anyway. 16/5 shaco carry :^)

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Nasus can't outtrade a full AD renekton ever. This was a gold match, too. He froze my lane effectively and I was down in 50 CS or so. He wouldn't ever use his abilities except to harass me.

Got promoted to gold 3 just now anyway. 16/5 shaco carry :^)

Either way, good job on promos man. I wish I can play, but given my situation here ;-;

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