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That LoL Feel When...


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That feel when Yasuo is really bad now due to skillcap/no early game/focused like fuck/lowelo shitter.

I ban him still because everyone is terrible on him and should not be played. Zed best mid lane huehuehuehue

That feel when jungle pool has grown to 5 now for ranked team.

Lee Sin, J4, Rengar, Kha, and Hecarim.

I want to learn Elise but Elise is 2hard5me.

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  • 5 weeks later...

tfw Yasuo is on free week and everyone and their mother decides to try him out on pvp because "he's so hard to master"



tfw enemy katarina, vel'koz and miss fortune do their ult simultaneously in a team fight

> gg katarina, congratz for the penta

tfw you destroy pretty much every turret on mid and top lanes and yet your team says you did nothing because you didn't do so good in team fights

> League of Legends isn't a game about who can score the most kills; it's about defending your base whilst advancing into the enemy base

tfw shyvana is so fucking fun to use but you suck with her ;_;

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That feel when a guy starts blaming you for picking anivia support.

That feel when the same guy sees you failing, then continues to call you noob based on the fact that you are unranked, even tho you dont even have enough champs to play ranked matches.

That feel when you, at the end of the match, complain that your teammates didnt say a word, and they reply they were on skype.

That feel when you lag and nobody believes you T_T

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That feel when you want to get back into LoL... But you rather play other things atm...

Tfw you remember having almost enough ip for any champ of my choice... But don't know who...

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That feel when you want to get back into LoL... But you rather play other things atm...

Tfw you remember having almost enough ip for any champ of my choice... But don't know who...

I think you'd get a kick out of playing Darius.

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Only YouTube/twitch person I ever played with was Shofu's friend Zef... He was an ass. I would love to log onto For Glory, GGxrd, MKX, or SFV and fight MaximillianDood. That guy is Senpai for me in some ways XD

Tfw I see El Tigre Braum. They did not just make a skin for a champ I like inspired by one of my all time favorite video game characters... When's the splash art!?!

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