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TFW you Bulwark the enemy Veigar's ult

(Galio is pretty perfect as a Veigar counter, actually...)

Galio is a pretty decent threat to Veigar, but he doesn't have as much offensive pressure as some of his other counters so Veigar's likely to still be able to farm, though he won't be netting any kills early on.

I'd say Veigar's worst matchup is against Syndra, just because she has all the CC, range and poke she needs to fight him early on and COMPLETELY deny him from getting any farm of sorts, since the second you passively step in she's poking you with spheres left and right. Other bad matchups for Veigar would be Zed and Orianna, IMO; essentially champs that have both the poke and the range (or slight durability in Zed's case) needed to push him out. I'd argue Zed is less potent as a counter, however, because Veigar can build around him if he rushes tear for the mana and then goes for Zhonya's, and smarter players will probably be able to avoid his Qs more easily, since they're more telepathed and have a smaller radius than Syndra's or Orianna's Q.

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^ Congratz man!

I bet Yasuo was QQ-ing about his champion being so hard to master, they always make that excuse. '-'

But quite frankly, i don't think Yasuo really that difficult, he's really intuitive and really well rounded so all you have to do is play a few times like any other champ to get the hang with him; He isn't Azir level hard, i'd say he's a pretty average skill cap champion.

> tfw Yasuo players whine all the time about how their champ is hard to play

Edited by Telos
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  • 2 weeks later...

tfw they have full build and they taking farm


I hate this so much. But what's worse: TFW when they have full build and keep taking all the kills

It all depends on the situation, especially for farm taking. Jungle camps? Nope. No reason to take them unless you're a jungler who's full build. Lanes? Fine by me. If they push faster, by all means, let them push. Kills? If they're in a 1v1, would you rather they do nothing while they wait for you to come over and get the kill? Or do they secure the kill quickly which gives them time to go take objectives? Same with teamfights. Every second a full-build member waits to kill off a champ, that's another second that that champ gets to retreat safely. It all needs to be taken into perspective.

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It all depends on the situation, especially for farm taking. Jungle camps? Nope. No reason to take them unless you're a jungler who's full build. Lanes? Fine by me. If they push faster, by all means, let them push. Kills? If they're in a 1v1, would you rather they do nothing while they wait for you to come over and get the kill? Or do they secure the kill quickly which gives them time to go take objectives? Same with teamfights. Every second a full-build member waits to kill off a champ, that's another second that that champ gets to retreat safely. It all needs to be taken into perspective.

when i'm behind and need some farm to get some items, i'd rly appreciate if he didn't walk into the lane im farming and blow all his skills to take them.

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TFW when you're duo top and your partner takes all the CS before proceeding to feed ono (Apparently ranged characters take slightly longer to CS than melee ones, go figure)

Oh and of course they still end up with the most kills on your team >_>

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That feeling when you haven't been on League for 2 fucking months because Rito won't fix an annoying bug where Mac users can't even update their fucking client because as soon as I open League it immediately closes...

Edited by Taska0G0
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